Publication scheme

A publication scheme is a guide that describes the information a public authority publishes or intends to publish. The intention of the scheme is to ensure that a significant amount of information is easily and routinely available.

In 2013 the Information Commissioner's Office published an updated 'model publication scheme' and 'definition document for universities and other higher education institutions'.

These documents set out the types of information universities are expected to publish. We have adopted this model publication scheme and are committed to publishing the information it describes, as guided by the definition document and the terms of the Act itself.

Information Covered by the Publication Scheme

This publication scheme is intended to provide a guide to the information that we publish, and should not be considered a definitive list of information available. To access the information available via the publication scheme, simply select each class of information following links to resources where available. If the resources are not available online please contact us at [email protected].

The classes of information covered by the Scheme are set out below. They will not usually include;

  • Information the disclosure of which is prevented by law, or exempt under the Freedom of Information Act, or is otherwise considered to be protected from disclosure.
  • Information in draft form.
  • Information that is no longer readily available as it is contained in files that have been archived or is difficult to access for similar reasons.

The majority of the information in the Scheme is available via a web link or on request, either electronically or as a paper document, using the email [email protected].

The information listed in the Scheme is available free of charge unless otherwise stated.  Multiple copies may be charged for depending on volume. Any charges will be notified to the requester prior to the information being provided. 

The classes of information in our Scheme are as follows. Please use the links below to access the Scheme.

Information Not Covered by the Publication Scheme

Any information not included in this scheme may still be accessible under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or other legislation. Please contact the Information Compliance team at [email protected]

Copyright Statement

Copyright over all the information listed within the publication scheme is owned by Anglia Ruskin University unless stated otherwise.


The Model Publication Scheme we have adopted allows us to levy charges for the provision of information in order to recover our costs.

All online information available through our websites is provided free of charge.

We aim to utilise our websites as the main means of making information available, however we do not disadvantage those without internet access from being able to access our information. If you would like to receive our publications in hard-copy we can provide this through standard post services by contacting [email protected]. Usually this is free of charge, but where large requests may result in costs of over £10 we reserve the facility to make a charge to cover such costs.

Where items are routinely published in hard-copy as priced publications, we will advise of any routine cost on the item description above.

We welcome comments on the extent and usability of our Scheme. Please direct these to [email protected].

Information relating to the organisation, structures, location and contacts of ARU.





Our Legal Framework

The corporate status of some Higher Education ‘corporations’ will be conferred by the relevant statues, in particular the Education Reform Act of 1988 and the Further and Higher Education Act 1992.

Anglia Ruskin University’s legal status has been conferred by way of Instruments and Articles of Government.

ARU Foundation is an exempt charity established as a mechanism to distribute bequests and donations made to our University



How our institution is organised

General information about ARU governance and leadership is on our governance web pages and is also set out in our Annual Report & Accounts

Information regarding Senate, Boards and Committees can be found in our Constitution.

Information about our Board of Governors, and its meeting records are available online, including the meeting records of the following sub-committees: Audit & Compliance Committee, Estates Committee, Finance, Employment & General Purposes Committee, Nominations Committee, Remuneration Committee and Student Matters Committee

Board of Governors Organisational Structure

Corporate Management Team structure

Details of Faculties, their structure, and their key Academic personnel are available here:

Organisation Chart including names of Deans and Directors


Location and contact details

Information about our Campuses at Chelmsford, Cambridge, ARU Peterborough and ARU London is available on our campus pages.

Information about our Partner colleges is available from our

partnerships page


Lists of information

A list of our Subsidiary companies can be found online and within the financial statements.

Lists of our Partner Colleges are available from our partnerships page.


Student activities

General information on student life and support opportunities is in our student life pages.

Information about ARU Student’s Union is available online


This section covers information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit. Information that may damage our commercial interests is excluded from the publication scheme.





Information on the sources of funding and income, such as Funding Council grants, tuition fees, rents and investment income can be found within the Annual Report & Accounts


Financial statements, budgets and variance reports

Budgetary and account information is contained within the Annual Report & Accounts


Financial audit reports

The financial audit reports are available within the Annual Report & Accounts.


Capital Programme

Information about capital expenditure is available within the Annual Report & Accounts.


Financial regulations and procedures

See our Financial Regulations document


Staff allowances and expenses

See our Travel and Expenses Policy 

See details of our Mileage and Subsistence rates

See the Vice Chancellor's Group expenses


Staff pay and grading structures

Our current Pay Scales are here:

See also the Annual Statement made by the Remuneration Committee


Procurement and tender procedures and reports

See our Responsible Procurement Policy 

View general information regarding our procurement activities, including how to register for procurement opportunities, details of our standard terms and our approach to sustainable, social and responsible procurement.

Details of contracts over £139,893 (not including VAT) are published byTenders Electronic Daily.


Information on strategies, plans, performance, audits, inspections and reviews.





Annual report

See our Annual Report & Accounts


Corporate and business plans

Information about our strategic approach is available on our Strategy and Leadership pages.


Teaching and learning strategy

See our Education Strategy it is supplemented by additional strategies and publications available from Anglia Learning and Teaching


Academic quality and standards

Anglia Learning and Teaching provides links to various documents which explain how we continue to deliver an efficient and quality curriculum.

These include our Academic Regulations


Privacy impact assessment

Our approach to Data Protection compliance is explained on data protection pages, and in our Privacy Policy.


External and internal audit; review information

View Audit Reports by the Quality Assurance Agency.

See information relating to the Research Excellence Framework (REF).


Corporate relations

The Business and Employment section of our website provides details of our engagement with the business community

Our Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement and Responsible Procurement Policy illustrate our ethical approach in engaging with partners and suppliers

See information about our engagement activities with schools and colleges


Government and regulatory reports

Audit Reports by the Quality Assurance Agency.

The Office for Students The Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework - TEF Report for the University.


Compliance with duties under the Equality Act 2010

We're committed to valuing diversity and promoting equality. Our compliance measures, ethos and approach is detailed in the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion section of our website.





Minutes from governing body, Council, Senate, academic boards and steering groups

Minutes of the Board of Governors and its Sub-Committees are available online


Education Committee minutes

Minutes of the Education Committee are available on request


Minutes of staff/student consultation meetings

Minutes of the Student Experience Committee are available on request

Minutes of the Student Matters Committee are available on request


Appointment committees and procedures

Minutes of the Senate are available on request

The regulations relating to the Constitution of the Panel and Guidance on Making and Application regarding Professorships and Readerships are available on request





Policies and procedures for conducting University business

Our key Policies, Procedures and Regulations are available online

Procedures for handling statutory requests for under the Freedom of Information Act and the Environmental Information Regulations, and under the Data Protection Act (including GDPR) are published online

Admissions complaints and appeals are online

Information about student complaints can be found on our website


Procedures and policies relating to academic services

Academic Regulations

Research Degree Regulations

Access to the following resources is via our Student regulations page:

  • Academic Regulations,
  • Rules, Regulations and Procedures for Students
  • Research Degrees Regulations
  • Student Charter
  • Student Protection Plan
  • Student Refunds and Compensation Policy

Further details of the range of Student services available and how to access them are available online

Information for Applicants is available online

Information for Applicants from outside the UK is available online

Our Subcontracting Statement as part of our Degree Apprenticeships offering is online

Information regarding accommodation is online


Procedures and policies relating to human resources

Staff Handbook

The following are key staff policies:


Pay policy statements

See above (2.7)


Procedures and policies relating to recruitment

See the Working Here pages of our website


Code of conduct for members of governing bodies

Our Governor’s Terms of Reference contains information about Governors’ expected standards of conduct.

The University has adopted the Committee of University Chairs (CUC) Code of Governance


Equality and diversity

See our Valuing Diversity and Promoting Equality statement

See our provisions for Students  

See our provisions for staff.


Health and safety

Health & Safety Policy

Health & Safety guidance for Students

Safeguarding Policy

Freedom of Speech and Prevent information


Estate management

Content relating to Sustainability is available online including our Sustainability Policy, and Strategy. These contain details of our management of Energy, Water, Waste, Travel, Biodiversity, Purchasing, Education for sustainability, Buildings, Climate resilience and Engagement

Residential Rooms Allocation Policy

Support and provisions for Students with disabilities or medical conditions in accommodation

The University’s eligible Student accommodation properties are signed up to the Student Accommodation Code

Campus Development plans


Complaints Policy

General information about feedback and student complaints 

The Rules, Regulations and Procedures for Students contain details on the Student Complaints procedures

Higher Education Corporation Degree Apprenticeships Employer Complaints Procedure

Information about Admissions complaints and appeals

Details about complaints regarding the handling of requests for information made under the Freedom of Information Act (2000) and the Environmental Information Regulations (2004)

Details about complaints regarding our processing of Personal Data


Records management and personal data policies

Data Protection Policy

IT Security Policy

E-Communications Policy

Lecture Recording Policy

Records Retention Policy and Records Retention Schedule 

Privacy Policy


Fire plans

Information relating to Fire Safety and Egress Plans are available on request


Research policy and strategy

General information about our Research activities

Public Statement on Research Integrity

Research Ethics information

Data Protection Research Ethics guidance

Information about the Research Excellence Framework

Code of Practice on Decision Making Processes in the Preparation of Submissions to the Research Excellence Framework 2021


Publicly funded research outputs and data

Information about our major research highlights 


Charging regimes and policies

Our Online Payment portal includes payment terms and conditions

Charging for Information Policy





Any information that we are legally required to hold in publicly available registers

The OfS Register is a statutory register of English Higher Education providers officially registered by the Office for Students and a single, authoritative reference about a provider’s regulatory status

ARU’s entry on the Information Commissioner’s Office’s (ICO) Register of Fee Payers


Asset registers

Please visit the University Library for information about library resources


Information Asset Register

For information about our Information Asset Register or Record of Processing Activity please contact us at [email protected]



We operate CCTV surveillance cameras at each of our campuses at Cambridge, Chelmsford and Peterborough. Further details are available on our Data Protection information pages.


Access to ARU Information

See our Access to Information pages





Please see our prospectus request page


Course content

Details of course content are provided against entries for each course accessible through the search facility


Course fees

Details of course fees are provided against entries for each course accessible through the search facility


Funding, such as grants and bursaries

Please see our student finance resources


Welfare and counselling

Information about our Counselling & Wellbeing Service and how to access those services


Health including Medical services

See information about our on-campus Health Services:


Information about the support available to disabled students



Details about our Employability Service and how to access the Service

Many of our undergraduate degree courses offer a placement year. Placements provide the chance to gain work experience, make industry contacts and increase employability. See details of our Placement support


Chaplaincy services

Information about our Chaplaincy Service is available on request or directly on our Student Intranet (student access only)


Sports and recreational facilities

For details of our Sports and Leisure Facilities visit Health and Fitness


Facilities relating to music, art and other cultural activities

Ruskin Gallery and other Arts facilities


Museums, libraries, special collections and archives

University Library Collection Development and Management Policy

Please visit the University Library website for information about library resources


Conference and other facilities hire

Information about conference venue hire

Information about hire of our specialist services, equipment and lab spaces such as: Biometrics Lab,

Clinical trials support, Compound screening, Development of phenotypic screening assays, Eye Clinic, Medical device development and testing

Music Therapy Clinic, Optics and biomechanics of the eye, PCR-based diagnostic kit development, Pharmaceutical drug reformulation


Advice and guidance

Contact Student Services using the various channels on this page


Media releases

Media Enquiries

News from ARU is published here



Anglia Ruskin University places great importance in keeping in touch with former staff and students and keeping them up to date with events.

See information on our Alumni Network and the support opportunities available



Information about graduation ceremonies