Vice Chancellor's Group expenses

On this page you can view expenses for individual members of the Vice-Chancellor’s Group. Expenses are published on a quarterly basis from February 2022.

Please also see our Travel and Expenses Policy and our Mileage and Subsistence Rates.

Quarter 1 (August - October 2021)

Name/Item Roderick Watkins (Vice Chancellor) Aletta Norval (Deputy Vice Chancellor) Paul Bogle (Secretary & Clerk) Mike Frost (Director of Finance) James Rolfe (COO) Yvonne Barnett (Deputy Vice Chancellor)
Travel and subsistence £21.30 - £210.67 - - £252.68
Hotel accommodation - - - - £202.30 £270.00
Overseas travel and subsistence - - - - - -
Car related expenditure - - £26.60 - - -
Total £21.30 - £237.27 - £202.30 £522.68

Quarter 2 (November 2021 - January 2022)

Name/Item Roderick Watkins (Vice Chancellor) Aletta Norval (Deputy Vice Chancellor) Paul Bogle (Secretary & Clerk) Mike Frost (Director of Finance) James Rolfe (COO) Yvonne Barnett (Deputy Vice Chancellor)
Travel and subsistence £336.46 £35.87 £131.55 - £231.08 £197.72
Hotel accommodation £154.00 - - - £492.00 £602.25
Overseas travel and subsistence - - - - - -
Car related expenditure £94.55 - £15.40 - 10.00 -
Total £585.01 £35.87 £146.95 - £733.08 £799.97

Quarter 1 (August - October 2020)

Name/Item Roderick Watkins (Vice Chancellor) Aletta Norval (Deputy Vice Chancellor) Paul Bogle (Secretary & Clerk) Mike Frost (Director of Finance) James Rolfe (COO) Yvonne Barnett (Deputy Vice Chancellor)
Travel and subsistence £40.70 - - - - £213.14
Hotel accommodation - - - - - -
Overseas travel and subsistence - - - - - -
Car related expenditure (£30.80) - - - - -
Total £9.90 - - - - £213.14

Quarter 2 (November 2020 - January 2021)

Name/Item Roderick Watkins (Vice Chancellor) Aletta Norval (Deputy Vice Chancellor) Paul Bogle (Secretary & Clerk) Mike Frost (Director of Finance) James Rolfe (COO) Yvonne Barnett (Deputy Vice Chancellor)
Travel and subsistence £25.10 - - - - -
Hotel accommodation - - - - - -
Overseas travel and subsistence - - - - - -
Car related expenditure - - - - - -
Total £25.10 - - - - -

Quarter 3 (February - April 2021)

Name/Item Roderick Watkins (Vice Chancellor) Aletta Norval (Deputy Vice Chancellor) Paul Bogle (Secretary & Clerk) Mike Frost (Director of Finance) James Rolfe (COO) Yvonne Barnett (Deputy Vice Chancellor)
Travel and subsistence - - - - - -
Hotel accommodation - - - - - -
Overseas travel and subsistence - - - - - -
Car related expenditure - - - - - -
Total - - - - - -

Quarter 4 (May - July 2021)

Name/Item Roderick Watkins (Vice Chancellor) Aletta Norval (Deputy Vice Chancellor) Paul Bogle (Secretary & Clerk) Mike Frost (Director of Finance) James Rolfe (COO) Yvonne Barnett (Deputy Vice Chancellor)
Travel and subsistence £144.60 £109.10 £40.50 - - £114.30
Hotel accommodation - - - - - -
Overseas travel and subsistence - - - - - -
Car related expenditure £105.61 - - - £1.00 -
Total £250.21 £109.10 £40.50 - £1.00 £114.30

Quarter 1 (August - October 2019) 

Name/Item Roderick Watkins (Vice Chancellor) Aletta Norval (Deputy Vice Chancellor) Paul Bogle (Secretary & Clerk) Mike Frost (Director of Finance) James Rolfe (COO) Yvonne Barnett (Deputy Vice Chancellor)
Travel and subsistence £3,499.42 £758.44 £701.32 - £566.00 -
Hotel accommodation £1,803.99 £580.45 £60.75 - £1,167.78 £85.00
Overseas travel and subsistence - - - - - -
Car related expenditure £57.20 - £5.40 - - -
Total £5,360.61 £1,338.89 £767.47 - £1,733.78 £85.00

Quarter 2 (November 2019 - January 2020) 

Name/Item Roderick Watkins (Vice Chancellor) Aletta Norval (Deputy Vice Chancellor) Paul Bogle (Secretary & Clerk) Mike Frost (Director of Finance) James Rolfe (COO) Yvonne Barnett (Deputy Vice Chancellor)
Travel and subsistence £120.00 £731.05 £491.85 £279.60 £644.75 £1,088.81
Hotel accommodation £435.00 £274.10 £266.84 - £1,279.60 £1,178.80
Overseas travel and subsistence - - - - - -
Car related expenditure - - £25.20 - £18.40 -
Total £555.00 £1,005.15 £783.89 £279.60 £1,942.75 £2,267.61

Quarter 3 (February - April 2020) 

Name/Item Roderick Watkins (Vice Chancellor) Aletta Norval (Deputy Vice Chancellor) Paul Bogle (Secretary & Clerk) Mike Frost (Director of Finance) James Rolfe (COO) Yvonne Barnett (Deputy Vice Chancellor)
Travel and subsistence £2,836.54 £286.99 £676.50 £129.15 £1,671.41 £1,032.74
Hotel accommodation £3,336.34 £189.00 - £826.60 £264.65
Overseas travel and subsistence - - - - - -
Car related expenditure £173.49 - - - - -
Total £6,346.37 £475.99 £676.50 £129.15 £2,498.01 £1,297.39

Quarter 4 (May - July 2020) 

Name/Item Roderick Watkins (Vice Chancellor) Aletta Norval (Deputy Vice Chancellor) Paul Bogle (Secretary & Clerk) Mike Frost (Director of Finance) James Rolfe (COO) Yvonne Barnett (Deputy Vice Chancellor)
Travel and subsistence £223.30 £90.60 £23.40 £84.60 (£20.65) £861.35
Hotel accommodation (£425.55) (£85.55) - - (£368.00) £1,557.50
Overseas travel and subsistence - - - - - -
Car related expenditure £35.80 - - - - -
Total (£166.45) £5.05 £23.40 £84.60 (£388.65) £2,418.85

Quarter 1 (August - October 2018)

Name/Item Roderick Watkins (Vice Chancellor) Aletta Norval (Deputy Vice Chancellor) Paul Bogle (Secretary & Clerk) Mike Frost (Director of Finance) James Rolfe (COO)
Travel and subsistence £1,047.40 £276.70 £388.70 £65.50 -
Hotel accommodation £157.50 £353.40 £160.00 - -
Overseas travel and subsistence £2,400.00 - - - -
Car related expenditure £10.20 - £7.60 - -
Total £3,615.10 £630.10 £556.30 £65.50 -

Quarter 2 (November 2018 - January 2019)

Name/Item Roderick Watkins (Vice Chancellor) Aletta Norval (Deputy Vice Chancellor) Paul Bogle (Secretary & Clerk) Mike Frost (Director of Finance) James Rolfe (COO)
Travel and subsistence £2,618.56 £1,034.00 £933.60 £220.30 £1,052.01
Hotel accommodation £1,823.40 £694.37 - £133.33 £160.00
Overseas travel and subsistence £1,678.75 - - - -
Car related expenditure £185.28 - - - -
Total £6,305.99 £1,728.37 £933.60 £353.63 £1,212.01

Quarter 3 (February - April 2019)

Name/Item Roderick Watkins (Vice Chancellor) Aletta Norval (Deputy Vice Chancellor) Paul Bogle (Secretary & Clerk) Mike Frost (Director of Finance) James Rolfe (COO)
Travel and subsistence £1,116.92 £607.30 £607.30 £148.20 £976.23
Hotel accommodation £1,357.05 - - £379.20 £437.50
Overseas travel and subsistence - £44.53 - - -
Car related expenditure £59.80 - £6.20 - £12.60
Total £2,533.77 £651.83 £613.50 £527.40 £1,426.33

Quarter 4 (May - July 2019)

Name/Item Roderick Watkins (Vice Chancellor) Aletta Norval (Deputy Vice Chancellor) Paul Bogle (Secretary & Clerk) Mike Frost (Director of Finance) James Rolfe (COO)
Travel and subsistence £3,033.19 £621.46 £469.70 £232.60 £1,547.35
Hotel accommodation £816.90 £525.27 - £95.00 £878.50
Overseas travel and subsistence £2,000.00 £1,080.07 - - -
Car related expenditure £45.28 - £33.80 - -
Total £5,895.37 £1,176.26 £503.50 £327.60 £2,425.85