Strategy and leadership

We published 'Designing our future' on 16 June 2017. It’s a strategy that sets out our vision, priorities and ambitions for the next ten years.

Our strategy, published on the 25th anniversary of our achieving university status, is built around three central themes.

Read our strategy, Designing our future 2017-2026

Underpinning strategies: Education, Research & Innovation, Operating 2022-27

Value for money: the ARU approach

Theme 1: Creating a leading learning and innovation ecosystem

Theme 2: Building and nurturing vibrant university communities

Theme 3: Strengthening the underpinning operations of the University

Our People Strategy is linked to our overarching University strategy.

Read our People Strategy: ARU People 2022

Read our Digital Vision and Implementation Plan 2024-28

Our leadership

We're managed by a Board of Governors and a Senate. The Board of Governors is responsible for the strategic direction of our University, and Senate is responsible for our academic standards. Members of our Board of Governors are also Trustees of Anglia Ruskin.

Our Vice Chancellor is Professor Roderick Watkins, who is responsible for the day-to-day leadership, and advising the Board on the strategic direction, of our University.

He is supported by our Vice Chancellor’s Group:

We’re a higher education corporation and a registered charity, and we publish our annual report and accounts every year. We’re committed to sustainability; to supporting access to university for students who may not have otherwise considered it, or been able to afford it; and to boosting young people’s skills and employability as part of the EU’s Erasmus+ Programme. You can read more about these commitments – and others – on our Policies, procedures and regulations page.