Research Integrity

Public Statement on Research Integrity

ARU undertakes pioneering, innovative research that not only advances academic knowledge and the state of the art, but also challenges assumptions and produces results that can change the world. 

We believe that a vibrant culture of research and scholarship is essential in the underpinning of a stimulating learning environment in which our staff and students can flourish and fulfil their potential, and that within this all research activity must be conducted in an appropriate and responsible manner. To do this requires the highest standards of research integrity which are grounded in the core principles and professionalism of all those involved in research at ARU. We continue to ensure that these standards are effectively embedded in our research endeavours, and that they are continually evaluated and strengthened.

Our University is a diverse family of disciplines, departments, faculties and institutes and the implementation and maintenance of the highest standards of research integrity is dependent on ensuring that all these individual strands work together coherently and transparently, whilst protecting academic freedom. We are committed to providing a supportive research environment for all staff involved in conducting research, to training our researchers and promoting common principles across our University. All staff and students are fully informed and aware of the high standards we expect them to uphold when conducting research. 

We recognise that mistakes and honest errors may occur within the conduct of research, and such cases will be dealt with sympathetically. However we are committed to ensuring that misconduct is dealt with robustly and effectively, while safeguarding all those involved, wherever appropriate. This extends beyond our staff and students to encompass anyone involved in conducting research with ARU whether on or off our premises, in collaboration with our staff and/or students. Everyone is expected to take their responsibilities seriously and be aware that any misconduct, suspected or otherwise, will be subject to a rigorous and robust investigation.

Our Research and Innovation Committee has established an Ethics and Research Integrity Committee, which includes representation from all our faculties, Human Resource Services and from the Research and Innovation Development Office to oversee our endeavours to establish, embed and evaluate research integrity across our operations. All staff and students are actively encouraged to contact the Research and Innovation Development Office for advice and support.

Research and Innovation Development Office 2 December 2016.

Annual reports

In line with commitment #5 of The Concordat to Support Research Integrity, we prepare an annual statement for our Board of Governors reporting on our activities in support of research integrity, processes in place for dealing with any allegations of misconduct, and outlining any formal investigations undertaken. These statements can be downloaded below.

Annual Statement on Research Integrity 2014

Annual Statement on Research Integrity 2014-2015

Annual Statement on Research Integrity 2015-2016

Annual Statement on Research Integrity 2016-2017

Annual Statement on Research Integrity 2017-2018

Annual Statement on Research Integrity 2018-2019

Annual Statement on Research Integrity 2019-2020

Annual Statement on Research Integrity 2020-2021

Annual Statement on Research Integrity 2021-2022

Annual Statement on Research Integrity 2022-2023

Annual Statement on Research Integrity 2023-2024

Learn more about Anglia Ruskin University's research ethics system and application process (current staff and students, login required), and the research ethics approval process.

The Concordat to Support Research Integrity helps to ensure that research produced by or in collaboration with the UK research community is underpinned by the highest standards of rigour and integrity.

Commitment to the principles set out in the Concordat helps demonstrate to government, business, international partners and the public that they can continue to have confidence in the research produced by the UK research community.  It provides assurances of the standards expected of all stakeholders, identifying five commitments that all those engaged with research should be able to make.  These are as follows:

  1. To maintain the highest standards of rigour and integrity in all aspects of research.
  2. To ensure that research is conducted according to appropriate ethical, legal and professional frameworks, obligations and standards.
  3. To support a research environment that is underpinned by a culture of integrity and based on good governance, best practice and support for the development of researchers.
  4. To use transparent, robust and fair processes to deal with allegations of research misconduct should they arise.
  5. To work together to strengthen the integrity of research and to reviewing progress regularly and openly.

Contacts for research integrity

If you have any queries about research integrity or concerns and/or complaints about research at ARU, please contact Professor Peter Bright, Chair of Ethics and Research Integrity Committee, Faculty of Science and Engineering: [email protected].

For general queries, please contact Julie Scott, Research Ethics and Integrity Manager, Research and Innovation Development Office: [email protected]