This is the overarching statement of principle. It outlines our commitment to maximising the potential of all our staff and students and to equip students for life in a multicultural and diverse society. The aim of the policy is to provide a supportive environment in which to work and study, and where we will treat each other with dignity, courtesy and respect.
Valuing Diversity and Promoting Equality Statement
When we review a proposed or existing policy, practice, activity or change we consider in detail its possible impact on people who have protected characteristics. Equality Analysis is how we do this and our approach ensures this is done in a meaningful way right from the beginning of the decision making process.
This document sets out what is, and is not, considered acceptable behaviour while at work or study. It was approved by our Corporate Management Team in June 2015. It includes information about bullying and harassment.
Dignity at work and study code of conduct
The guidelines for treating people with dignity, courtesy and respect are intended to promote a shared understanding of what is acceptable behaviour at Anglia Ruskin University. They complement our Dignity at Work and Study Code of Conduct and give practical advice about what to do if you experience or witness unacceptable behaviour on campus.
Treating People with Dignity, Courtesy and Respect - Guidelines for Staff
If you would like further information about ARU’s work, contact our Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion team at [email protected]