We always welcome your view on the service we provide. Please visit the Comments, Compliments or Concerns feedback page to find out more information and share with us your Comments, Compliments or Concerns.
View our Disclosure in the Public Interest ("Whistleblowing") Policy and Procedures (PDF)
We recognise that from time to time our students may wish to raise a formal complaint regarding our University services or issues with other members of our University.
A complaint is defined as any specific concern about our University, including provision of a programme of study or related academic or support service.
If you are a current student you can find more information about the Student Complaints Procedure and submitting a complaint via the Student Intranet on Feedback and complaints (accessible to current students).
All complaints are taken seriously and students will not be penalised for making a genuine complaint.
If you are considering making a complaint it is important you understand the difference between the Academic Appeals Procedure and the Student Complaints Procedure.
The Academic Appeals Procedure is our internal mechanism for appeals to be heard about academic decisions.
Whereas, if you are dissatisfied with University facilities or services, or wish to complain about an individual staff members conduct, then you should use the Student Complaints Procedure.
The Student Complaints Procedure is set out in the Rules, Regulations & Procedures for Students. It is important that you have read and understood the procedure before you make a complaint.
The Student Complaints Procedure applies to all students of Anglia Ruskin University and is designed to ensure that complaints are dealt with fairly, consistently and in a timely manner.
The first stage of our Student Complaints Procedure is to try and resolve the issue informally through early resolution. This must be done within twenty working days of becoming aware of an issue. You should talk to the person closest to the complaint, for example when complaining about a course, the module tutor or course director/leader would be the most appropriate person to talk to.
If this doesn’t resolve your concern you will need to make a formal complaint and complete the Stage 1 Complaint form. This can be submitted online or emailed to [email protected]. This must be received by the Secretary and Clerks Office within twenty working days of the completion of the informal early resolution process. You will be required to enter the details of your attempt to resolve the complaint informally on the CS1 complaint form.
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your CS1 complaint you can ask for a review of our decision by completing a Stage 2 Complaint form on the following grounds:
This must be received by the Secretary and Clerks Office within twenty working days of receiving your CS1 response.
We can adapt our procedures to meet your needs. For example, if you need the CS1 or CS2 complaint form in a different format or you need more time to submit your complaint, please contact [email protected] and let us know.
Your complaint must be raised within twenty working days of either
(a) the date which the event complained about occurred; or
(b) when you reasonably should’ve become aware of an issue.
If the complaint relates to a series of incidents or events, you must make the complaint within twenty working days of the first incident or event.
If you are considering making a complaint it is important that you have read and understood the Student Complaints Procedure mentioned above.
If you require further guidance or assistance regarding your complaint, the Students’ Union can provide independent advice through the Student Union Advice Service. You can also get further information or advice from Student Services.
If you wish to complain about another student then you can do so by emailing the Office of the Secretary and Clerk at [email protected]. In these cases we will usually follow the Student Discipline Procedure found in the Rules, Regulations & Procedures for Students
If you require help or support to make a complaint or because a complaint has been made against you, you can contact the Student Union Advice service or you can also get further information or advice from Student Services.
Complaints must be made in a timely manner and you should provide full details of your concerns. You should include where possible, the name of the student you are complaining about and what you would like as a resolution.
We will only look into complaints where the behaviour alleged has breached our regulations as set out in the Rules, Regulations & Procedures for Students
Please visit our Writtle College governance page for details of the further education complaints procedure.
This policy sets out the complaints process for employers we work with to deliver apprenticeships.
A complaint under this policy is defined as a specific concern regarding the standard of service in relation to apprenticeship provision provided by, or on behalf of, Anglia Ruskin University.
We operate a separate complaints policy for student / apprentices, which can be found in Rules, Regulations and Procedures for Students.
To avoid duplication, it should be agreed (where possible) whether to submit an employer complaint or a student complaint in relation to any issue.
The intention of our complaints policy is to:
You must submit your complaint as soon as possible and within the timeframes set out within this policy. This is to ensure we can investigate your complaint effectively. We see early resolution as an important part of our complaints process. Any concerns should be raised with us immediately so that we can discuss them with you at an early stage and prevent matters from becoming more complex.
We will normally be unable to investigate any complaints or concerns which are made anonymously.
In the event of a dispute arising between the University and the employer, or between a subcontractor and the employer, the parties shall discuss in good faith, aiming to find a resolution to the dispute. For the University, the initial point of contact is the First Contact named on your Written Agreement, or the Head of Degrees at Work at (01245 686707 or [email protected]).
The First Contact or Head of Degrees at Work will be in contact to discuss your complaint directly or if more appropriate arrange for an appropriate colleague at the University to discuss the issues or concerns directly with you.
The aim will be to complete early resolution within twenty working days. If early resolution can’t be reached, the member of staff will provide you with a written outcome.
If we cannot address your complaint through early resolution, you can make a formal complaint. You need to do so within 20 working days of completing early resolution.
You should put your formal complaint in writing and send it to [email protected].
It should set out the following:
The Head of Degrees at Work will be responsible for appointing an investigator. The investigator will review all the information submitted and will be in touch with you to discuss your concerns.
A written response should be sent within twenty working days of receiving the complaint. If this is not possible, the investigator will let you know the revised date and explain the reason for the delay.
The written response will set out the outcome of your complaint and provide an explanation of the reasons.
As part of the process mediation may be offered. If mediation is offered the timescales for resolution of the complaint will be revised.
If we cannot resolve your complaint at the formal stage, you can ask for a review of our decision. You need to do this within 20 working days of the investigator’s final response.
You can ask for a review of your complaint on the following grounds:
You will need to email your request for review to [email protected].
You will need to set out that this is a Request to Review and the reasons for your request.
Our Degree Apprenticeship Steering Group will appoint an investigator with no previous involvement in the issue. The investigator will review all the information submitted and will be in touch with you to discuss your concerns.
A written response should be sent within twenty working days of receiving the complaint. If this is not possible, the investigator will let you know the revised date and explain the reason for the delay.
The written response will set out the outcome of your complaint and provide an explanation of the reasons.
A written response will be issued within twenty working days.
If, after exhausting this process you are still not satisfied, you can escalate your complaint to the Complaint Adjudicator at the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).
Email: [email protected]
Address: Customer Service Team, Education and Skills Funding Agency
Cheylesmore House, Quinton Road, Coventry, CV1 2WT
Please note that the ESFA will not usually investigate complaints more than twelve months after the original decision or action was taken.
If you are an individual or organisation and you wish to complain about some aspect of Anglia Ruskin's activities, a member of its staff or one of its students then please send details of the concern or complaint to [email protected] or addressed to the Secretary and Clerk, 3rd Floor, Tindal Building, Chelmsford Campus, CM1 1SQ.
Emails will be acknowledged immediately and a response will usually be given within ten working days.
Letters will usually be responded to within ten working days of receipt.
Email: [email protected]
Postal address: Office of the Secretary and Clerk, Anglia Ruskin University, Bishop Hall Lane, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1SQ