To make a request please contact us at [email protected]
The Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR) allow access to information held by us that relates directly to the environment.
Environmental information includes information about air, water, soil, land, flora and fauna, energy, noise, waste and emissions. Environmental Information also includes information about decisions, policies and activities that affect the environment, and how the conditions of our buildings affect human health and safety.
We are encouraged by the regulator (the Information Commissioner’s Office) to interpret the scope of EIR widely. Therefore typically if a request has an environmental element to it, it will be handled under EIR rather than Freedom of Information (FOI).
As with FOI there are a number of lawful reasons permitting us to withhold information. Please see Refusals & Exemptions for more information on what these are and how they apply.
If we do refuse a request, we will provide a full explanation as to why the public interest in maintaining the exception outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.
We typically do not make a charge for information released under the EIR, however we do reserve the right to do so in certain exceptional circumstances – please see Charging for Information
Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like to make a request, or if you wish to make a request verbally, contact the University at 0845 271 3333.