Engage: annual learning and teaching conference 2018

Our annual learning and teaching conference, Engage, celebrates learning, teaching and assessment-related activities across our University. The conference includes keynotes, workshops and paper presentations.

Here you can take a look at the resources from the keynotes and presentations from our 2018 conference.


View the photographs


View the illustrations © by Matthew Brazier and Natalie Eldred


Meeting the educational expectations of students, employers and government – how can we balance the many demands?

Professor Iain Martin

Reimagining Higher Education in the Digital Age

Professor Neil Morris, University of Leeds
View the slides

Please see below for resources from all other presenters.

Parallel session 1 – 11.45–12.45

1a How do I Compare Thee? An evidence-based approach to the presentation of class comparison information to students using Dashboard – Dr Annelie Harvey and Dr Helen Keyes

1b Evaluating the Opportunities of Domain-Specific Immersive Virtual Reality Content to Enhance Learning and Teaching – Paul Driver

2a Improving Retention and Performance through Extended and Holistic 'Educational Experience' Approach to Induction – Natalie Kite and Nicola Faulkner

2b Authentic and Industry-Focused Delivery and Assessment in a Blended Learning Environment – Dr Helen Marshal, Professor Eugene Giddens and John Walsh

3a Developing an Employability Tracker – Dr Sebastian Rasinger and Sarah Etchells

3b Evaluating the Effectiveness of Designing a Novel Active Learning Curriculum Aimed at Improving Student Engagement and Retention in Foundation Year Cohorts – Nicky Milner

4 Promoting Learning Gain and Confidence Gain in the Classroom through Self-Assessment and Peer-Instruction – Dr Fabio Aricò

5 MARC (Degree Calculator) – A digital tool for student progression – Damien Murray and Dr Julian Priddle

6 Maximising Student Learning in Practical Based Sessions – Dr Matthew Timmis

7 Piecing it Together: Jigsaws in action – David Jay and Stephanie Dimond-Bayir

Parallel session 2 – 13.45–14.45

8a You Said, We Did: Students informing the adoption of Canvas – Uwe Richter and Dr Julian Priddle

8b Exploring Undergraduate Students' Conception of Teaching Excellence – Dr Mike Mimirinis

9a Developing Reflective Pedagogical Practice with 360-Degree Video – Dr Nicola Walshe

9b How Critical Reflection develops in an Online Distance Learning Community of Sports Coaching Students – Dr Anna Stodter and Ed Cope

10a The 'e-factor': Anglia Ruskin Business School Intern Programme – Donna Franklin

10b Taking a Soft Approach to Hard Dissertations – Paul Flynn

11a ARU+ Transforming the Lives of Learners – George Evangelinos

11b Adobe Actually – Vix Samways and Chris Herbert

12 A Framework to Identify Students' and Graduates' Employability – Dr Heike Behle

13 A Laboratory for Teaching and Learning: The Centre for Innovation in Higher Education – Dr Emma Coonan, Dr Simon Pratt-Adams, Maddy Redmond and Deborah McMillan

14 Canvas Quizzes for Learning & Feedback – Kate Outhwaite

15 The History of UK Cheese: An active and tasty exploration of the Team-Based Learning (TBL) Process – Jill Baldwin

Parallel session 3 – 15.00–16.00

16a Tracking International Student Success – Rebecca Rowntree and Jason Jerome

16b Building Student Retention at ARU – Dr Linda Brown and Dr Julian Priddle

17a 'Go Big or Go Home' – Dr Liz Bradbury and Bek Genery

17b A Futures Perspective on Learning – Dr Alison Greig

18a Building a Pedagogic Research Community – Dr Simon Pratt-Adams and Mark Warnes

18b Attempting to Deliver 'Work Ready' Graduates using a Capabilities Approach – David Sexton

19a Developing an ePortfolio for Degree Apprenticeships – Tom Taylor and Glen Campey

19b Canvas LMS, a year on in the Faculty of Medical Science – Dr Mark JP Kerrigan, Lindsey Goldsburgh, James Hull and George Evangelinos

20 Barriers and Solutions to adopting Active Collaborative Learning – Uwe Richter and Dr Rachel Berkson

21 Facilitating Assessment Review with Colleagues and Students – Dr Heather Stevens-Lilley and Dr Charlotte Thompson

22 Visual Metaphors: A tool for thought – Dr Beatriz Acevedo and Dr Michelle Fava

23 Accessibility Guides and Templates: The journey so far – Dr Jennifer George

Closing address

Education strategy workshop and closing address

Professor Aletta Norval