Sebastian's research interests are the sociolinguistic and discourse analytic aspects of multilingualism, migration, and ethnic and cultural identities.
Sebastian is an applied linguist interested in bilingualism, migration, and ethnic and cultural identities, as well as intercultural communication. As Head of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, he leads on the strategic and operational development and delivery of learning, teaching, and assessment; student recruitment, experience, and employability; and research and impact in the school.
Most recently, he has co-edited (with Guido Rings, 2020), the Cambridge Handbook of Intercultural Communication, comprising over 30 original chapters by a range of high profile international contributors, as well as the matching Cambridge Introduction to Intercultural Communication (2022), both published by Cambridge University Press.
He also has a keen interest in the teaching of research methodology and has written a book on quantitative methods, published in its 2nd edition by Bloomsbury Academic in 2013, and in its Spanish translation in 2019.
Sebastian is the Deputy Chair of the 2022 Linguistics Subject Benchmark Statement panel responsible for the revisions of the QAA Linguistics SBS. He has a wide interest in education in general, and is also a governor at a local Sixth Form College.
Rings, G., and Rasinger, S.M. (forthcoming 2022). The Cambridge Introduction to Intercultural Communication. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Rings, G., and Rasinger, S.M. (eds.)(2020). The Cambridge Handbook of Intercultural Communication. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Rasinger, S.M. 2019. La Investigación Cuantitativa en Lingüística. Una Introducción. Translated from English by Ana Useros Martín and Gema Sanz Espinar. Madrid: Akal.
Rasinger, S.M. 2018. Constructing Banglatown: Linguistic Landscapes in London's East End. Linguistic Landscape, 4(1). 72–95.
Rasinger, S.M. 2018. 'Quantitative methods: Concepts, frameworks and issues.' Research Methods in Linguistics, 2nd ed. by L. Litosseliti. London: Bloomsbury.
Rasinger, S.M. 2018. (with Mohammed Ateek). 'Syrian or non-Syrian? Reflections on the use of LADO in the UK.' Immigrants, Refugees, Asylum-seekers, and Forensic Linguistics, ed. by Iman Nick. Wilmington: Vernon Press.
Rasinger, S.M. 2016. (with Bettina Beinhoff) 'The future of identity research: Impact and new developments.' Handbook of Language and Identity, ed. by Sian Preece. London: Routledge. 572-585.
Rasinger, S.M., 2014. Linguistic landscapes in Southern Carinthia (Austria). Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 35(6), pp.580-602.
Rasinger, S.M., 2013. Quantitative Research in Linguistics: An Introduction. 2nd ed. London: Bloomsbury.
Rasinger, S.M., 2012. Language shift and vitality perceptions amongst London's second generation Bangladeshis. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. 34(1), pp.46-60.
Rasinger, S.M., 2012. And everything is Polish: Narrative experiences of 'new' migrants. The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL 1, pp.33-49.
Rasinger, S.M., 2010. Quantitative methods: Concepts, frameworks and issues. Research Methods in Linguistics, ed. by L. Litosseliti. London: Continuum.
Rasinger, S.M., 2010. Ethnolinguistic vitality and language use amongst Eastern European migrants in East Anglia. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 31(3), pp.287-300.
Rasinger, S.M., 2010. Lithuanian migrants send crime rocketing: representation of ‘new’migrants in regional print media. Media, Culture & Society, 32(6), pp.1021-1030.