The ASCh Hub within the ARU Centre for Societies and Groups (ARU-CSG) is an interdisciplinary group that leads research and debate on community change, public policy, and psychological well-being in societal contexts.
Topics currently being researched by members of the group include gendered issues in advertising, determinants of food choice, victimisation and injustice, driving behaviour, and the development of resilience.
Our work illuminates and challenges social behaviour to benefit local, national, and international communities, and influences public policy.
Please contact our hub lead, Dr Magdalena Zawisza, for more information.
We offer a Psychology PhD and a range of innovative research project opportunities for postgraduate researchers.
Associate Professor
Associate Professor of Psychology
Associate Professor
Lecturer in Psychology
Shyanne Roeloffs
Contact: [email protected]
Supervisory team: Dr Suzanna Forwood, Prof Viren Swami, Dr Flavia Cardini, Prof Daragh McDermott
Thesis title: Revisiting Perceived Hunger; Examining the Role of Socio-Psychological Influences and Energy Balance
Research summary: Shyanne’s PhD work focuses on examining the conflict between the concept of hunger as a regulatory energy balancing process and the more multi-dimensional view incorporating broader cognitive influences. The impact learned behaviour and socio-psychological beliefs have on common daily experiences of hunger and appetite will be explored and measured.
Rachel Ownsworth
Contact: [email protected]
Supervisory team: Dr Claudia Washcer, Prof Claire Pike
Thesis title: Investigating Predictors of Academic Career Trajectories in STEM
Research summary: A mixed-methods investigation into the experiences that contribute to the career trajectories of students and academics from marginalised communities in STEM.
Evelin Kis
Contact: [email protected]
Supervisory team: Prof Viren Swami, Dr Emma Kaminskiy, Dr Barbara Vohmann
Thesis title: Adapting wise belonging interventions for race minority students in STEM to transform their experiences, relationships, and achievements
Research summary: This project looks at adapting wise belonging interventions developed in the US to improve the attainment and retention levels of race minority students in the UK higher educational context.
Dr Sarah Gradidge
Contact: [email protected]
Research: Sarah's PhD explored the phenomenon of pet speciesism, exploring why we love dogs and yet eat pigs.
All Societies Hub members, Dr Helen Keyes, Sarah Gradidge, Dr Suzanna Forwood, Dr Nic Gibson, Dr Annelie Harvey, Evelin Kis, Karen Mutsatsa, Rachel Ownsworth, Shyanne Roeloffs, and Dr Magdalena Zawisza, collaborated on a study which explored whether engagement with Creating Arts and Crafting (CAC) predicted subjective wellbeing and loneliness. Findings show that engaging in CAC significantly predicted increased life satisfaction, a sense that life is worthwhile and happiness, above and beyond known demographic predictors.
17.04.24 – a big date for the Towards Gender Harmony project, for which Dr Magdalena Zawisza is a member of the leading group! We have published our data in the Nature Scientific Data journal and they are now available for researchers to use!
The project was awarded £136k by the Polish National Science Centre, and Dr Magdalena Zawisza is a co-applicant together with Dr Natasza Kosakowska (principal investigator, University of Gdansk, Poland), Prof Joseph Vandello and Prof Jennifer Bosson (University of South Florida, USA) and a team of six researchers.
It is conducted in partnership with Ringway Jacobs, a large highway service provider, and it worth £194,375, including a 50% grant from Innovate UK.
Collaborating cross-disciplinarily with animal behaviourists (Dr Claudia Wascher and Dr Andrew Smith) and across institutions with a psychologist from the University of Edinburgh (Dr Steve Loughnan) and an animal behaviourist from the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna (Dr Raoul Schwing), the researchers foresee positive implications of this project for reducing loneliness and improving wellbeing both during and after COVID-19, especially among people who live only with pets.
23 May 2024: Our hub held a networking event for any big or small business, government or charitable organisation that wishes to team up with our researchers to obtain data-driven insights and implement the social change their organisation needs.
17 April 2024 – a big date for the Towards Gender Harmony project, for which Dr Magdalena Zawisza is a member of the leading group! We have published our data in the Nature Scientific Data journal and they are now available for researchers to use!
Kosakowska-Berezecka, N., Besta. T., Jurek, P., Olech, M., Sobiecki, J., Bosson, J., Vandello, J, Best, D., Zawisza, M., Safdar, S., Włodarczyk, A., Żadkowska, M. Towards Gender Harmony Dataset: Gender Beliefs and Gender Stereotypes in 62 Countries. Sci Data 11, 392 (2024).
17 April 2024: Dr Magdalena Zawisza gives a talk to Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust on the subject of Beyond expectations: Gende bias in health(care)‘. She discussed the psychology of gender stereotyping in health(care) including implicit bias, ‘toxic’ masculinity and ways for researching these. She also outlined new revealing findings form her collaboration across 62 countries on sexism and its health and lifespan implications. You can watch it here if you are a member of CPFT:
4 and 5 April 2024: British Feeding and Drinking Group 2024 Conference. Dr Suzanna Forwood organised the British Feeding and Drinking Group (BFDG) 2024 conference, held at Anglia Ruskin’s Cambridge campus and co-hosted by Cambridge University; an annual international and multi-disciplinary gathering of scientists interested in all aspects of appetite, eating and drinking. ARU welcomed over one hundred and forty attendees in person to the Science Centre and online for this two-day event with speakers from around the globe. The event included thirty-six speakers with in-person and online presentations, two in-person keynote lectures, two poster presentations, and a Conference Dinner at Jesus College, Cambridge, dining in the main Hall.
Dr Emily McKendrick co-organised the Early Career Researcher BFDG workshop held in-person at Hughes Hall, hosting fifty-seven attendees. A total of nine speakers gave talks and discussion panels covering a variety of fundamental topics within research, such as communicating projects and ideas, funding applications, and career paths within and outside of academia. The ECR event was sponsored by the Consumer Lab at Bristol University.
Celebrating Neurodiversity Event. Dr Nic Gibson and Dr Kevin Bryant held online and in-person events in 2024 celebrating neurodiversity. They gave a talk and interactive discussion about the lived experience of Autism and ADHD. The in-person event had 10 attendees and an additional 40 people attended online. There was lots of engagement and positive feedback from attendees:
“It has been so valuable and I am glad I could come”
“It’s been so nice today to meet you all. I’m really wanting to build up that ASD confidence again. You have been amazing and thank you for this.”
21 March 2024 - Dr Sarah Gradidge and Dr Magdalena Zawisza secured £2K ARU funding for a summer placement for an ARU student to investigate the role of gender stereotypes in perceptions of people with autism diagnosis under their supervision.
16 March 2024 - Dr Magdalena Zawisza and Dr Owen Craig speak at Cambridge Fest of Science on the topic of ‘The psychology of digital consumer and gender bias’. They discussed the gender bias in advertising algorithms on social media and beyond as well as the ways companies use gender stereotypes to sell slimming products to women.
8 March 24 - Dr Magdalena Zawisza gives a talk at ARU entitled ‘Beyond Expectations: Occupational Gender Biases and Strategies for Change'. She discusses strategies for change and reasons why we all, women as well as men, have high stakes in #Inspire[ing]Inclusion.
19 January 2024 – FSE wins Net Zero Living Grant Celebrating! Ahad Ramezanpour and Magdalena Zawisza have secured £22K from Innovate UK in collaboration with Lylo Product Limited. It's a Net Zero Living project involving new eco product development and user experience evaluation. A great combination of engineering and consumer psychology expertise for sustainability agenda! If you need engineering or consumer psychology insight in your project get in touch at [email protected] or [email protected].
21 November 2023 – Dr Magdalena Zawisza presents an online masterclass entitled ‘Is the media destroying men’s mental health?’ to celebrate Movember.
21 October 2023 - ASCh presents a ‘One Stop Social Well-Being Pot’ - in interactive event at Chelmsford Science Festival. Our psychologists ran this interactive drop-in session and illustrated to the visiting families how our collective well-being can be improved through simple means such as sport spectatorship, interacting with animals, considering our food and digital ‘diet’ and ways of building resilience.
11 October 2023 – Dr Magdalena Zawisza was excited to share that with her collaborators she has just published a new eBook entitled The Psychological Process of Stereotyping: Content, Forming, Internalizing, Mechanisms, Effects, and Interventions. A free pdf is available via the Research Topic homepage. It's already scored over 5 thousand downloads!
Zhang, B., Zawisza, M., Wen, F., Dang, J., Zhao, F., eds. (2023). The psychological process of stereotyping: Content, forming, internalizing, mechanisms, effects, and interventions. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. doi: 10.3389/978-2-83251-371-2.
21 February 2022: Sarah Gradidge and Dr Magdalena Zawisza have written for the Vegan Society on the psychology of vegetarianism and veganism (collectively known as veg*nism), exploring why people go veg*n, why and how they stay veg*n (or not), and how we can encourage others to go veg*n.
13 February 2022: The National Post interviewed Sarah Gradidge about the ‘meat paradox’, following her published ‘meat paradox’ review co-authored with Societies Research Hub members Dr Magdalena Zawisza and Dr Annelie Harvey, alongside Prof Daragh McDermott from Nottingham Trent University.
11 February 2022: Sarah Gradidge and Dr Magdalena Zawisza have had an article published at The Conversation on the meat paradox – why we care about animals and yet also eat them.
23 January 2022: Doctoral candidate Sarah Gradidge was featured on the Psychology of Human-Animal Intergroup Relations (PHAIR) Society blog in a student showcase article.
30 November 2021: Technology Networks interviewed Sarah Gradidge about the ‘meat paradox’, following a published review on the same topic authored by Societies Research Hub members Sarah Gradidge, Dr Magdalena Zawisza and Dr Annelie Harvey, alongside Prof Daragh McDermott from Nottingham Trent University. The interview feature accrued more than 181,000 pageviews in the first week.
18 November 2021: Dr Magdalena Zawisza and Sarah Gradidge's talk from the British Science Festival was featured by the British Science Association for International Men’s Day. The feature explores how performative masculinity affected responses to COVID-19.
October 2021: An experiment on how species and identifiability of animal victims affects perceptions of them, led by Sarah Gradidge in collaboration with Societies Hub members Dr Annelie Harvey and Dr Magdalena Zawisza, alongside Prof Daragh McDermott from Nottingham Trent University, has been accepted for publication in Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin. This experiment found that people typically view dog victims more positively than pig victims. Yet, contradicting previous research on the ‘identifiable victim effect’, identifiability of animal victims did not inform perceptions of them.
23 September 2021: A structured literature review, led by Sarah Gradidge in collaboration with Societies hub members Dr Magdalena Zawisza and Dr Annelie Harvey, alongside Prof Daragh McDermott from Nottingham Trent University, has been published in Social Psychological Bulletin. The literature review explored the ‘meat paradox’ – the conflict between eating meat and yet simultaneously caring for animals.
9 September 2021: Dr Magdalena Zawisza and Sarah Gradidge presented at the British Science Festival in Chelmsford. The talk informed the public of how gender has informed responses to the pandemic (e.g., through gender roles) and implications of how gender has been represented within advertising during COVID-19. The talk also presented original research findings from some of Dr Magdalena Zawisza’s students: Ellie Cornwell, Louise Kelly, Pietro Stefanello and Isaac Volpicelli. Reference - Zawisza, M., Gradidge, S., Cornwell, E., Kelly, L., Stefanello, P. & Volpicelli, I., (2021, Sep 9). How Gender is Shaping the Pandemic. Paper presented at British Science Festival, Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford, UK.
19 May 2021: Dr Magdalena Zawisza chaired a panel talk webinar that sold out at 300 registrations - Zawisza-Riley, M., Gradidge, S., Roeloffs, S., Keyes, H., Harvey, A. & Gibson, N., (2021, May 19). Society going viral! The hidden psychology of pandemics across time and contexts. Panel talk webinar, Open Cambridge, ARU Public Engagement, ARU, Cambridge, UK.
24 July 2020: Men 'less supportive' in more egalitarian nations. A new 42-country study, co-authored and co-designed by Dr Magdalena Zawisza, has found that the more gender egalitarian the country, the less likely men are to support women's causes.
ASCh Hub members offer a diverse set of expertise that lend itself to consultancy. We’ve worked with large industry partners such as Unilever, Qualtcomm, Dolby, Ringway Jacob, as well as local SMEs, government institutions such as Essex Police and County Councils as well as charities such as Mind, Furia and The Conversation.
The projects ranged in time and scale from 1 day 1 to 1 consultancy to 3 year-long programmes of interdisciplinary research. These included in-depth brand image diagnosis, social media communication campaigns, company culture audit, help with designing and analysing audience surveys, press releases, optimising websites for user experience, and staff development guest talks for companies.
We offer expertise in four key areas: