Dr Magdalena Zawisza

Associate Professor
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Psychology, Sport and Sensory Science
Areas of Expertise:
Societies and Groups
Research Supervision:

Dr Magdalena Zawisza is an Associate Professor at ARU, Cambridge with a PhD from Royal Holloway, University of London. Her research interests include gender, consumer and social psychology and focus mainly on issues of gender, sexism and advertising.


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Magdalena’s authored a monograph entitled Advertising, Gender and Society – psychological perspective (2019) and co-edited The Routledge International Handbook of Consumer Psychology (2016) and a free eBook ‘The psychological process of stereotyping’ (2023). Her research has attracted attention from The IndependentBBC, and Newsweek and informed recent policy changes by Advertising Standards Authority.

She publishes in leading peer-reviewed journals in her discipline, sits on the editorial board for Sex Roles, is a review editor for Frontiers Gender, Sex and Sexuality Studies, reviews grant applications for BA, ESRC, and British Council among others, and is a holder of prestigious grants such as BA/Leverhulme, Innovate UK, and European Regional Development Fund.

She runs her own research consultancy, Insights, devoted to responsible advertising and marketing. She has worked with Unilever, Qualcomm, Dolby, Essex Police, Ringway Jacobs, Mind as well as with local SMEs to name a few.

Her roles at ARU include:

Spoken Languages
  • English
  • Polish
Research interests
  • Gender issues in advertising: the effectiveness, effects, processing and portrayal of gendered advertisements (also cross-culturally)
  • Implicit and explicit stereotyping, attitudes and prejudice: changes of (gender) attitudes and stereotypes over time and across cultures; gender stereotypes, their content, effects and measurement
  • Persuasion techniques and elaboration processes
Areas of research supervision
  • Advertising effectiveness
  • Consumer behaviour
  • Gender issues in advertising
  • Explicit and implicit (gender) attitudes
  • (Gender) attitudes and stereotypes cross-culturally
  • Prejudice and discrimination (e.g. sexism)
  • Persuasion
  • Embodied cognition

Find out more about our Psychology PhD.


Magdalena teaches on the following modules:

  • Applied Consumer Psychology
  • Consumer Psychology
  • Contemporary Social Psychology
  • Sex, Sexuality and Gender
  • Psychology in the Workplace
  • Becoming a Researcher
  • PhD Psychology, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
  • MSc Psychology, University of Gdansk, Poland
  • PGCert Learning and Teaching for Higher Education, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
  • Certificate of Competence in Occupational Testing, BPS Level A
Memberships, editorial boards
  • Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
  • Register of Qualifications in Test Use (RQTU)
  • Review Editor for Frontiers Gender, Sex and Sexuality Studies
  • Peer reviewer for journals Sex Roles; Journal of Gender Studies; Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology; Journal of Applied Social Psychology; Journal of Basic and Applied Social Psychology; Australian Journal of Psychology; Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science
  • Ad hoc reviewer for book publisher Palgrave Macmillan
Research grants, consultancy, knowledge exchange
  • Ramezanpour, A. (PI) & Zawisza, M. (Co-I). (Apr 2024-Mar 2025, awarded on 16 January 2024). Net Zero Living: User Focused Design. Contracted research award ref CBC9 C161 R9135, Workbrite ref: 422193, Sponsor: Lylo Products Ltd. Funder: Innovate UK: £22K.
  • Unilever sponsored research, 2020-2021; Zawisza, M. & Hurling, B. Persuasion processes; £15K
  • Winner of our Anglia Ruskin University Vice Chancellor’s full PhD scholarship for the project entitled 'Towards more socially inclusive advertising'. £45K
  • Knowledge Transfer Partnership between ARU and Ringway (successful); 2018-2021, Pearson D. (PI), Zawisza, M. (Co-I) & Sherratt, F. Investigation into reducing service strikes at Ringway; £194,375.
  • Harmonia, National Science Centre PL, Feb 2018- Mar 2021; Kosakowska, N. (PI), Zawisza, M., Vandello, J., Safdar, S., Wlodarczyk, A., Besta, T., Zadkowska, M. (Co-Is). Toward gender harmony – understanding the relationship between masculinity threat and gender equality across cultures. £136K
  • Innovation Bridge, European Regional Development Fund, Aug-Nov 2017, Zawisza, M. Marketing consultancy for SMEs (Cambridge Biolabs, Stemnovate, IndexMatch). £3k
  • BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grant, ref. SG150294, Sept 2015 - Aug 2016 - Zawisza, M., Szymkow-Sudziarska, A. & Golec, A. How to get women into engineering? The use of embodied cognition as a buffer against media-based prejudice; £10K
  • Essex Police project, Jan-Sept 2015 - Zawisza, M. & Jansson-Boyd, C. (Nov, 2014). Brand evaluation survey commissioned by Essex Police. Part of an interdisciplinary collaborative project managed by Cole, M. and titled ‘Areas and methods of public engagement that Essex Police District Commanders should focus on to improve public confidence.’ (others involved: Akister, J., Iskoujina, Z., Lundrigan, S., Moore, C., & Skinner, D.); £10K
  • Occupational testing, ARU & Winchester
Selected recent publications

Zawisza, M., Kosakowska-Berezecka, N., Glick, P., Olech, M., Besta, T., Jurek, P., Sobiecki, J., Best, D.L., Bosson, J.K., Vandello, J.A., Safdar, S., Włodarczyk, A., and Żadkowska, M. (2025). Worse for Women, Bad for All: A 62-Nation Study Confirms and Extends Ambivalent Sexism Principles to Reveal Greater Social Dysfunction in Sexist Nations. Social Psychological and Personality Science. DOI: 10.1177/19485506241302882

Swami, V., Stieger, S., Voracek, M., Aavik, T., Abdollahpour Ranjbar, H., Adebayo, S. O., [...] Zawisza, M., Gradidge, S., …. & Tran, U. S. (2024). Life satisfaction around the world: Measurement invariance of the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age groups. PLOS One.

Swami, V., White, M. P., Voracek, M., Tran, U. S., Aavik, T., Ranjbar, H. A., [...] Zawisza, M. Gradidge, S., [...] & Lombardo, C.  (2024). Exposure and Connectedness to Natural Environments: An Examination of the Measurement Invariance of the Nature Exposure Scale (NES) and Connectedness to Nature Scale (CNS) Across 65 Nations, 40 Languages, Gender Identities, and Age Groups. Journal of Environmental Psychology. 99. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2024.10243

Doell, K., Todorova, B., Vlasceanu, M., Coleman, J., Pronizius. E., Schumann. P. [...] Zawisza, M. [...] (2024) 'The International Climate Psychology Collaboration: Climate change-related data collected from 63 countries', Nature Scientific Data.

Besta, T. Jurek, P., Włodarczyk, A., Olech, M., Kosakowska-Berezecka, N., Bosson, J. K., Vandello, J. A., Zawisza, M. and TGH whole team (2024) 'Gender Equality Collective Action Intention Scale: Psychometric Isomorphism and Measurement Invariance across Cultures', European Journal of Psychological Assessment.

Keyes, H., Gradidge, S., Forwood, S., Gibson, N., Harvey, A., Kis, E., Mutsatsa, K., Ownsworth, R., Roeloffs, S. and Zawisza, M. (2024) 'Engagement in arts and crafts and wellbeing', Frontiers in Public Health. Republished by many popular press outlets including The Guardian and New Scientist.

Kosakowska-Berezecka, N., Besta, T., Jurek, P., Olech, M., Sobiecki, J., Bosson, J. K., Vandello, J. A., Best, D. L., Zawisza, M., Safdar, S., Włodarczyk, A. and Żadkowska, M. (2024) 'Towards Gender Harmony Dataset: Gender Beliefs and Gender Stereotypes in 62 Countries', Nature Scientific Data, 11, pp. 392. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-024-03235-x

Vlasceanu, M., Doell, K. C., Bak Coleman, J. B., Todorova, B., Berkebile-Weinberg, M. M., Grayson, S. J., Patel, Y., Goldwert, D., Pei, Y., Chakroff, A., Pronizius, E., van den Broek, K. L., Vlasceanu, D., Constantino, S., Morais, M. J., Schumann, P., Rathje, S., Fang, K., Aglioti, S. M. [...] Zawisza, M [...] Van Bavel, J. J. (2024) 'Addressing Climate Change with Behavioral Science: A Global Intervention Tournament in 63 Countries', Science Advances. Available at: https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/cr5at

Swami, V., Tran, U. S., Stieger, S., Aavik, T., Abdollahpour Ranjbar, H., Adebayo, S. O., Afhami, R., Ahmed, O., Aimé, A., Akel, M. [...] Zawisza, M., Zeeni, N., Zvaríková, M. and Voracek, M. (2023) 'Body appreciation around the world: Measurement invariance of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age groups', Body Image, 46, pp. 449-466. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bodyim.2023.07.010, IF: 5.58

Zhang, B., Hu, Y., Zhao, F., Wen, F., Dang, J. and Zawisza, M. (2023) 'Editorial: The psychological process of stereotyping: Content, forming, internalizing, mechanisms, effects, and interventions', Frontiers in Psychology, 13. Available at: https://doi.org/10.3389%2Ffpsyg.2022.1117901, IF: 4.23

Keyes, H., Gradidge, S., Gibson, N., Harvey, A., Roeloffs, S., Zawisza, M. and Forwood, S. (2022) 'Attending Live Sporting Events Predicts Subjective Wellbeing and Reduces Loneliness', Frontiers in Public Health. Available at: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2022.989706, IF: 6.461.

Kosakowska-Berezecka, N., Bosson, J. K., Jurek, P., Besta, T., Olech, M., Vandello, J. A., Bender, M., Dandy, J., Hoorens, V., Jasinskaja-Lahti, I., Mankowski, E., Venäläinen, S., Abuhamdeh, S., Agyemang, C. B., Akbaş, G., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Ammirati, S., Anderson, J., Anjum, G. [...] Zawisza, M., Żadkowska, M. (2022). 'Gendered Self-Views Across 62 Countries: A Test of Competing Models', Social Psychological and Personality Science. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1177/19485506221129687, IF: 6.331

Gradidge, S., Zawisza, M., Harvey, A. J. and McDermott, D. T. (2022) 'Farmyard Animal or Best Friend? Exploring Predictors of Dog vs. Pig Pet Speciesism', People and Animals: The International Journal of Research and Practice, 5(1), 11.

Gradidge, S., Zawisza, M., McDermott, D. and Harvey, A. (2021) 'Human’s best friend vs. human’s best food: Perceptions of identifiable dog vs. pig victims', Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin.

Gradidge, S., Zawisza, M., Harvey, A. J. and McDermott, D. T. (2021) 'A structured literature review of the meat paradox', Social Psychological Bulletin, 16(3), pp. 1-26. Available at: https://doi.org/10.32872/spb.5953

Bosson, J. K., Jurek, P., Vandello, J. A., Kosakowska-Berezecka, N., Olech, M., Besta, T., Bender, M., Hoorens, V., Becker, M., Timur Sevincer, A., Best, D. L., Safdar, S., Włodarczyk, A., Zawisza, M., Żadkowska, M., Abuhamdeh, S., Badu Agyemang, C., Akbaş, G., Albayrak-Aydemir, N. [...] Žukauskienė, R. (2021) 'Psychometric Properties and Correlates of Precarious Manhood Beliefs in 62 Nations', Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1177/0022022121997997

Kosakowska-Berezecka, N., Besta, T., Bosson, J. K., Jurek, P., Vandello, J. A., Best, D. L., Włodarczyk, A., Safdar, S., Zawisza, M., Żadkowska, M., Sobiecki, J. [...] Zukauskiene, R. (2020) 'Country-level and Individual-level predictors of men's support for gender equality in 42 countries', European Journal of Social Psychology, Special Issue on Solidarity in the Spotlight, 50(6), pp. 1276-1291. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1002/ejsp.2696

Gradidge, S. and Zawisza, M. (2020) 'Cultivating a non-anthropocentric worldview in aid of the environment and animal welfare: Possible psychological interventions', Animal Sentience, 27(23).

Brooks, A., Lobban, R., Luyt, R., Martin, S., McDermott, D. T. and Zawisza-Riley, M. (2019) 'Gays for Trump and #WomenWhoVoteTrump: Right-Wing Populism and Safe Identities?', NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/18902138.2019.1701795

Gradidge, S. and Zawisza, M. (2019) 'Why may factual appeals about the abilities of sheep fail?', Animal Sentience, 4(25), pp. 42.

Zawisza-Riley, M., 2019. Gender, Advertising and Society – psychological perspective. London: Taylor & Francis / Routledge. ISBN: 9781315144306

Brooks, A. S., Luyt, R., Zawisza, M. and McDermott, D. T. (2019) 'Ambivalent Homoprejudice towards Gay Men: Theory Development and Qualitative Investigation', Journal of Homosexuality, 67(9), pp. 1261-1289. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/00918369.2019.1585729

Zawisza, M. (2019) 'Gendered advertising: Content, Effectiveness and Effects – psychological perspective'. In: Dobscha, S. (Ed.) (2019) Handbook of Research on Gender and Marketing. Camberley: Elgar Publishing, pp. 8-27. ISBN: 9781788115377

Zawisza, M., Luyt, R., Zawadzka, A. M. and Buczny, J. (2018) 'Cross-Cultural Sexism and the Effectiveness of Gender (Non)Traditional Advertising: A Comparison of Purchase Intentions in Poland, South Africa, and the United Kingdom', Sex Roles, 9, pp. 738-751. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11199-018-0906-8

Zawisza, M., Luyt, R., Zawadzka, A. M. and Buczny, J. (2017) 'Does it pay off to break male gender stereotypes in cross-national ads? A comparison of ad effectiveness between the United Kingdom, Poland and South Africa'. In: Luyt, R., Welch, C. and Lobban, R. (Eds.) (2017) Diversity in gender and visual representation. London: Routledge.

Zhang, B., Gao, Q., Lin, Y., Gao, Q., Zawisza, M., Kang, Q. and Chen X. (2017) 'Effects of aging stereotype threat on working self-concepts: An event-related potentials approach', Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 9, pp. 223.

Zawisza, M., Luyt, R., Zawadzka, A. M. and Buczny, J. (2016) 'Does it pay off to break male gender stereotypes in cross-national ads? A comparison of ad effectiveness between the United Kingdom, Poland and South Africa', Journal of Gender Studies, 27(4), pp. 460-480. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/09589236.2016.1234369

Jansson-Boyd, C. and Zawisza, M. (Eds.) (2016) Routledge International Handbook of Consumer Psychology. London: Taylor & Francis. ISBN-10: 113884649X

Zawisza, M. (2016) 'Applying universal dimensions of social perception to consumer context: An extension of the SCM/BIAF models with the relevance principle'. In: Jansson-Boyd, C. and Zawisza, M. (Eds.) (2016) The Routledge international handbook of consumer psychology. London: Taylor & Francis, pp. 216-231.

Zawisza, M. and Jansson-Boyd, C. (2016) 'Essex Police brand perception and methods of communication for public confidence'. In: Cole, M. and Akister, J. (Eds.) (2016) Optimisation of Police and Public Engagement. Report.

Zawisza, M., Luyt, R. and Zawadzka, A. M. (2015) 'Societies in transition: are they more sexist? A comparison between Polish, South African and British samples', Journal of Gender Studies, 24(1), pp. 38-55. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/09589236.2013.803952

Zawisza, M. and Pittard, C. (2015) 'When Do Warmth and Competence Sell Best? The ‘Golden Quadrant’ Shifts as a Function of Congruity with the Product Type, Targets’ Individual Differences and Advertising Appeal Type', Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 37(2), pp. 131-141. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/01973533.2015.1015130

Zawisza, M. and Lobban, R. (2015) 'Implicit and Explicit Gender Attitudes as Predictors of the Effectiveness of Non-traditionally Gendered Advertisements', International Journal of Consumer Research, 3, pp. 34-55.

Zawadzka, A. M., Kujalowicz, K. and Zawisza, M. (2013) 'Position in power hierarchy and beliefs about consumption across cultures: Financial aspirations and values in Poland and the UK', Journal of Social Research and Policy, Special Issue: Between Wealth and Well-Being: Consumption, Psychology and Quality of Life, 4(2).

Zawisza, M., Luyt, R. and Zawadzka, A. (2012) 'Ambivalence toward men: Comparing sexism among Polish, South African and British university students', Sex Roles, 66(7), pp. 453-467. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11199-011-0112-4

Zawisza, M. and Cinnirella, M. (2010) 'What matters more: Breaking tradition or stereotype content? Envious and paternalistic gender stereotypes and advertising effectiveness', Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 40, pp. 1767-1797. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1559-1816.2010.00639.x

Recent presentations and conferences

Zawisza, M. Kosakowska-Berezecka, N. Glick, P., Olech, M., Besta, T., Jurek, P., Sobiecki, J., Best, D. L., Bosson, J. K., Vandello, J. A., Safdar, S., Włodarczyk, A. and Żadkowska, M. (2024). Worse for women, bad for all: A 62-nation study confirms and extends ambivalent sexism principles to reveal greater social dysfunction in sexist nations. Paper presentation at IACCP, Bali, Indonesia, 5-9 August.

Zawisza, M., Kosakowska-Berezecka, N. Glick, P., Olech, M., Besta, T., Jurek, P., Sobiecki, J., Best, D. L., Bosson, J. K., Vandello, J. A., Safdar, S., Włodarczyk, A., and Żadkowska, M. (2024). Worse for women, bad for all: A 62-nation study confirms and extends ambivalent sexism principles to reveal greater social dysfunction in sexist nations. Paper presentation at ICP, Prague, Czeck Republic, 12-16 July.

Zawisza, M., Kosakowsa-Berezsecka, N., Glick, P., Oleach. M, Besta, T., Jurek, P., Sobiecki, J., Best, D., Bosson, J., Vandello, J., Safdar, S., Wlodarczyk, A., Zadkowska, M. (2023). Ambivalent Sexism in 16 countries after 20 years. Paper presentation at EACP, Krakow, 1-4 July.

Senathirajah, S. Sherratt, F., Pearson, D. and Zawisza, M. (2021). Resilience Engineering and Construction Safety: Unpacking a Case Study Company. In: L Scott and C. J. Neilson (Eds.) (2021) Proceedings of the 37th Annual ARCOM Conference, 6-8 September 2021, Online, UK, Association of Researchers in Construction Management.

Senathirajah, S., Pearson, D., Sherratt, F. and Zawisza, M. (2021). Reducing utility asset strikes in construction: A psychological approach to safety performance management. Poster, KTP Associates’ Conference – The KTP Springboard Effect, University of Sheffield, 7-8 July. Awarded Second Place Best Conference Poster.

Gradidge, S., Zawisza, M., Harvey, A. J. and McDermott, D. T. (2021). The Effect of Species on Perceptions of Animals (Speciesism): Predictors and Causes. Paper presentation, 32nd International Congress of Psychology (ICP), online, July.

Gradidge, S., Zawisza, M., Harvey, A. J. and McDermott, D. T. (2021). Psychological Predictors and Causes of Speciesism: The Empirical Case of Dogs vs. Pigs. Anthrozoology as International Practice (AIP), online, March.

Gradidge, S., Zawisza, M., Harvey, A., and McDermott, D. T. (2020). The effect of species on perceptions of animals: Predictors and potential causes. Journal Club, University of Edinburgh, UK, February.

Wlodarczyk, A., Kossakowska-Berezecka, N., Besta, T., Best, D., Bosson, J., Vandello, J., Zawisza, M. and Żadkowska, M. (2019). Are men showing up for gender equality? Masculinity threat and motivation to engage in protests among Chilean male in the context of feminist movements in 2018. 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP) in Lisbon, Portugal, 12-15 July.

Kossakowska-Berezecka, N., Besta, T., Best, D., Bosson, J., Jurek., P., Sobiecki, J., Safdar, S., Vandello, J., Wlodarczyk, A. and Zawisza, M. (2019). Cultural shift and gender stereotypes? 11-country study. ICCP conference in Costa Rica, 16-19 July.

Kossakowska-Berezecka, N., Zawisza, M., Besta, T., Wlodarczyk, A., Bosson, J, Vandello, J., Best, D. and Safdar, S. (2019). Gender stereotypes, self-perceptions, and collective action against gender inequality. A cross-cultural study across 10+ countries. EASP Meeting: The Evolution, Emergence, Development, and Maintenance of Stereotypes, Eyba/Saalfeld, Germany, 27-30 July.

Lobban, R., Martin, S., Luyt, R., Brooks, A., McDermott, D. and Zawisza, M. (2019). Gays for Trump and #WomenWhoVoteTrump: Right-wing populism and safe identities? Paper presented at British Psychological Society Psychology of Women and Equalities Section Annual Conference, Windsor, UK, July.

Zawisza, M., Szymkow-Sudziarska, A., Golec de Zavala, A. and McKendrick, E. (2018). How to get women into engineering? The usefulness of power posture interventions in improving attitudes to STEM subjects – an experimental investigation. Poster presentation, Context, Identity, Choice: Understanding the Constraints on Women’s Career Decisions, London, UK, 30-31 May.

Brooks, A., Luyt, R., Martin, S., McDermott, D. T. and Zawisza, M. (2017). Gays for Trump and #WomenWhoVoteTrump: Empowering identities? Invited Round Table discussion convened by Lobban, R. at Political Masculinities and Populism International Conference, Landau, Germany, 1-3 December.

Zawisza, M., Szymkow-Sudziarska, A., Golec de Zavala, A. and McKendrick, E. (2017). Gendered Advertising and Embodied Cognition as a Buffer of its Negative Effects. 36th Polish Congress of Psychology: Psychology for health of individual and society, Gdansk, 21-24 September.

Zawisza, M. (2017). Using the universal dimensions of social perception to improve the effectiveness of non-traditionally gendered advertisements. Paper presentation, International SABE Conference, Newcastle, Australia, 5-8 July.

Brooks, A. S., Zawisza, M., Luyt, R. and McDermott, D. T. (2017). The psychometric properties of a new measure of attitudinal ambivalence towards gay men. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada, June.

McDermott, D. T., Brooks, A. S., Zawisza, M. and Luyt, R. (2017). Is the grass really greener? A cross-cultural assessment of ambivalent homoprejudice towards gay men. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada, June.

Zawisza, M. (2017). Universal dimensions of social perception and gendered advertising. Paper presentation, The Future of Gender Roles, International conference, Berlin, Germany, 24-27 June.

Zawisza, M., Luyt, R., Zawadzka, A. M. and Buczny, J. (2016). It may pay off to break male gender stereotypes in cross-national ads: A comparison of advertisement effectiveness between the United Kingdom, Poland and South Africa. Paper presentation, Political Masculinities as Agents of Change: Interdisciplinary Conference, Cambridge, 9-11 December. Part of a symposium organised by M. Zawisza.

Zawisza, M., Szymkow-Sudziarska, A., Golec de Zavala, A. and McKendrick, E. (2016). How to get women into engineering? Gendered advertising, STEM subjects and embodied cognition. Paper presentation, ICP, Yokohama, Japan, 24-29 July.

Zawisza, M. (2016). Reducing mental stigma through social advertising campaigns: Application of Stereotype Content Model. Paper presentation, ICP, Yokohama, Japan, 24-29 July.

Zawisza, M. Szymkow-Sudziarska, A., Golec de Zavala, A. and McKendrick, E. (2016). How to get women into engineering? Gendered advertising and embodied cognition as a buffer and buster. Paper presentation, ARU Faculty Research Conference, Chelmsford, 6 July.

Brooks, A. S., Zawisza, M., Luyt, R. and McDermott, D. T. (2016). Ambivalence Towards Gay Men: A Qualitative Investigation. Paper presentation, Annual Meeting of the Social Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society, Cardiff.

Brooks, A. S., Zawisza, M., Luyt, R. and McDermott, D. T. (2016). Are Heterosexuals' Attitudes Towards Gay Men Becoming Ambivalent? Paper presentation, Annual Meeting of the Social Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society, Cardiff.

Zawisza, M., Luyt, R. and Zawadzka, A. M. (2015). Ambivalent attitudes to men and societies in transition: A comparison between Polish, South African and British samples. Paper presentation. International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Political Masculinities and Social Transition, Landau University, Germany, 27-29 November.

Zawisza, M. (2015). Businessperson vs. Homemaker – male (and female) gender roles in advertising and their effectiveness cross-culturally: A case of Poland, UK and SA. Invited paper presentation, Gender, Culture & Migration Conference, Gdansk, Poland, 6-7 March.

Zawisza, M. and Pittard, C. (2014). When Do Warmth and Competence Sell Best? The Golden Quadrant Shifts with the Product Type, Targets’ Individual Differences and Advertising Appeal Type. Paper presentation, 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France, 8-13 July.

Zawisza, M. and Lobban, R. (2014). Social desirability and the predictive power of implicit and explicit gender attitudes in determining the effectiveness of non-traditionally gendered ads. Paper presentation, 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France, 8-13 July.

Zawisza, M. (2012). Likeable businesswoman? Does manipulation of warmth boost the effectiveness of non-traditional female gender portrayals in advertising? Paper presentation, Gender and Visual Representation Conference, Winchester, UK, 12 September.

Zawisza, M., Lobban, R. and Gardiner, N. (2012). Social desirability, implicit and explicit gender attitudes and the effectiveness of gendered adverts. Poster presentation, BPS Social Psychology Conference, St Andrews, UK, 21-23 August.

Zawisza, M., Luyt, R. and Zawadzka, A. M. (2012). Ambivalent sexism toward women in Polish, South African, and British university students: Considering societies in transition. Paper presentation, 21st Congress of IACCP, Stellenbosch, S.A, 20 July.

Public lectures

Zawisza, M. (17 Apr 2024). Beyond Expectations: Gender Bias in Health(care). Talk for NHS CPFT.

Zawisza, M. & Owen, C. (16 Mar 2024). The Psychology of Digital Consumer and Gender Bias. Cambridge Festival of Science.

Zawisza, M. (8 Mar 2024). Beyond Expectations: Occupational Gender Biases and Strategies for Change. Talk for ARU Inclusivity Network

Zawisza, M., Keys, H., Gradidge, S., Gibson, N., Forwood, S. & Roleoff, S. (One Stop Social Well-Being Pot. Interactive public engagement event. Chelmsford festival of Science, 21 Oct 2023.

Zawisza, M., Gradidge, S., Cornwell, E., Kelly, L., Stefanello, P. and Volpicelli, I. (2021). How Gender is Shaping the Pandemic. Paper presented at British Science Festival, Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford, UK, 21 September.

Zawisza-Riley, M., Gradidge, S. Roeloffs, Keys, H., Harvey, A. and S., Gibson, N. (2021). Society going viral! The hidden psychology of pandemics across time and contexts. Panel talk webinar, Open Cambridge, 19 May. Sold out at 300 registrations.

Zawisza, M., Kitchin, S., Sygmuta, C., Chichger, H. and Wascher C. (Chair) (2021). Women in academia: Stats, Stories and Solutions. ARU Athena Swan webinar, 9 March.

Zawisza, M. (2020). Because we are worth it! Changes in advertising, gender and society. British Science Festival, Chelmsford, UK, September 2020 – rescheduled for Sept 2021.

Zawisza-Riley, M., Gibson, N., Gradidge, S. and Roeloffs, S. (2020). Society going viral! The hidden psychology of pandemics across time and contexts. Panel talk webinar, Open Cambridge, 16 September. Sold out at 300 registrations.

Zawisza, M. (2020). Because we are worth it! On new vision of gender roles in advertising. ARU Community engagement talk, online, 10 June.

Zawisza, M. (2020). Think mental health not illness! On social cause advertising against mental health stigma. Cambridge Mental Health Week, online, 19 May.

Harvey, A., Zawisza, M. (co-Chair), McDermott, D., Finlay, M. and Pringle, A. (2019).Discovering the Extremes of Human Nature. Science Festival, Chelmsford, 13 March.

Zawisza, M., Harvey, A., Finlay, M., Martin, S. and Pringle, A. (2018). Of monsters and humans: the social psychology of extremes. Cambridge Festival of Ideas, Cambridge, 27 Oct. Open public panel talk organised and chaired by M. Zawisza.

Zawisza, M., Harvey, A., Brooks, A. and Swami, V. (2017) Judging a book by its cover: Psychological truth about myths, believes and prejudice. Public panel talk for Cambridge Festival of Ideas, 28 October. Convened by M. Zawisza.

Zawisza, M. (2017). Media matters for men and women. Public lecture. Cambridge Festival of Science, 26 March.

Zawisza, M. (2017). Consumer Psychology of Innovation. ARU Business Networking Event, 22 February.

Zawisza, M., Finlay, M., McDermott, D., Stevenson, C. and Harvey, A. (2016). Moving towards greater tolerance: A psychological perspective. Public panel talk for Cambridge Festival of Ideas, 29 October. Convened by Prof. Viren Swami.

Zawisza, M., Finlay, M., Kaminskiy, E., Luyt, R., McDermott, D., Stevenson, C. and Harvey, A. (2015). Social prejudice: A tale of power imbalance and resistance. Public panel talk for Cambridge Festival of Ideas, 21 October. Convened by Prof. Todd Morrison.

Finlay, M., Kaminskiy, E., Luyt, R., Manning, R., McDermott, D., Rohleder, P. and Zawisza, M. (2014). Assaults on Identities. Public Lecture. Cambridge Festival of Ideas, October.

Invited talks

Zawisza, M. (2021). The best men can be in Movember and beyond. Invited talk for Dolby, Wroclaw, PL, 30 November.

Zawisza, M. (2021). Because we are worth it! On changes in advertising, gender and society. Invited talk for Dolby, Wroclaw, PL, 25 March.

Zawisza, M. (2020). Because we are worth it! On new vision of gender roles in advertising. ARU Community engagement talk. Invited by Norwegian Research Council delegation, Cambridge, 11 March.

Zawisza, M. (2020). Because we are worth it! On new vision of gender roles in advertising. ARU Community engagement talk. Invited by Qualcomm Cambridge and streamed international, 2 March.

Zawisza, M. (2019). Because we are worth it! On gender, advertising and society. Invited talk for Hills Road Sixth Form College, 20 March.

Invited chair of a discussion panel ‘Bridging the gender divide’ with economist Victoria Bateman, sociologist Manali Desai, film, TV and theatre director Topher Campbell and Duncan Fisher, OBE, from the Family Initiative Cambridge Festival of Ideas, Cambridge, 24 October.

Invited Event Co-organiser of the Rising Festival public engagement event celebrating International Women’s Day (2018) alongside: Lily Cheng (PI), Dame Carol Black, Principal of Newham College, Sigrid Fisher, former Head of Equality and Diversity of the University of Cambridge, Dr Lynn Morgan, CEO of Arthur Rank hospice, Dr Terri Simpkin of ARU.

Zawisza, M. (2018). Invited talk on Confidence from psychological perspective. Panel discussion at The Rising event, Cambridge, 10 March.

Invited Round Table discussion: Brooks, A., Luyt, R., Martin, S., McDermott, D. T., and Zawisza, M. (2017). Gays for Trump and #WomenWhoVoteTrump: Empowering identities? convened by Lobban, R. at Political Masculinities and Populism International Conference, Landau, Germany, 1-3 December.

Invited talk for Animate Objects symposium: Zawisza, M. ‘On the mind, body and objects in consumer context – a psychological perspective’, ARU, Cambridge, 13 October.

Invited talk for Business Networking event: Zawisza, M. The consumer psychology of innovation, ARU, 22 February.

Invited talk for ARU Women’s Networking event: Zawisza, M. (2016). Because we are worth it! On gendered advertising and inequality. Invited paper presentation, ARU’s Women’s Network, 27-31 May.

Media experience

Zawisza, M. & Kosakowska-Berezecka, N. (24 Jan 2025). Sexism linked to social ills for men and women, finds largest cross-cultural study of its kind. The Conversation.

Gradidge, S. & Zawisza, M. (11 Feb 2022). How your brain wrestles with the ethics of eating animals. The Conversation.

Zawisza, M. (14 June 2019). New regulations aim to end gender stereotypes in adverts – but I suggest they could go further. The Conversation.

Gave BBC Life TV commentary on the new ASA ruling that will be introduced on 14 June 2019 regarding gender and advertising content. Aired 14 December 2018.

Zawisza, M., (28 Aug 2018). The terrifying power of stereotypes – and how to deal with them. The Conversation.

Featured in ARU’s ‘Research and Innovation Highlights’ magazine Apr 2018

Cited in Advertising Standards Authority’s 2017 Report on ‘Depictions, Perceptionsand Harm: A report on gender stereotypes in advertising’ led by Ella Smillie

Won The Conversation Contribution Award in Feb 2017

Zawisza, M. (15 Aug 2017). Study finds women in gender-equal countries have better cognitive skills – here’s how to understand it. The Conversation & The Independent.

Zawisza. M. (9 March 2017). Research shows that non-traditional men sell well – advertisers need to catch up for the sake of equality. The Conversation.

Video on The Routledge International Handbook of Consumer Psychology

Zawisza, M. (23 Dec 2016). TV Christmas ads come with the gift of gender stereotyping. The Conversation.

Zawisza, M. (29 Nov 2016). 'Think you’re all for gender equality? Your unconscious may have other ideas' The Conversation. Over 288,397 reads as of 2/05/18.

Zawisza, M. & McDermott, D. (26 Oct 2016). BBC Cambridgeshire interview by Sue Dougan on Moving towards greater tolerance.

Zawisza, M. (26 Oct 2016). 'Why do so many women oppose feminism? A psychologist explains' The Conversation & The Independent. (reach: 64,592 reads as of 2/05/18)

Cambridge News, 7 Feb 2014 – commentary for ‘Should companies stop marketing gender-specific toys?’

BBC News Online, 23 Sept 2008 -  commentary for “Men with sexist views ‘earn more’”