Clinical and Wellbeing Group

man on beach with his arms out and looking up to sky

The Clinical and Wellbeing Group brings together an interdisciplinary team that leads biopsychosocial research focusing on psychological distress and its amelioration in both clinical and non-clinical populations.

Current research includes uncovering the psychological, cognitive and physiological mechanisms underlying stress, mental health problems (including anxiety, OCD and ADHD), as well as those resulting from the consequences of physical ill-health and neurological conditions (e.g., acquired brain injury).

We also develop and evaluate psychological interventions, and conduct feasibility assessments, with the aim of advancing psychological, physical and mental health and improving wellbeing.

The Clinical and Wellbeing Group is part of the ARU Centre for Mind and Behaviour.

We offer a Psychology PhD. We have also identified a range of innovative research project opportunities for postgraduate researchers.

For more information, contact Dr Jane Scott at [email protected]


Find out more about our group members on their profile pages.

Salzer, E. B., Meireles, J. F. F., Kirk, E., Preston, C. E., Vasconcelos e Sá, D. and Neves, C. M. (2024) 'Body understanding measure for pregnancy scale (BUMPs): Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties among Brazilian pregnant women', Body Image, 49, 101689. Available at:

Oliver, A., Chandler, E. and Gillard, J. (2024) 'Impact of Digital Inclusion Initiative to Facilitate Access to Mental Health Services: Service User Interview Study', JMIR Ment Health,11, e51315. Available at

Gillard, J., Werner-Seidler, A., Dalgleish, T. and Stretton, J. (2023) 'Script-driven imagery of socially salient autobiographical memories in major depressive disorder', Scientific Reports, 13(1), 14577.

Melegkovits, E., Blumberg, J., Dixon, E., Ehntholt, K., Gillard, J., Kayal, H., . . . Bloomfield, M. (2023) 'The effectiveness of trauma-focused psychotherapy for complex post-traumatic stress disorder: A retrospective study', European Psychiatry, 66(1), E4. Available at:

Morein-Zamir, S. and Ahluwalia S. (2023) 'Hoarding disorder: evidence and best practice in primary care', British Journal of General Practice, 73 (729), pp. 182-183. Available at:

Belcher, H. L., Morein-Zamir, S., Stagg, S. D. and Ford, R. (2022) 'Shining a Light on a Hidden Population: Social Functioning and Mental Health in Women Reporting Autistic Traits But Lacking Diagnosis', Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Available at:

Davenport, C., Lambie, J., Owen, C. and Swami, V. (2022) 'Fathers’ experience of depression during the perinatal period: a qualitative systematic review', JBI Evidence Synthesis, 20(9), pp. 2244-2302.

Morein-Zamir, S., Kasese, M., Chamberlain, S. R. and Trachtenberg, E. (2022) 'Elevated levels of hoarding in ADHD: a special link with inattention', Journal of Psychiatric Research, 145, pp. 167-174. Available at:

Fox, J., Smith, A.-M., Driver, P., & Vasconcelos e Sa, D. (2022). Teaching Family Carers about the Recovery Concept in Mental Health: An Exploration of the Potential Impact of Utilizing an Online Program. Journal of Recovery in Mental Health, 5(1), 45-65.

Bogosian, A., Hurt, C. S., Hindle, J. V., McCracken, L. M., Vasconcelos e Sa, D. A., Axell, S., Tapper, K., Stevens, J., Hirani, P. S., Salhab, M., Ye, W. and Cubi-Molla, P. (2021) 'Acceptability and Feasibility of a Mindfulness Intervention Delivered via Videoconferencing for People With Parkinson’s', Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology. Available at:

Lambie, J. A., Lambie, H. J. and Sadek, S. (2020) '“My child will actually say ‘I am upset’… Before all they would do was scream”: Teaching parents emotion validation in a social care setting', Child: care, health and development, 46(5), pp. 627-636. Available at:

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