Dr Matt Bristow

Principal Lecturer

Medical Technology Research Centre

Faculty of Science and Engineering
Psychology, Sport and Sensory Science
Areas of Expertise:
Societies and Groups

Matt’s research concentrates on psycho-neuro-immunology and the psychophysiology of stress.



Matt directs our joint venture with Salimetrics Europe to offer a bespoke European saliva testing service. Based in our psychology laboratories, this service offers testing in a wide range of salivary biomarkers including Alpha Amylase, Androstenedione, Blood Contamination, Cortisol, Cotinine, C-Reactive Protein, DHEA, DHEA-S, Estradiol, Estriol, Estrone, Progesterone, !7 alpha-Hydroxyprogesterone, Escretory IgA and Testosterone.

Research interests
  • Psycho-neuro-immunology: the relationship between psychosocial factors, mucosal immunity and health; the temporal relationship between acute stress and secretory immunoglobulin A secretion; the validity of sIgA as as an immune measure for use in psychoimmunology
  • Advancing methodology in the psychophysiology of stress: capturing the complexity of immunity. Funded by Bial. July 2007–January 2009

Matt is a member of our Clinical and Wellbeing Group which forms part of our ARU Centre for Mind and Behaviour.

Find out more about our Psychology PhD.

  • MBPsS
  • PhD
Selected recent publications

L. Hoppitt, B. Mackintosh, K. Randall & M. Bristow. The effect of threat-related interpretive bias on cortisol reactivity. (Under Review) Emotion.

M. Bristow, R. Cook, S. Veerapen & M. Edwards (Under review) Measurement bias in the assessment of mucosal immunity: Implications for stress research. Anxiety, Stress and Coping.

E. Mioshi, M. Bristow, R. Cook, & J. Hodges (2009) Factors underlying caregiver stress in frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Dementia Geriatric and Cognitive Disorders, 27(1):76-81.

M. Bristow, R. Cook, S. Erzinclioglu, & J. Hodges (2008) Stress, distress and mucosal immunity in carers of a partner with fronto-temporal dementia. Aging and Mental Health, 12(5), 595 - 604.

C. Janson, M. Bristow, & N. Marlow, (2004). The influence of colour on visual search times in cluttered environments. Journal of Marketing Communications, 10, 183-193.

M. Bristow, F. Hucklebridge, A. Clow and P. Evans (1997) Modulation of secretory immunoglobulin A in saliva in relation to an acute episode of stress and arousal. Journal of Psychophysiology, 11, 248 - 255.

A. Doyle, F-Y. Pang, M. Bristow, F. Hucklebridge and A. Clow (1996). Urinary inhibitors and endogenous monoamine oxidase inhibitor(s), but not isatin, are raised in anticipation of stress and/or arousal in normal individuals. Stress Medicine, 12(10,) 43-49. P.

Evans, M. Bristow, F. Hucklebridge, A. Clow and F. Y. Pang (1994). Stress, Arousal, Cortisol and Secretory Immunoglobulin-a in Students Undergoing Assessment. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 33, 575-576. P.

Evans, M. Bristow, F. Hucklebridge, A. Clow and N. Walters (1993). The relationship between secretory immunity, mood and life events. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 32, 227-236.

Recent conference presentations

M. Edwards, M. Bristow & R. Cook (2006). Collecting saliva for psychoimmune research: Is it better to collect samples in the morning or the evening? BPS Health Psychology Section Conference, September 2006.

S. Veerapen, M. Bristow & R. Cook (2006). Should Salivettes be used to collect saliva for Immunoglobulin A analysis? BPS Health Psychology Section Conference, September 2006.

R. Cook, , M. Bristow. & S. Veerapen (2006). Benefit-finding and psychological distress in informal carers of people with chronic health conditions. BPS Health Psychology Section Conference, September 2006.

C. Farley & M. Bristow. (2006). There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. The psychophysiology of stress appraisal. BPS Health Psychology Section Conference, September 2006.

M. Bristow, R. Cook, R., N. Morant, C. Farley, S. Erinzlioglu & J. Hodges, (2005) Stress and psychological well-being in informal caregivers of individuals with FTD. European Health Psychology Conference, Galway, Ireland.

M. Bristow. R. Cook, (2005) Salivette vs passive drooling for sampling immunoglobulin A in saliva. BPS Psychobiology Section Annual Meeting, Langdale, UK.

S. Moore, S. & M. Bristow. (2005). The role of autonomic feedback in the appraisal of computer games. BPS Psychobiology Section Annual Meeting, Langdale, UK.