Once you have booked a place at your graduation ceremony via e:Vision, as this is a formal academic event, you can arrange robe hire for your graduation ceremony.
Your entire robe package can be booked from Tuesday 29 April 2025 from Graduation Attire via www.aru.evess.co. Robe package hire consists of gown, hood and mortar board.
Please note that Graduation Attire are Anglia Ruskin University’s recommended supplier for academic dress hire for these events. We cannot guarantee the finish, quality and consistency or the appearance of attire hired from any other gown provider. If you do choose to hire via an alternative supplier, please ensure that the gown is consistent with the colour and style of the official Anglia Ruskin University robes, provided by Graduation Attire.
We recommend smart, traditional or national dress under your robes. The gowns are quite heavy and will need to be secured to your normal clothes in order to stay in place with velcro fastenings. Wearing a shirt or blouse is helpful so that the hood can be fastened onto a button. You may also find it helpful to bring some hair clips with you to keep your mortar board secure.
You can order your robe package from 29 April to 6 June 2025. If you wish to hire a robe after this date, a late fee may be applied.
To book your robe package, please enter your Surname and Student ID (SID) number via www.aru.evess.co and follow the instructions. Please check your ceremony and degree details are correct before purchasing the hire. You will need your size measurements ready to enter when booking. Guidance on how to measure your head circumference and height can be found when you log-in.
Should you require further help in your online booking, or to change or cancel your booking, please feel free to speak to one of the Graduation Attire team via Live Chat between 9am–5pm on Monday–Friday or via email at [email protected].
You are able to order your attire over the phone speaking to the graduation attire team on 01234 988880 between 9am–5pm, Monday–Friday with confirmation coming through to your email provided in the booking process.
Example Anglia Ruskin graduation robes
For Robe hire collection points, please check the correct location itinerary for your ceremony for full details.
As this is a formal academic event, you can arrange robe hire for your graduation ceremony. Wearing a robe is not compulsory, but the majority of students do take up this opportunity to celebrate their success.
If you decide to wear a robe, we recommend that you hire one through our preferred supplier, Graduation Attire. We cannot guarantee the finish, quality and consistency of the appearance of gowns hired from any other gown provider. If you do choose to hire via an alternative supplier, please ensure that the gown is consistent with the colour and style of the official Anglia Ruskin University robes, provided by Graduation Attire.