Musculoskeletal and Developmental Biology Research Group

Close-up of blue and white code against a dark background

The Musculoskeletal and Developmental Biology Research Group, part of ARU's Medical Technology Research Centre (MTRC), comprises leading researchers from across faculties and clinicians from the NHS. Our unique approach aims to transform understanding of development, ageing and age-related disease aetiopathogenesis, and pave the way to a better quality of life for everyone.

Our expertise is wide-ranging, from musculoskeletal biology and underlying mechanisms of ageing to biomechanics, biological imaging, developmental optics and ageing of the eye. Our mission is to apply this expertise in interdisciplinary collaboration to develop interventions that benefit health of humans throughout life-course and in older age. We work with national, international and industry partners to apply our knowledge and share the outcomes across the country and globally.

Our experienced team delivers innovative research in key areas of expertise including: non-clinical approaches investigating how nutrition, dietary interventions and physical activity are linked to musculoskeletal health; genetics of human performance; biophysics of human movement; musculoskeletal and ocular development; age-related diseases including eye disease (cataract, glaucoma and retinal conditions) and musculoskeletal conditions (osteoarthritis, septic arthritis, osteoporosis and sarcopenia of ageing) and underlying mechanisms of ageing such as inflammation and epigenetics; trauma and orthopaedic surgery.

Underpinning our programme of work are measurements undertaken at leading international most advanced third generation synchrotron facility in the world: the SPring-8, and the largest national synchrotron science facility in the UK: Diamond Light Source and development of novel computational models and simulation applied to musculoskeletal and developmental biology (micro finite element models, bone digital volume correlation, artificial intelligence, and data analytics). We work closely with West Suffolk, Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trusts.

The Musculoskeletal and Developmental Biology Research Group brings together a wealth of expertise in practical innovation, state-of-the-art facilities and medical technologies, applying learning from our research into clinical practice and real-life contest. We are committed to collaboration across the disciplines, and we are actively developing and mentoring next generation of research leaders.

Colour coded Avizo images of lateral and medial subchondral bone plates (left) and epiphyseal trabecular bone (right) thicknesses of tibiae of osteoarthritis model

Above: Colour coded Avizo images of lateral and medial subchondral bone plates (left) and epiphyseal trabecular bone (right) thicknesses of tibiae of osteoarthritis model.

Five digital images of inflamation at various sites in the body

Academic staff

PhD students

  • Investigating new therapies for osteoarthritis
  • Characterisation of calcified cartilage nanoscale properties associated with growth plate bridging in a model of osteoarthritis using synchrotron x-ray tomography
  • The effect of timing of food ingestion on the response of bone to physical activity
  • The role of histone deacetylases in osteoarthritis
  • The effect of joint osteoarthritis on gait mechanics
  • Ageing and development of the optics of the eye
  • Advanced cell culture and growth of eye lens
  • Bioinformatics of glaucoma
  • The genetics of elite marathon performance
  • Investigating the impact of a natural antioxidant food product on exercise-induced oxidative stress in recreationally active participants
  • The efficacy of a home-use metabolic device (Lumen) in response to a short-term low or high carbohydrate diet
  • Research programme to determine the dietary intake of British Army trainees and the influence of protein supplementation on training adaptations and injury risk
  • Screening Muscle strength in Arthroscopic Surgery of the Hip (SMASH)
  • Regulation of bone cell metabolism by endocrine disrupting hormones
  • Mechanical properties of Thiel embalmed cadaveric musculoskeletal tissues
  • Novel investigations of septic arthritis

  • Medical Research Council - Versus Arthritis Centre for Integrated Research Into Musculoskeletal Ageing (CIMA) - The University of Sheffield, Newcastle University, University of Liverpool, UK
  • Advanced third generation synchrotron facility in the world: the SPring-8, Japan
  • National synchrotron science facility: Diamond Light Source, Didcot, UK
  • Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust
  • Mellanby Centre for Bone Research - The University of Sheffield, UK
  • Genetic Disease Research Centre, The University of Sheffield, UK
  • Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre – Sheffield Hallam University, UK
  • School of Science and Technology - Nottingham Trent University, UK
  • Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
  • Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
  • Orthopaedic Research Laboratories, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
  • Department of Genetics, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
  • Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  • Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, UK
  • 3Dmagination Ltd, Didcot, Oxfordshire, UK
  • Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, University of Oxford, UK
  • Bloomsbury Centre for Skeletal Research, London, UK
  • Ministry of Defence
  • Biocare Ltd
  • High 5 Sports Nutrition Ltd
  • Cambridge Commodities Ltd
  • Fattoria La Vialla
  • Metaflow Ltd

  • Fattoria la Vialla – Investigating the impact of a natural antioxidant food product on exercise-induced oxidative stress in recreationally active participants.
  • Metaflow - The efficacy of a home-use metabolic device (Lumen) in response to a short-term low or high carbohydrate diet.
  • Ministry of Defence - Research Programme to determine the dietary intake of British Army trainees and the influence of Protein Supplementation on Training adaptations and Injury risk.
  • Cambridge Commodities Ltd - Assessing the impact of a natural food ingredient on vitamin D levels in healthy volunteers.
  • Biocare Ltd - The Effect of Green Tea Supplementation Strategies on Fat Oxidation and Body Composition in Overweight Individuals.
  • UCL Institute of Cardiovascular Science/British Heart Foundation - GlycA as a novel biomarker linking bacterial-mediated inflammation to adverse cardiometabolic and cardiovascular traits in the young.
  • Institute of Nutrition and Fitness Sciences (INFS) - Satiating effect of high protein diets on resistance-trained subjects in energy deficit.
  • Bayesian Bodybuilding R&D Ltd - The effect of protein intake on recovery after strength training in resistance-trained subjects.
  • Biocare Ltd - The use of probiotic supplementation on gastrointestinal endotoxemia in endurance runners.
  • High5 Sports Nutrition Ltd - The influence of green tea extract on fat oxidation in healthy volunteers.
  • High5 Sports Nutrition Ltd - The effect of combined glucose, fructose and protein formulas on exercise performance in recreational athletes.
  • Maxinutrition Ltd - The effect of a commercial sports drink on exercise performance in healthy athletes.


Smith, L., López Sánchez, G. F., Pizzol, D., Rahmati, M., Yon, D. K., Morrison, A., Samvelyan, J., Veronese, N., Soysal, P., Tully, M. A., Butler, L., Barnett, Y., Shin, J. I., Koyanagi, A., 2023. Unclean cooking fuel use and slow gait speed among older adults from six countries. Journal of Gerontology. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glad109. PMID: 37095600

Hahn, J. W., Lee, K., Shin, J. I., Cho, S. H., Turner, S., Shin, J. U., Yeniova, A. O., Koyanagi, A., Jacob, L., Smith, L., Fond, G., Boyer, L., Lee, S. W., Kwon, R., Kim, S., Shin, Y. H., Rhee, S. W., Moon, J. S., Ko, J. S., Yon, D. K., Papadopoulos, N. G., 2023. Global Incidence and Prevalence of Eosinophilic Esophagitis, 1976–2022: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. doi: 10.1016/j.cgh.2023.06.005

López-Gil, J. F., Smith, L., Gaya, A. R., et al., 2023. The moderating role of recreational substance use in the association of Mediterranean diet with academic performance among adolescents. Scientific Reports, 13, 10816. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-37529-8

Rahmati, M., Yon, D. K., Lee, S. W., et al., 2023. New-onset neurodegenerative diseases as long-term sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Medical Virology, 95, e28909. doi: 10.1002/jmv.28909

Gümbel, D. C., Tanislav, C., Konrad, M., Jacob, L., Koyanagi, A., Smith, L., Kostev, K., 2023. Association between Syncope and the 6-Month Incidence of Ischemic Stroke, Arrhythmia, Brain Tumor, Epilepsy, and Anxiety Disorder. Healthcare, 11, 1913. doi: 10.3390/healthcare11131913

Smith, L., López Sánchez, G. F., Shin, J. I., et al., 2023. Pain and mild cognitive impairment among adults aged 50 years and above residing in low- and middle-income countries. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 35, pp. 1513-1520. doi: 10.1007/s40520-023-02434-7

Gyasi, R. M., et al., 2023. Bodily pain in physical function and the role of physical activity among community-dwelling adults aged 50-69 years in Ghana. The Journals of Gerontology, Series A, glad156. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glad156

Smith, L., et al., 2023. Sex differences in the association between dynapenic abdominal obesity and onset of disability in activities of daily living among adults aged ≥50 years: A prospective analysis of the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing. Maturitas, 176, 107763. doi: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2023.04.006

Veronese, N., Koyanagi, A., Soysal, P., et al., 2023. Dynapenic abdominal obesity and incident multimorbidity: findings from the English longitudinal study on ageing. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. doi: 10.1007/s40520-023-02455-2

Rahmati, M, Udeh, R, Yon, D. K., et al., 2023. A systematic review and meta-analysis of long-term sequelae of COVID-19 2-year after SARS-CoV-2 infection: a call to action for neurological, physical, and psychological sciences. Journal of Medical Virology, 95, e28852. doi: 10.1002/jmv.28852

Jacob, L., Kostev, K., et al., 2023. Falls increase the risk for incident anxiety and depressive symptoms among adults aged ≥50 years: An analysis of the Irish longitudinal study on ageing. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 114. doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2023.105098

Rahmati, M., Yon, D. K., Lee, S. W., et al., 2023. New-onset type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents as postacute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies. Journal of Medical Virology, 95, e28833. doi: 10.1002/jmv.28833

Park, J. H., Luchini, C., Nottegar, A., et al., 2023. Effect of CD274 (PD-L1) overexpression on survival outcomes in 10 specific cancers: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Pathology, 76, pp. 450-456.

Park, J., et al. 2023. The global, regional, and national burden of inflammatory bowel diseases, 1990–2019: A systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study 2019. Digestive and Liver Disease. doi: 10.1016/j.dld.2023.04.003

Rahmati, M., et al., 2023. The effectiveness of community ageing in place, advancing better living for elders as a biobehavioural environmental approach for disability among low-income older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Age and Ageing, 52(4). doi: 10.1093/ageing/afad053

Smith, L., et al., 2023. Dynapenic Abdominal Obesity Increases Risk for Falls Among Adults Aged ≥50 Years: A Prospective Analysis of the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing. The Journals of Gerontology, Series A. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glad104

Read more about 2023.


Samvelyan, H. J., Huesa, C., Cui Lin, L., Farquharson, C., Staines, K. A., 2022. The role of accelerated growth plate fusion in the absence of SOCS2 on osteoarthritis vulnerability. Bone and Joint Research. doi: 10.1302/2046-3758.113.BJR-2021-0259.R1

Coveney, C. R., Samvelyan, H. J., Miotla-Zarebska, J., Carnegie, J, Chang, E., Corrin, C. J., Coveney, T., Stott, B., Parisi, I., Duarte, C., Vincent, T. L., Staines, K. A., Wann, A. K. T., 2022. Ciliary IFT88 safeguards coordinated epiphyseal closure from disruptive physiological mechanical forces. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 37(6), pp. 1081-1096. doi: 10.1002/jbmr.4502

Cheng, C., Wang, K., Hoshino, M., Uesugi, K., Yagi, N., Pierscionek, B., 2022. EphA2 affects development of the eye lens nucleus and the gradient of refractive index. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 63(2). doi: 10.1167/iovs.63.1.2


Samvelyan, H. J., Madi, K., Tornqvist, A. E., Javaheri, B., Staines, K. A., 2021. Characterisation of growth plate dynamics in murine models of osteoarthritis. Frontiers in Endocrinology Bone Research, 12, 734988. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2021.734988

Samvelyan, H. J., Mathers, J. C., Skerry, T. M., 2021. Fasting intervention potentiates the effect of mechanical loading to induce new bone formation in mice. The FASEB Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Journal, 35(10), e21792. doi: 10.1096/fj.202100334RR

Wang, K., Vorontsova, I., Hoshino, M., Uesugi, K., Yagi, N., Hall, J. E., Schilling, T. F., Pierscionek, B. K., 2021. Aquaporins have regional functions in development of refractive index in the zebrafish eye lens. Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Science, 62(3), pp. 23. doi: 10.1167/iovs.62.3.23

Chung, H., Roberts, J., Gordon, D., Keiler, D., 2021. Do exercise-associated genes explain phenotypic variance in the three components of fitness? A Systematic review & Meta-analysis. PLoS ONE, 16(10), e0249501. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0249501

Roberts, J. D., Willmott, A. G. B., Beasley, L., Boal, M., Davies, R., Martin, L., Chichger, H., Gautam, L., Del Coso, J., 2021. The Impact of Decaffeinated Green Tea Extract on Fat Oxidation, Body Composition and Cardio-Metabolic Health in Overweight, Recreationally Active Individuals. Nutrients, 13, pp. 764. doi: 10.3390/nu13030764

Strongman, C., Morrison, A., 2021. Evaluating dynamic similarity of fixed, self-selected and anatomically scaled speeds in non-linear analysis of gait during treadmill running. Human Movement Science, 76, pp. 102768.

Teng, Z., Wang, S., Tokgoz, A., Taviani, V., Bird, J. L. E., Sadat, U., Huang, Y., Patterson, A. J., Figg, N., Graves, M. J., Gillard, J. H., 2021. Study on the association of wall shear stress and vessel structural stress with atherosclerosis initialization: an experimental animal study. Atherosclerosis, 320, pp. 38-46. doi: j.atherosclerosis.2021.01.017

Read more about 2021.


Samvelyan, H., Hughes, D., Stevens, C., Staines, K. A., 2020. Models of osteoarthritis: relevance and new insights. Calcified Tissue International. doi: 10.1007/s00223-020-00670-x

Staines, K. A., Hardy, R. J., Samvelyan, H. J., Ward, K., Cooper, R., 2020. Life course longitudinal growth and risk of knee osteoarthritis at age 53 years: evidence from the 1946 British birth cohort study. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 29(3), pp. 335-340. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2020.12.012

Kayyali, R., Funnell, G., Odeh, B., Sharma, A., Katsaros, Y., Nabhani-Gebara, S., Pierscionek, B., Wells, J., Chang, J. 2020. Investigating the characteristics and needs of frequently admitting hospital patients - A cross-sectional study. BMJ Open, 10:e035522. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-035522

Wang, K., Vorontsova, I., Hoshino, M, Uesugi, K., Yagi, N., Hall, J. E., Schilling, T. F., Pierscionek, B. K., 2020. Optical Development in the Zebrafish Eye Lens. FASEB. doi: 10.1096/fj.201902607R

Wang, K., Hoshino, M., Uesugi, K., Yagi, N., Young, R. D., Frost, B. E., Regini, J. W., Quantock, A. J., Pierscionek, B. K., 2020. Cell compaction is not required for the development of gradient refractive index profiles in the embryonic chick lens. Exp. Eye Res. doi: 10.1016/j.exer.2020.108112

Chapman, S., Rawcliffe, A. J., Izard, R., Jacka, K., Tyson, H., Smith, L., Roberts, J., 2020. Dietary Intake and Nitrogen Balance in British Army Infantry Recruits Undergoing Basic Training. Nutrients, 12(7), pp. 2125. doi: 10.3390/nu12072125

Strongman, C, Morrison, A., 2020. A scoping review of non-linear analysis approaches measuring variability in gait due to lower body injury or dysfunction. Human Movement Science, 69, pp. 102562.

Ahmed, A., Asadi, M., Martay, J. L. B., 2020. Evaluation of deformable boundary condition using finite element method and impact test for steel tubes. Int J Mech Mechatron Engr., 14(6), pp. 225-229.

Read more about 2020.


Rumbold, J. M. M., O’Kane, M., Philip, N., Pierscionek, B. K., 2019. Big Data and diabetes: the applications of Big Data for diabetes care now and in the future. (Invited Review). Diabetic Medicine. doi: 10.1111/dme.14044

Roberts, J., Zinchenko, A., Mahbubani, K., Johnstone, J., Smith, L., Merzbach, V., Blacutt, M., Banderas, O., Villasenor, L., Vårvik, F., Henselmans, M., 2019. Satiating Effect of High Protein Diets on Resistance-Trained Individuals in Energy Deficit. Nutrients, 11, pp. 56. doi: 10.3390/nu11010056

Wiffin, M., Smith, L., Antonio, J., Johnstone, J., Beasley, L., Roberts, J., 2019. Effect of a short-term low fermentable oligosaccharide, disaccharide, monosaccharide and polyol (FODMAP) diet on exercise-related gastrointestinal symptoms. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 16(1). doi: 10.1186/s12970-019-0268-9

Morrison, A., Hale, J., Brown, S., 2019. Joint range of motion entropy changes in response to load carriage in military personnel. Human Movement Science, 66, pp. 249-257. doi: 10.1016/j.humov.2019.04.014

Abdellatif, E., Kamel, D., 2019. Neurofibroma. PathologyOutlines.

Abdellatif, E., Kamel, D., 2019. Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Syndrome. PathologyOutlines.

Read more about 2019.


Grzybowski, A. Schachar, R. A., Gaca-Wysocka, M., Schachar, I. R., Pierscionek, B. K., 2018. Maximum human objectively measured pharmacologically stimulated accommodative amplitude. Clinical Ophthalmology, 12, pp. 201-205.

Rumbold, J. M. M., Pierscionek, B. K., 2018. What are data? A categorization of the data sensitivity spectrum. Big Data Research, 12, pp. 49-59. doi: 10.1016/j.bdr.2017.11.001

Contreras, J. L., Rumbold, J. Pierscionek, B., 2018. Patient data ownership. JAMA, 319(9), pp. 935. doi: 10.1001/jama.2017.21672

Rumbold, J., Pierscionek, B., 2018. Contextual anonymization for secondary use of big data in biomedical research: proposal for an anonymization matrix. JMIR Medical Informatics, 6, e47. ISSN 2291-9694.

Papadimitriou, I. D., Lockey, S. J., Voisin, S., Herbert, A. J., Garton, F., Houweling, P. J., Cieszczyk, P., Maciejewska-Skrendo, A., Sawczuk, M., Massidda, M., Calò, C. M., Druzhevskaya, A. M., Astratenkova, I. V., Kouvatsi, A., Ahmetov, I. I., Jacques, M., Stebbings, G., Heffernan, S. M., Day, S. H., Erskine, R. M., Pedlar, C., Kipps, C., North, K. N., Williams, A. G., Eynon, N., 2018. No association between ACTN3 R577X and ACE I/D polymorphisms and endurance running times in 698 Caucasian athletes. BMC Genomics, 19(1). doi: 10.1186/s12864-017-4412-0

Stebbings, G. K., Williams, A. G., Herbert, A. J., Lockey, S. J., Heffernan, S. M., Erskine, R. M., Morse, C. I., Day, S. H., 2018. TTN genotype is associated with fascicle length and marathon running performance. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 28, pp. 400–406. doi: 10.1111/sms.12927

Beasley, L., Smith, L., Antonio, J., Gordon, D., Johnstone, J., Roberts, J., 2018. The effect of two β-alanine dosing strategies on 30-minute rowing performance: a randomized, controlled trial. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 15(59). doi: 10.1186/s12970-018-0266-3

Sridharan, S., Vilar, E., Davenport, A., Ashman, N., Almond, M., Banerjee, A., Roberts, J., Farrington, K., 2018. Indexing dialysis dose for gender, body size and physical activity: Impact on survival. PLoS ONE, 13(9), e0203075. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0203075

Liew, B. X., Morrison, A., Hobara, H., Morris, S., Netto, K., 2018. Not all brawn, but some brain. Strength gains after training alters kinematic motor abundance in hopping. PeerJ, 6, e6010.

Morrison, A., Wallace, E. S., 2018. Golf coaching-biomechanics interface. In: Toms, M. (ed.), 2018. Routledge International Handbook of Golf Science (Abingdon: Routledge), pp. 5-14.

Morrison, A., McGrath, D., Wallace, E. S., 2018. The relationship between the golf swing plane and ball impact characteristics using trajectory ellipse fitting. Journal of Sports Sciences, 36, pp. 303-310. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2017.1303187

Morrison, A., McGrath, D., Wallace, E. S., 2018. Analysis of the delivery plane in the golf swing using principal components. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 175433711775172. doi: 10.1177/1754337117751729

Martay, J. L. B., Palmer A. J. R., Bangerter, N. K., Clare, S., Monk, A. P., Brown, C. P., Price, A. J., 2018. A preliminary modeling investigation into the safe correction zone for high tibial osteotomy. Knee, 25(2), pp. 286-295.

Abdellatif, E., Kamel, D., 2018. Schwannoma. PathologyOutlines.

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Laibe, J., Broutin, M., Caffrey, A., Pierscionek, B., Nebel, J.-C., 2017. Data Mining the Protein Data Bank to Identify and Characterise Chameleon Coil Sequences that Form Symmetric Homodimer β-Sheet Interfaces In: Rojas, I., Ortuño, F. (Eds), 2017. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering: 5th International Work-Conference, IWBBIO 2017, Granada, Spain, April 26–28, 2017, Proceedings, Part II (New York: Springer), pp. 118-126. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-56154-7_12

Rumbold, J. M. M., Pierscionek, B., 2017. The effect of the General Data Protection Regulation on Medical Research. J.Med Internet Res, 19(2), e47.

Rumbold, J. M. M., Pierscionek, B., 2017. A critique of the regulation of data science in healthcare research in the European Union. BMC Medical Ethics. doi: 10.1186/s12910-017-0184-y

Rumbold, J., Pierscionek, B., 2017. Does your electronic butler owe you a duty of confidentiality? Computer Law Review International, 2, pp. 48-52.

Sobnath, D. D., Philip, N., Kayyali, R., Nabhani-Gebara, S., Pierscionek, B., Vaes, A. W., Spruit, M. A., Kaimakamis, E., 2017. Features of a Mobile Support App for Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Literature Review and Current Applications. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 5(2), e17.

Roberts, J., Zinchenko, A., Suckling, C., Smith, L., Johnstone, J., Henselmans, M., 2017. The short-term effect of high versus moderate protein intake on recovery after strength training in resistance-trained individuals. J. Int. Soc. Sports Nutr., 14(44). doi: 10.1186/s12970-017-0201-z

Furber, M., Anton-Solanas, A., Koppe, E., Ashby, C., Roberts, M., Roberts, J., 2017. A 7-day high protein hypocaloric diet promotes cellular metabolic adaptations and attenuates lean mass loss in healthy males. Clin. Nutr. Exper., 14, pp. 13-25. doi: 10.1016/j.yclnex.2017.05.002

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Florez-Revuelta, F., Padilla-Lopez, J. R., Dinsmore, J., Pierscionek, B., 2016. Privacy and ethical issues. In: Florez-Revuelta, F., Chaaraoui, A. A., (Eds), 2016. Active and Assisted Living: Technologies and Applications (London: Institution of Engineering and Technology), pp. 389-408. ISBN: 978-1-84919-987-2

Rumbold, J., Pierscionek, B. K., 2016. Why patients shouldn’t “own” their medical records. Nature Biotechnology, 34, pp. 586.

Kayyali, R., Savickas, V., Spruit, M. A., Kaimakamis, E., Siva, R., Costello, R. W., Chang, J., Pierscionek, B., Davies, N., Vaes, A. W., Paradiso, R., Philip, N., Perantoni, E., D’Arcy, S., Raptopoulos, A., Nabhani-Gebara, S., 2016. Qualitative investigation into a wearable system for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: the stakeholders’ perspective. BMJ Open, 6, e011657.

Kayyali, R., Odeh, B., Spruit, M. A., Frerichs, I., Davies, N., Perantoni, E., D’arcy, S., Vaes, A. W., Chang, J., Deering, B., Philip, N., Siva, R., Kaimakamis, E.,Chouvarda, I., Pierscionek, B., Weiler, N., Wouters, E. F. M., Raptopoulos, A., Nabhani-Gebara, S., 2016. COPD care delivery pathways in five European Union countries: mapping and healthcare professionals’ perceptions. International Journal of COPD, 11, pp. 2831-2838.

Stebbings, G. K., Williams, A. G., Herbert, A. J., Lockey, S. J., Heffernan, S. M., Erskine, R. M., Morse, C. I., Day, S. H., 2016. Titin genotype is associated with skeletal muscle fascicle length in recreationally active men and running performance in habitually trained marathon runners. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 50:1. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2016-097120.96

Heffernan, S. M., Kilduff, L. P., Erskine, R. M., Day, S. H., McPhee, J. S., McMahon, G. E., Stebbings, G. K., Neale, J. P., Lockey, S. J., Ribbans, W. J., Cook, C. J., Vance, B., Raleigh, S. M., Roberts, C., Bennett, M. A., Wang, G., Collins, M., Pitsiladis, Y. P., Williams, A. G., 2016. Association of ACTN3 R577X but not ACE I/D gene variants with elite rugby union player status and playing position. Physiol Genomics, 48(3), pp. 196-201. doi: 10.1152/physiolgenomics.00107.2015

Roberts, J. D., Suckling, C. A, Peedle, G. Y., Murphy, J. A., Dawkins, T. G., Roberts, M. G., 2016. An Exploratory Investigation of Endotoxin Levels in Novice Long Distance Triathletes, and the Effects of a Multi-Strain Probiotic/Prebiotic, Antioxidant Intervention. Nutrients, 8(11), pp. 733. doi: 10.3390/nu8110733

Sridharan, S., Vilar, E., Davenport, A., Ashman, N. Almond, M., Banerjee, A., Roberts, J., Farrington, K., 2016. Scaling Hemodialysis Target Dose to Reflect Body Surface Area, Metabolic Activity, and Protein Catabolic Rate: A Prospective, Cross-sectional. Am. J. Kidney Dis., 69(3), pp. 358-366. doi: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2016.07.025

Morrison, A., McGrath, D., Wallace, E. S., 2016. Motor abundance and control structure in the golf swing. Human Movement Science, 46, pp. 129-147. doi: 10.1016/j.humov.2016.01.009

Ibrahim, B., Sheerin, A. N., Jennert-Burston, K., Bird, J. L. E., Massala, M. V., Illsley, M., James, S. E., Faragher, R. G. A., 2016. Absence of premature senescence in Werner's syndrome keratinocytes. Experimental Gerontology, 83 pp. 139-147. doi: 10.1016/j.exger.2016.07.017

Brown, C. P., Boyd, J. L., Palmer, A. J., Phillips, M., Couture, C.-A., Rivard, M., Hulley, P. A., Price, A . J., Ruediger, A., Legare, F., Carr, A. J., 2016. Modulation of mechanical interactions by local piezoelectric effects. Adv Funct Mater, 26(42), pp. 7662-7667.

Boyd, J. L., Zavatsky, A. B., Gill, H. S., 2016. Does increasing applied load lead to contact changes indicative of knee osteoarthritis? A subject-specific FEA study. Inter J Num Methods Biomed Engr., 32(4).

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Alany, R. G., Abdelkader, H., Pierscionek, B., Carew, M., 2015. Critical appraisal of alternative irritation models: three decades of testing ophthalmic pharmaceuticals (Review). British Medical Bulletin, 113, pp. 59-71.

Evanger, K., Pierscionek, B. K., Vaagbø, G., Thorsen, E., Haugen, O. H., 2015. Myopic Shift during Hyperbaric Oxygenation Attributed to Lens Index Changes. Optometry and Vision Science, 92, pp. 1076-1084.

Bahrami, M., Hoshino, M., Pierscionek, B. K., Yagi, N., Regini, J., Uesugi, K., 2015. Refractive index degeneration in older lenses: a potential functional correlate to structural changes that underlie cataract formation. Experimental Eye Research, 140, pp. 19-27.

Pierscionek, B. K., Bahrami, M., Hoshino, M., Uesugi, K., Regini, J., Yagi, N., 2015. The eye lens: age-related trends and individual variations in refractive index and shape parameters. Oncotarget, 31, pp. 30532-30544.

Roberts, J. D., Roberts, M. G., Tarpey, M. D., Weekes, J. C., Thomas, C. H., 2015. The Effect of a Decaffeinated Green Tea Extract Formula on Fat Oxidation, Body Composition and Exercise Performance. J. Int. Soc. Sports Nutr., 12(1), pp. 1-9. doi: 10.1186/s12970-014-0062-7

Irkle, A., Vesey, A. T., Lewis, D. Y., Skepper, J. N., Bird, J. L. E., Dweck, M. R., Joshi, F. J., Gallagher, F. A., Warburton, E. A., Bennett, M. R., Brindle, K. M., Newby, D. E., Rudd, J. H., Davenport, A. P., 2015. Identifying active vascular micro‐calcification by 18F‐sodium fluoride positron emission tomography. Nature Communications, 6, pp. 7495. doi: 10.1038/ncomms8495

Abdellatif, E., Freemont, A. J., 2015. Synovial Fluid. In: Silman, A., Smolen, J., Weinblatt, M., Weisman, M., Hochberg, M., (Eds.), 2015. Rheumatology, 6th edition (Amsterdam: Elsevier).

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McGlade, D., McClenahan, C., Pierscionek, B. K., 2014. Pro-donation behaviours of nursing students from the four countries of the UK. PLoS ONE. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0091405

Mahendiran, K., Elie, C., Nebel, J-C, Ryan, A., Pierscionek, B. K., 2014. Primary sequence contribution to the optical function of the eye lens. Scientific Reports, 4. doi: 10.1038/srep05195

Roberts, J. D., Tarpey, M. D., Kass, L. S., Tarpey, R. J., Roberts, M. G., 2014. Assessing a commercially available sports drink on exogenous carbohydrate oxidation, fluid delivery and sustained exercise performance. J. Int. Soc. Sports Nutr., 11(8), pp. 1-14. doi: 10.1186/1550-2783-11-8

Cuhlmann, S., Gsell, W., Van der Heiden, K., Habib, J., Tremoleda, J. L., Khalil, M., Turkheimer, F., Meens, M. J., Kwak, B. R., Bird, J. L., Davenport, A. P., Clark, J. C., Haskard, D., Krams, R., Jones, H., Evans, P. C., 2014. In vivo mapping of vascular inflammation using the translocator protein tracer 18F-FEDAA. Molecular Imaging, 13, pp. 1-11. doi: 10.2310/7290.2014.00014

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Tarpey, M. D., Roberts, J. D., Kass, L. S., Tarpey, R. J., 2013. The ingestion of maltodextrin, fructose and protein during exercise; influence on exogenous carbohydrate oxidation and performance. Appl. Physiol., Nutr. Metab., 9, pp. 1-9. doi: 10.1139/apnm-2012-0306


Johnström, P., Fryer, T. D., Bird, J. L. E., Richards, H. K., Davenport, A. P., 2012. Dynamic In Vivo Imaging of Receptors in Small Animals Using Positron Emission Tomography. Methods Mol Biol, 897, pp. 221-37.

Johnström, P., Bird, J. L. E., Davenport, A. P., 2012. Quantitative Phosphor Imaging Autoradiography of Radioligands for Positron Emission Tomography. Methods Mol Biol, 897 pp. 205-20.

Bird, J. L. E., Jennert-Burston, K. C. B., Bachler, M. A., Mason, P. A., Lowe, J. E., Heo, S.-J., Campisi, J., Richard, G. A., Faragher, R. G. A., Cox, L. S., 2012. Recapitulation of Werner syndrome sensitivity to camptothecin by limited knockdown of the WRN helicase/exonuclease. Biogerontology, 13(1) pp. 49-62.

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Bird, J. L. E., Izquierdo-Garcia, D., Davies, J. R., Rudd, J. H. F., Probst, K. C., Figg, N., Clark, J. C., Weissberg, P. L., Davenport, A. P., Warburton, E. A., 2010. Evaluation of translocator protein quantification as a tool for assessing macrophage burden in human carotid atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis, 210(2), pp. 388-91.

Davies, J. R., Izquierdo-Garcia, D., Rudd, J. H. F., Figg, N., Richards, H. K., Bird, J. L. E., Aigbirhio, F. I., Davenport, A. P., Weissberg, P. L., Fryer, T. D., Warburton, E. A., 2010. FDG-PET can distinguish inflamed from non-inflamed plaque in an animal model of atherosclerosis. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging, 26(1) pp. 41-8.

Wiegerinck, J. I., Boyd, J. L., Yoder, J. C., Abbey, A. N., Nunley, J. A., Queen, R. M., 2009. Differences in plantar loading between training shoes and racing flats at a self-selected running speed. Gait Posture, 29, pp. 514-519.

Cappello, R., Bird, J. L. E., Pfeiffer, D., Bayliss, M. T., Dudhia, J., 2006. Notochordal cells produce extracellular matrix in a distinct manner, which may be responsible for the maintenance of a healthy nucleus pulposus. Spine, 31(8) pp. 873-82.

Burton, D. G. A., Allen, M. C., Bird, J. L. E., Faragher, R. G. A., 2005. Bridging the gap: Ageing, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. J. Pharm Pharmacol., 57(6) pp. 671-9.

Iqbal, J, Bird, J. L. E., Hollander, A., Bayliss, M. T., 2004. The effect of matrix depleting agents on the expression of the chondrocyte metabolism by equine chondrocytes. Res Vet Sci, 77(3) pp. 249-256.

Bird, J. L. E., Ostler, E., Faragher, R. G. A., 2003. Can we say that senescent cells cause ageing? Exp Gerontol, 38 pp. 1319-1326.

Yasumoto T, Bird, J. L. E., Sugimoto, K., Mason, R. M., Bayliss, M. T., 2003. The G1-domain of aggrecan released from porcine articular cartilage forms stable complexes with hyaluronan/link protein. Rheumatology, 42(2) pp. 336-342.

Wells, T., Davidson, C., Mörgelin, M., Bird, J. L. E., Bayliss, M. T., 2003. Age-related changes in the composition, the molecular stoichiometry and the stability of proteoglycan aggregates extracted from human articular cartilage. Biochem J., 370, pp. 69-79.

Viitanen, M., Bird, J. L. E., Smith, R. K., Tulamo, R.-M., May, S. A., 2003. Biochemical characterisation of navicular hyaline cartilage, navicular fibrocartilage and the deep digital flexor tendon in horses suffering from navicular disease. Res Vet Sci., 75(2), pp. 113-120.

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Crystal Structures (explore BCC, FCC, and HCP unit cells).

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