The Institute for Excellence in Robotic Surgery (TIERS)

NHS East Suffolk and North Essex Foundation Trust in partnership with ARU logo

TIERS was established in 2022 from a partnership between East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (ESNEFT) and ARU, and brings together the complementary strengths of the partnership organisations.

Mission: To develop excellence in robotic surgery by setting the standards for, and providing education in, robotic surgery; through research into all aspects of robotic surgery; and though creative innovation with industry partners.

Vision: TIERS will be the centre of excellence for robotic surgery in England. Experts will travel from across the world to develop their capabilities, and industry partners and funding bodies will support research and education to develop excellence in clinical practice and future development of surgical robotics.


  1. Set standards for excellence in robotic surgery.
  2. Deliver the best education and training in robotic surgery.
  3. Impact the development of robotic surgery and its use in clinical practice through research.
  4. Sustain our efforts through partnership and inward investment.


ESNEFT and the ICENI Centre

The ICENI Centre’s ethos is to bring together leaders in healthcare to share their skills, knowledge and experience of best practice through a diverse range of learning resources.

The ICENI Centre’s first class facilities and training are available to all, from aspiring NHS employees of the future – today’s undergraduates and clinicians on a career pathway from FY1 – to senior consultants, nurses, midwives, and allied health professionals.

Robotic training is provided via a simulation for training with state-of-the-art virtual and augmented reality simulation equipment in robotic surgery, laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, endovascular, ophthalmology and endoscopy.


The mission of ARU's School of Medicine, part of the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Social Care (HEMS), is to educate and train doctors to practice amid 21st-century medical demands and developments. Through our state-of-the-art facilities, we train doctors for the future using innovative technologies to tackle existing and emerging threats to health.

Building on our 25-year history as the largest provider of nursing, midwifery and allied health courses in the East of England, we provide our students with a dynamic and modern curriculum that equips them with the skills-set needed to manage future patient and population needs.

The School of Medicine collaborates with five NHS hospitals, a large mental health trust, and in excess of 60 GP surgeries to provide students with a mix of experiences in urban and rural environments. Taught by a dedicated faculty and visiting clinicians from the NHS Trusts and general practice, our students receive the very best education in their journey to becoming doctors.

We offer Masters courses in Core Concepts in Robotic Surgery and Robotic Surgery (Simulation) and facilitate innovation through our Medical Technology Research Centre (MTRC).