Professor Sanjiv Ahluwalia

Head of School
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Social Care
School of Medicine
Research Supervision:

Sanjiv Ahluwalia is a General Medical Practitioner. He has a special interest in understanding the influence of clinical education on patient care.

[email protected]


Sanjiv graduated from the University of London (Medical Schools of Guys and St Thomas’s) in 1994. He completed his training as a General Medical Practitioner at the Royal Free Hospital and Barnet Vocational Training Scheme in 2000. He has worked as a GP in Barnet since 1999.

Sanjiv has been involved in clinical education since 2002 having started as a GP training programme director and most recently has been the Regional Postgraduate Dean for London. His educational work has consisted of managing postgraduate medical training programmes, workforce, and educational transformation with service providers, and developing interprofessional education. His research explores the relationship between clinical education and patient care/outcomes.

Spoken Languages

English, Punjabi, Hindi

Research interests
  • Clinical education and patient outcomes
  • Population health management
  • Relational ethics in Primary Care

Sanjiv has developed an interest in the relationship between clinical education and patient outcomes in primary care. Using quantitative and qualitative methods, he has explored the nature of the relationship between the two. His work has demonstrated that education clinically and statistically influences care for better patient outcomes. Further work is underway to delineate the direction of influence and better understand the economic benefits associated with this.

Most ethics teaching in medical schools follows the work of Beauchamp and Childress. Working with colleagues, he has recently started to explore the applicability of principlism in primary care.

  • BMedSci in Experimental Pathology, University of London
  • MBBS, University of London
  • MSc in Primary Care, University of Hertfordshire
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Leadership, Exeter University
  • Doctorate in Education, Institute of Education, University College London
Memberships, editorial boards
  • Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Selected recent publications

Shah, R, Clarke, R, Ahluwalia, S, Launer, 2022. Finding meaning in the hidden curriculum–the use of the hermeneutic window in medical education. Education for Primary Care. 2022/3/12;1-5.

Spicer, J., Ahluwalia, S., Shah, R., 2021. On challenges to respect for autonomous decision making in primary care. Clinical ethics. DOI: 14777509211069908.

Spicer, J., Ahluwalia, S., Shah, R., 2021. Moral flux in primary care: the effect of complexity. Journal of Medical Ethics. 47, 2: 86 – 89.

Ahluwalia, S., Spicer, J., Patel, A., Cunningham, B., Gill, D., 2020. Understanding the relationship between GP training and improved patient care–a qualitative study of GP educators. Education for Primary Care. 31, 3: 145 – 152.

Shah, R., Ahluwalia, S., 2020. Different ways of knowing. Lancet. 395, 10227: 862 – 863.

Shah, R., Clarke, R., Ahluwalia, S., Launer, J., 2020. Finding meaning in the consultation: introducing the hermeneutic window. British Journal of General Practice. 70, 699: 502 – 503.

Ahluwalia, S., Hughes, E., Ashworth, M., 2019. In celebration of GP education. British Journal of General Practice. 69, 681: 174-175.

Shah, R., Ahluwalia, S., 2019. The challenges of understanding differential attainment in postgraduate medical education. British Journal of General Practice. 69, 686: 426 – 427.

Ahluwalia, S., Spicer, J., Storey, K., editors 2019. Collaborative practice in primary and community care. Routledge; London.

Recent presentations and conferences

Spicer, J, Shah, R, Ahluwalia, S. Presentation - Offering hope in General Practice. WONCA conference. July 2022.

Ahluwalia, S. Keynote presentation - Securing the NHS workforce capacity required for future healthcare demand. Westminster Health Forum. January 2022.

Ahluwalia, S. Keynote presentation - Complexities in medical practice and teaching competence: how they work together and against each other. Croydon Medical Society virtual meeting. September 2021.

Ahluwalia, S. Keynote presentation – Clinical education and its influence on patient care. UCL GP tutors annual conference. March 2021.

Ahluwalia, S. Keynote presentation - Working Together for a future beyond COVID. John Horder Awards. Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education. 2020.

Ahluwalia, S. Keynote presentation - Update on actions from HEE ‘Maximising SAS Potential’ paper. Academy of Medical Royal Colleges national SAS conference. London 2020.

Ahluwalia, S. Keynote presentation - Collaboration in General Practice: a personal perspective. Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education Annual General Meeting. 2019.

Ahluwalia, S. Presentations - 1. Benefits of primary care-based health systems; 2. Adaptation of primary care to new health challenges. Fourth Latin American Forum on Quality Health and Safety. Pan-American Health Organisation and Ministry of Health Mexico. Mexico City 2018.