Faculty of Science and Engineering research services

Our science and engineering research is world-leading, and our researchers are award winning. We're committed to building links with local, national and international business and fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.

There are a number of ways that our expertise can benefit your business.


Consultancy projects address a business issue or challenge and involve specific problem-solving for the client organisation. Projects are usually carried out on a short timescale, the results are confidential and the client owns the Intellectual Property (IP).

Contract or commissioned research

Contract or commissioned research is a project carried out to a specific client brief; for example, proof of concept, proof of market or market analysis. It may involve research and development, market research, laboratory testing, data analysis or field trips and can be short-term or long-term. The focus of a contract or commissioned research project is to apply research to real-world problems.

Collaborative research

Collaborative research brings two or more parties together in a research partnership, each bringing their own expertise to the partnership. It's a mid- to long-term commitment, often funded by research institutes, Government or charities. The results are published and Anglia Ruskin owns the IP.

Testing and validation

We can conduct rapid prototyping, product development, model generation and computer simulations in our specialist high-tech laboratories. We can also provide guidance on patent applications and IP licensing.

For more information on our research services, please email [email protected]