There is a research ethics approval process for students and staff at ARU and students at our Academic Partners.
If you are a researcher who has recently moved to ARU with a project ethically approved by your previous institution, contact your Faculty Research Ethics Panel Chair before starting your research at ARU (current staff, login required).
If you are an external researcher wanting to carry out research at ARU, you will normally need a contact at ARU. This is especially true if you need someone to advertise your research or distribute questionnaires on your behalf, for example.
You will also need to have obtained ethical approval from another organisation. One of our ethics committee Chairs will need to give permission for your research to proceed at ARU.
Please submit the following to [email protected] copying in your ARU contact and clarifying what their role will be:
We will then pass this onto the relevant ethics committee Chair for their review. You will need to wait for their permission before you can start your research.