Science Centre

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In 2009 a development masterplan was approved for our East Road site in Cambridge. The aim was to enhance our facilities and if possible to rationalise any fragmented departmental accommodation.

Our immediate focus for development was a new, single Life Sciences Centre incorporating a 300-seat lecture theatre adapted for science; a 200-seat laboratory providing flexible teaching space; staff offices and a range of specialist teaching space on the site of the Bryant and Mellish Clark buildings along Broad Street.

The Science Centre brings together teaching, postgraduate and staff facilities for four different departments in the Faculty of Science and Engineering: computing and technology; psychology; animal science; and biomedical science/forensics. The building has been designed to reflect the nearby residential accommodation where they meet on Broad Street, ensuring the three-storey section matches the existing building height by sinking half a storey below pavement level. Set back from the boundary towards the centre of the campus, the building's height rises to five storeys.

The 220-place 'super-laboratory' on the ground floor represents a new way of teaching science, where several classes from different disciplines can be taught at the same time in one space.

Environmental considerations

We're very concerned about the environment, and considered transport, ecology and pollution as part of the planning process.

Through our new Energy Centre we'll make a total carbon saving of over 30% by using gas more efficiently and generating our own electricity.

Considerate contractor scheme

We made sure that our contractors were part of the Considerate Contractor Scheme. The Considerate Contractor Scheme is designed to ensure that construction and routine maintenance activities in Cambridge progress without making life unpleasant for people who live and work nearby. Scheme members are asked to give a commitment which is over and above the legal minimum requirements and is described in the scheme's code of good practice.

Our contractors worked from 8am-6pm Monday-Friday, and 8am-1pm on Saturday. They did not work on Sunday, bank or public holidays.