Prizes and awards

Alumni prizes and awards

Prizes and awards help our alumni transition into life after university and begin successful, fulfilling careers. Many of our supporters fund prizes or awards in academic fields that relate to their own specific sector.

See our Alumni pages for more information.

Please contact [email protected] if you require any further information about the alumni awards.

Graduation prizes and awards

Ede & Ravenscroft Prize – a prize donated by Ede & Ravenscroft each year to student(s) who have overcome adversity in the course of their studies (amount varies year on year). A second award has also been donated for students who have achieved academic excellence. As stipulated by the donor, both prizes are to be awarded to first or second year undergraduates.

The Adams Award - a donation from Joan Adams, former Dean of Education, to fund an annual prize to be awarded to a final year student who achieves the highest overall mark upon graduation from the School of Education. This prize is open to full and part-time students.

The Cheyenne Williams Prize - Awarded for Best Major Project in Criminology and Sociology.

David Waite Memorial Prize 2024 - Awarded to a 2nd year BA (Hons) Film student who demonstrated an exceptional engagement and motivation, or encouraged a positive dynamic among fellow students, or demonstrated a notable practical application of film research.

The Declan Donnelly Memorial Prize - Awarded for the best Policing dissertation.

The Jessie Forbes Prize - Awarded for the best MA Major Project in Social Sciences (MA Criminology, Sociology or International Relations).

The Justin Wand Memorial Prize - Awarded for the best performance in any English or Philosophy undergraduate degree.

The Pat Coyle Memorial Prize - Awarded for academic achievement and/or extra curricular contribution to Film and Media Studies.

The Philip Loates Prize - Awarded for Best Major Project in Criminology.

The Sinead Moodliar Prize - Awarded for Best Major Project in Philosophy and Philosophy and Literature.

The Thomas Davis History Prize - Awarded to the student with the highest overall mark on the BA (Hons) History Degree.

The Vernon Prize - Awarded for an outstanding performance in MA Intercultural Communication.

MBA - a prize awarded to the most academically outstanding overseas student on the MBA programme.

Sameer El-Niel Award - a donation made in April 2006 by Alfred Wainwright, the sole remaining trustee of the Sameer El-Niel Trust. A prize will be paid to the best performing non-EU first year student studying on the Cambridge campus.

Mid Essex Productivity Association Award - funds were received in 1997 following the dissolution of the Mid Essex Productivity Association. The purpose of this charitable trust was to assist students studying to improve their effectiveness as managers. The ARU Foundation is continuing this work.

Sam Beatson Memorial Fund - Sam Beatson was a student at the University until December 2003 and sadly died in February 2004. He bequethed £3,000 to the Foundation, £2,750 of which is to be used by the School of Computing and Information Science. This is an award for the best final year undergraduate computer science course student (academically). The award is to be determined at the end of the degree course.