Follow our lead

We are proud to have educated and trained nurses in the East of England for over 25 years. We know what we are doing. We know what makes a great nurse.

Times change. Policy changes. But at the end of the day, patient care is central to everything we do. Leading positive change to deliver high quality patient care, will be top of your agenda. And ours. Leadership in at the core of our curriculum.

We’ll equip you with the skills needed to be a great leader in practice. We embed leadership and professionalism in our nursing programmes from the very beginning. We’ll develop your skills so you can work effectively within multi-disciplinary teams, and provide quality care for patients with complex and challenging needs. Developing your management skills of assertiveness, delegation and coaching will be key, as well as tools for resilience to withstand the stresses and pressures of practice.

"I think leadership in nursing practice can be at any level. It’s about showing initiative and a willingness to learn….It’s not just being a leader on a good day, but being a leader on a bad day as well….The minute you put that uniform on and go out into practice, any patient or family is going to see you as a leader because you’ve got a uniform on"

Briannie, 2nd year Child Nursing

You’ll be ready to make a successful transition from student to registered nurse and to shape positive change in delivering high quality patient care. As a registered nurse, colleagues and patients will be looking to you to lead. You’ll then help educate the next generation through mentoring and coaching. Having being taught by the best with confidence and competence, students will want to emulate you and your approach to leading by example.

"Now that 3rd year has come along, I do find that 1st and 2nd year students are looking at you as a leader because I did it in 1st year… I feel that I have to set an example. You just have to reassure them."

Louisa, 3rd year Child Nursing