My top 5 resources for studying Early Childhood Studies BA (Hons)


Faculty: Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
School: School of Education
Course: Early Childhood Studies BA (Hons)
Category: Education

16 May 2022

Three books for the Early Childhood Studies course (Researching Language and Literacy in Social Context is on top)

Early Childhood Studies is diverse and over the last two years, it has become apparent to me that a range of resources are vital. It is important to note that using a variety of research sources will help gather representable information.

During every module, I have complied with each reading list and furthered my reading to broaden my knowledge of Early Childhood. I will be sharing my favourite resources and how they have benefitted my research, assignments, and professional development.

1. Child Development Theory and Practice (book and e-book)

By Johnathan Doherty and Malcom Hughes, 2013
Available from ARU Libraries

This book has been my go-to resource for all my module assignments. It draws on many theories of child development, including the early, physical, cognitive, and social development. The text is infused with the authors’ knowledge and passion of Early Years, offering perspectives as to how children acquire a range of capabilities in the Early Years.

2. Child Development For Early Years Students and Practitioners (book)

By Sally Neaum, 2019
Available from ARU Libraries

This book is specifically for Early Years students and practitioners, meaning that the information is targeted for readers like me. Knowing about children and their development enables practitioners to improve their practice. As students, this book will teach you a lot about the foundations in Early Years, such as the developmental patterns and sequences in development.

3. Child Observation for Learning and Research (book and e-book)

By Theodora Papatheodorou, Paulette Luff and Janet Gill, 2013
Available from ARU Libraries

Observation and research are my favourite elements in Early Childhood and help me to develop new skills. Whenever I conduct research, I refer to this resource as a guide as it provides experience and expertise from the authors, demonstrating how acquiring these skills can serve as a key learning tool. The book explores the importance of carrying out observations and complying with appropriate methodology. Furthermore, this resource has helped build my confidence for future observations in practice.

4. NSPCC CASPAR Briefings (Report)

Available with free subscription

The NSPCC Learning platform have introduced a free subscription to the latest safeguarding briefings and current reviews in practice. The briefings outline key findings that comply with the latest guidance on child protection. I think this source is important in a society where child safeguarding is paramount.

5. Early Years Educator Magazine (magazine and online articles)

Available with paid subscription

Early Years Educator Magazine offers a rich combination of resources, with engaging practical insights from a range of voices. All articles are topic based, focusing on prime areas in childhood, which are very relevant to my degree. Each article is thought provoking and gives you an opportunity to reflect. The magazine has just introduced a new monthly supplement, called ‘Practice Insight’ which I am honoured to feature in. These articles are written by fellow practitioners, authors and students who are able to share and influence the wider practice.

A magazine article "My Idyllic Setting" written by Mitzi

Mitzi studies BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies at ARU in Chelmsford. Find out more about this and other degree courses at one of our Open Days.


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