My journey to Primary Education Studies


Faculty: Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
School: School of Education
Course: BA (Hons) Primary Education Studies (Accelerated)
Category: Education

1 November 2019

Mature student Katrina discusses how she came to study Primary Education Studies at ARU, how how she's finding the course so far.

As I was rapidly approaching 'the big 4-0', I reflected back on what it was I wanted to learn in order to meet my goal of being a primary school teacher. I investigated my options and a colleague suggested looking for a Primary Education Studies degree.

I hadn't considered this kind of course before, mainly because I didn't realise it was a speciality, so I was intrigued.

Nurturing an interest

I looked at a number of universities and the ARU syllabus really piqued my interest. It was an excellent combination of key pedagogy (how to teach) alongside looking at why we teach what we do now - and why this changes.

The Chelmsford campus is all in one place, really easy to navigate and close to the station, so getting there would be a breeze.

As someone who completed the majority of primary school before the Education Reform Act of 1988 and the National Curriculum that followed in 1989, I had been interested in the reasoning behind the decision to install the framework and the challenges faced in the years since.

Political requirements seem to be pushing standards and expectations of our children to unusual highs and I am looking forward to analysing what has driven this. Is it the changing needs of our country's workforce, or just politicians on a power trip?

Settling in

A few weeks into my degree and I know I have made the right decision. We are looking at theories of how children learn and develop, alongside reviewing the challenges within society and school.

I can’t tie down a favourite module yet, as they are all really interesting and interlinking in many ways. We also have that vital time with our Personal Development Tutor, Jo, who has made us all feel at ease and supported.

We have already met two different School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) providers and we have a great timetable of other specialist speakers to build our teacher training applications.

Teaching in the 21st century is dynamic, and learning different methods of how and why children learn will make my future lesson plans as effective as possible.

I am looking forward to getting to grips with the study (even the essays!) and know this will give me a sound and solid foundation of knowledge with which to move onto teacher training.

Katrina studies Primary Education Studies (accelerated) in Chelmsford. Find out more about this and other degree courses at one of our Open Days.


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