Less than one week to DigiFest 2019

Over 100 colleagues from across our faculties and professional services are already booked to attend DigiFest 2019 next week.

The workshop and conference days in Cambridge and Chelmsford will see keynotes and workshops covering all things digital – from using online tools such as Canvas, Poll Everywhere, and Zoom, to the pedagogic research behind their value in enhancing inclusive curriculum design and teaching and ultimately our students’ learning experiences.

Guest speaker, Tom Lowe, University of Winchester, will open each workshop day (Mon 9 Sept, Cam / Wed 11 Sept, Che) by critically looking at the growth of student engagement in HE and ask delegates to reflect on the barriers students face to fully engage with ARU and how these can be overcome.

Other ‘must-attend’ workshops will explore the benefits of active collaborative learning approaches such as team-based learning and Media-Enhanced Assessment. While Personal Development Tutors and colleagues involved in the Development Planning pilot will find the MyShowcase e-portfolio and TopDesk sessions invaluable.

The subsequent conference day (Tues 10 Sept, Cam / Thurs 12 Sept, Che) will each welcome a nationally renowned keynote presenting on their respective HE research and practical experiences of using digital technologies to enhance learning, teaching and assessment. 

Jitse van Ameijde, will open the Cambridge conference day and share how an Open University project identified curriculum design-related factors that positively impact on student retention, and share design tips for educators.

Dr Richard Windle, University of Nottingham, will open the Chelmsford conference day focusing on how his Heath E-learning and Media (HELM) team used digital approaches to learning and teaching to open up new ways of working, collaborating and sharing between teachers, learners and other stakeholders to produce highly aligned resources for students’ needs.  

The subsequent conference day sessions will focus on sharing good practice from across ARU and supporting colleagues to become more proficient and confident in using learning technologies.

"The four DigiFest days are designed in line with ARU’s digital framework to support and inspire colleagues as they prepare for the new academic year.  

"Staff who are able to use new technologies are better able to develop students’ digital literacy skills - key employability and lifelong learning skills which are essential if they are to thrive in a digital workplace where many jobs will disappear due to the increased use of artificial intelligence and other technologies,” says Sharon Waller, Head of Anglia Learning & Teaching. 

Colleagues are asked to register in advance to attend the conference day and to book the workshop day sessions that best meet their interests and requirements. The individual conference day sessions can be booked on the day. 

For the full programme and to book your place visit DigiFest 2019.