There are 351 members of staff available
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PhD Researcher
Research institution affiliation: Global Sustainability Institute
Faculty: Faculty of Health, Medicine and Social Care
School: School of Allied Health and Social Care
Campus: Chelmsford campus
Deputy Dean in Practice Learning and Simulation
Faculty: Faculty of Health, Medicine and Social Care
Campus: Chelmsford campus, Cambridge campus
Expertise: Nursing and midwifery
Senior Lecturer Practitioner
Faculty: Faculty of Health, Medicine and Social Care
School: School of Medicine
Campus: Chelmsford campus
Associate Professor in Applied Social Science Co-Director, Professional Doctorate Health & Social Care
Research institution affiliation: Veterans and Families Institute for Military Social Research
Faculty: Faculty of Health, Medicine and Social Care
Campus: Chelmsford campus
Expertise: Health care ethics and education
Senior Lecturer
Faculty: Faculty of Business and Law
School: Economics, Finance and Law
Campus: Chelmsford campus
Director of International Partnerships
Faculty: Faculty of Business and Law
Campus: Chelmsford campus
Expertise: Business, management and leadership
Senior Lecturer
Faculty: Faculty of Health, Medicine and Social Care
School: School of Nursing
Campus: Chelmsford campus
Research Assistant
Research institution affiliation: Medical Technology Research Centre
Faculty: Faculty of Health, Medicine and Social Care
Campus: Chelmsford campus
Faculty: Faculty of Science and Engineering
School: Engineering and the Built Environment
Campus: Chelmsford campus
Senior Lecturer
Faculty: Faculty of Health, Medicine and Social Care
School: School of Allied Health and Social Care
Campus: Chelmsford campus
Expertise: Paramedic science