Transition Measurement and Service Improvement

A soldier's hands making marks on a map with a pencil

Transition is an inevitable facet of life in the military. Young people transition from their civilian lives and are soon inculcated into a military culture, and eventually they will leave the military and return to civilian society.

Along this journey service personnel will develop relationships, have a host of experiences, and be given a range of responsibilities dependent upon their trade, rank or time in service. All these factors will, in some way, shape the growth and development of the individual and will have an impact as they transition back to civilian life.

There remains considerable debate about both the positive and negative effects of military service on the individual and their families and communities. This research theme, led by the Director of the VFI, Associate Professor Matt Fossey, aims to explore how transition is understood and experienced. Most importantly, it aims to develop initial evidence for what constitutes a good transition.

Transition is not unique to the military and the outcomes of this work will help to shape our thinking when we consider transitions across many other areas of society.

For more information about the Transition, Measurement and Service Improvement research theme, email [email protected]
