LiquefACT and TURNkey were two Horizon 2020 funded projects that aimed to develop tools to assess and enhance the resilience of the built environment and community to natural hazards.
LiquefACT took a holistic approach to investigating damage caused by soil liquefaction and the effectiveness of mitigation actions to improve community resilience.
TURNkey developed a prototype platform running Operation Earthquake Forecasting (OEF), Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) and Rapid Response to Earthquake (RRE) to help organisations and communities better manage earthquakes.
Learn more about the impacts of liquefaction and how this project aims to address them.
Learn more about TURNkey's work and outcomes with our specially-produced flyers, available to download in English and Spanish.
View our information flyersLiquefACT focused on earthquake induced soil liquefaction disasters (EILD), while TURNkey looked at earthquake disasters.
LiquefACT’s aim was to investigate the intensity of damage produced by liquefaction and the effectiveness of the mitigation actions to improve community resilience to EILD events.
The project outputs included tools to help decision makers identify the most appropriate mitigation actions for their circumstances. These tools were combined in the Resilience Assessment and Improvement Framework (RAIF), which is the backbone of the LiquefACT software.
The ARU team developed the RAIF and the tools to assess community resilience as well as critical infrastructure’s organisational resilience so as to appraise the costs and benefits of different mitigation options.
TURNkey built on the results of the LiquefACT project. Its aim was to develop a prototype platform running OEF, EEW and RRE to help organisations and local communities better prepare for, respond to, and recover from an earthquake event.
The TURNkey platform was based on stakeholders’ requirements, which were identified through three cycles of the Participatory Action Research (PAR), which was led by ARU team. Stakeholders in six testbeds located in five European countries were identified to contribute to the PAR.
The ARU team also developed tools to assess community resilience as well the organisational resilience of small businesses and critical infrastructures. They additionally proposed a framework to integrate the TURNkey platform into the international standards for the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and the Contingency Planning (CP).
Wanigarathna, N., Jones, K., Pascale, F., Morga, M. and Meslem, A. (2022), ‘Cost–benefit analysis to appraise technical mitigation options for earthquake-induced liquefaction disaster events’, Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction.
Jones, K.G., Morga, M., Wanigarathna, N., Pascale, F. and Meslem, A. (2021) ‘Improving the resilience of existing built assets to earthquake induced liquefaction disasters events’, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 19(10), pp. 4145-4169.
Jones, K., Pascale, F., Wanigarathna, N., Morga, M. and Sargin S., (2021) ‘Critical evaluation of the customisation process of the UNDRR disaster resilience scorecard for cities to earthquake-induced soil liquefaction disaster events’, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 19, pp. 4115–4143.
Jones, K.G., Mulder, F., Morga, M. and Wanigarathna N. (2022), ‘Improving organisational resilience through data: The TURNkey FWCR platform’. In press in: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES).
Wanigarathna, N., Henjewele, C., Jones, K.G., Pascale, F. and Morga M. (2022) ‘Modelling Earthquake Damage Repair Costs: Improving Accuracy for Preparedness Decision Making’. In: Tutesigensi, A. and Neilson, C.J. (Eds) (2022) Proceedings of the 38th Annual ARCOM Conference. Glasgow: Association of Researchers in Construction Management, pp. 155-164.
Jones, K., Mulder, F., Morga, M. and Wanigarathna, N. (2022) ‘Improving organisational resilience to disaster events: an FM perspective’. In: Jylhä, T. and Danivska, V. (Eds) (2022) The 21st EuroFM Research Symposium, [Proceedings]. Delft: Delft University of Technology - Breda University of Applied Sciences.
Morga, M. and Jones, K. (2019) 'Toolkit for resilience assessment of critical infrastructures to earthquake induced soil liquefaction disasters'. In: IABSE Symposium - Towards a Resilient Built Environment - Risk and Asset Management, Guimarães, Portugal.
Morga, M., Pascale, F., Spacagna, R.L., Paolella, L., Modoni, G. and Jones, K. (2018) ‘Risk analysis of the built environment: understanding strengths and weaknesses of both quantitative and qualitative methodologies’. In: Martins, A.N., Hobeica, L., Hobeica, A., Santos, P.P., Eltinay, N. and Mendes, J.M. (2018) The 8th ICBR Lisbon Book of Papers [e-Book of Proceedings], 8th ICBR Lisbon, Portugal (ISBN: 978-989-54741-0-3).
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