Dr Federica Pascale

Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Engineering and the Built Environment
Areas of Expertise:
Built environment
Research Supervision:

Federica's main focus is on the requirements needed in the planning, design, and construction of sustainable and resilient health and social care environments.

[email protected]


Federica obtained her PhD in Architectural Technology, at the University of Naples “Federico II” (FIIU), in January 2012, having also obtained her BSc and MSc in Civil Engineering, with first class-honours, from the same university. During her experience at FIIU, she also contributed to several BSc and MSc modules in Architectural Engineering and Building Engineering. In 2008-09 she was appointed as Lecturer of the module Assessment and Risk Reduction Building Sites for the Protection of Workers' Health, within the Masters degree in Architectural Engineering.

In 2012 Federica joined the School of Civil and Building Engineering at Loughborough University (LU) as a Post-doctoral Research Associate. She was involved in Phase 2 of The Health and Care Infrastructure Research and Innovation Centre (HaCIRIC), which was a collaboration between existing research centres at Imperial College London and the Universities of Loughborough, Reading and Salford. Together this represented a resource valued at more than £10m. During my experience at LU, Federica also was Guest Lecturer for the modules Sustainable Building Design, Concept Design, Building Production, Principles of Project Management, and Project Management.

In 2015, Federica joined the Department of Engineering and the Built Environment at Anglia Ruskin University as a Lecturer in Architectural Technology. She teaches the BSc (Hons) Architecture and BSc (Hons) Architectural Technology.

Research interests

Federica's research focuses on the requirements needed in the planning, design, and construction of sustainable and resilient health and social care environments able to deal with the current trend of social and environmental change, considering factors such as resilience and performance, medical processes, vulnerable population (e.g. aging population, dementia sufferers) and mass casualty events.

She has collaborated with the Department of Health Dementia Capital Investment Programme, supporting the DH in the selection process, development of delivery confidence, quality measures and evidence gathering; and on the development of the new HBN 08-02 “Dementia-friendly Health and Social Care Environments’”.


Federica teaches on the BA (Hons) Architecture and BSc (Hons) Architectural Technology programmes.

  • PhD in Architectural Technology, University of Naples “Federico II” (FIIU), Italy
  • MSc in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering (two-year course) attained from the Faculty of Engineering (FIIU), Italy (first class-honours)
  • BSc in Civil Engineering (3-year course) from the Faculty of Engineering, FIIU (first class-honours)
Research grants, consultancy, knowledge exchange
  • Day-to-day co-investigator of the research project LIQUEFACT Project “Assessment and mitigation of liquefaction potential across Europe: a holistic approach to protect structures/infrastructure for improved resilience to earthquake-induced liquefaction disasters”. Horizon 2020 (£4.9M H2020, www.liquefact.eu/)
  • Day-to-day co-investigator and author of the seed corn project “Scoping study on the current technology related to the Built Environment (BE) to support elderly people to live independently in their community”. Positive Ageing Research Institute (ARU): £ 4,315.
  • Day-to-day co-investigator and author of the research project “Collaboration between the UK and Japan on Healthcare Emergency Planning (Major Disasters)”. EBE Sandpit IV 2017: £2,900.
  • Day-to-day co-investigator and co-author of the research project “Dependency and interdependency of healthcare facilities”. EBE QR Seed Funding 2016: £2,000.
  • Day-to-day co-investigator and co-author of the research project “Nature based solutions for inclusive urban regeneration”. EBE QR Seed Funding 2016: £2,000.
  • Day-to-day co-investigator and co-author of the consultancy proposal “New HBN for Improving the Environment of Care for People with Dementia”. Department of Health. Total value: £ 49,000.
  • Day-to-day co-investigator and collaborator of the enterprise proposal “Activity-Acuity-Adaptability-Flow (A3F)”, funded through LU’s impact acceleration grant: : £97,197.
  • Day-to-day co-investigator and co-author of the research proposal “Improving the environment of care for people with dementia”. Department of Health. Total value: £270,000.

Professional Activity

Since 2007, Federica has worked as Healthcare Designer Consultant for different design firms and companies. She has contributed to large healthcare design project, such as design of operating rooms, intensive care units, emergency departments, care home. Her role was to provide an innovative research-based approach on issues related to the impact of medical process, special needs of vulnerable population (e.g. aging population) and special circumstances (such as mass casualty) on built environment and the layout.

Selected recent publications

Refereed journal publications

Pantzartzis E, Price ADF, Pascale F, (2016).."A built environment response to the rising costs of dementia", Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 21(2), pp160–187 DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/JFMPC-06-2015-0019

Achour N, Pascale F, Price ADF, Ackisari K, Miyajima M, Yoshida M and Polverino F, (2016). Learning lessons from the 2011 Van Earthquake to enhance healthcare surge capacity in Turkey, Environmental Hazards, 15(1).

Castelluccio R, Pascale F, Fumo M, and Polverino F, (2016). Innovative methods on territorial vulnerability study for the preparation of emergency plans. Tema:Tempo, Materia, Architettura, 2(2), Pp62-71.

Achour N., Pantzartzis E, Pascale F,  Price ADF, (2015). Integration of resilience and sustainability: from theory to application, International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 6(3), pp347–362 DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/IJDRBE-05-2013-0016

Achour N, Pascale F, Soetanto R, and Price ADF, (2015). “Healthcare emergency planning and management to major disasters in the UK”, International Journal of Emergency Management, 11(1), DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17477891.2016.1139539

Pantzartzis E, Pascale F, Price, ADF (2015). Design for people living with dementia, World Health Design, 8(1), pp68-77

Pantzartzis E, Pascale F, Price ADF, (2015). BN guidance sets out key principles, Health estate, 69(7), 34-40.

Pascale F, Achour N, Price ADF and Polverino F, (2014), Evaluation of factors and approaches affecting emergency department space planning. Facilities, Vol. 32 No. 13/14, 2014, pp761-785, DOI 10.1108/F-09-2012-0073.

Achour N, Miyajima M, Pascale F and Price ADF (2014), Hospital resilience to natural hazards: classification and performance of utilities, Disaster Prevention and Management, 23(1), pp40-52, DOI: 10.1108/DPM-03-2013-0057


Pantzartzis E, Pascale F, Price ADF. Health Building Note 08-02: Dementia-friendly Health and Social Care Environments. Department of Health, 2015. (AUTHORS ARE REPORTED IN ALPHABETIC ORDER)


Price ADF, Pascale F, Pantzartzis E, (2014), DH Improving the environment of care for people with dementia: Final Recommendation Report.

Pascale F, (2013), Italian Emergency Department design challenged by international practice. In: HaCIRIC Insights 2: Transforming healthcare infrastructure and service in an age of austerity. HaCIRIC. London, UK.

International and national awards

Awarded in 2017 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence as Outstanding paper and awarded in 2015 and 2016 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence as Highly Commended papers.

Enterprise Awards 2015 as Highly Commended project for the Health Building Note 08-02: Dementia-friendly Health and Social Care Environments.

Recent presentations and conferences

Imani M, Pascale F, Kapogiannis G, and Jones K, (2016), Hospital resilience-informed decision-making: uncertainties and interdependencies, Proceedings of Integrated Design International Conference (ID@50). Bath, England.

Castelluccio, R Fumo M, Pascale F, Polverino F, (2015), Metodi innovativi sullo studio della vulnerabilità territoriale per la redazione di piani di emergenza, Proceedings of the “Colloqui.AT.e 2015. L’EVOLUZIONE DEL SAPERE IN ARCHITETTURA TECNICA”. Bologna, Italy. ISBN: 9788891619068.

Pantzartzis E, Price ADF, Pascale F, (2015), The Environment of Care for People with Dementia: Evidence-Based Design Solutions and Best Practices for Integrated Care Delivery in Times of Radical Change. In Healthcare Facilities in Times of Radical Changes. Proceedings of the 23rd Congress of the International Federation of Hospital Engineering (Ifhe), 25th Latin American Congress of Architecture and Hospital Engineering. Premium Edition, pp.187-196

Pantzartzis E, Price ADF, Pascale F, (2015), El entorno para el cuidado de personas con demencia, Anuario AADAIH 2015, pp.114-119

Achour N, Pantzartzis E,  Pascale F, Price ADF,  (2012), Opportunities associated with the integration of environmental and resilience appraisal tools, Japan-UK joint workshop on Policy Integration between Environmental Assessment and Disaster Manage Chiba University of Commerce | 30 Nov.- 3 Dec. 2012 | Ichikawa, Japan.

Pascale F, Achour  N,  Price A D F,  and Polverino F, (2012), Evaluation, analysis and benchmarking of the design of emergency departments in Italy, Conference Proceedings of the 5th Annual Conference of the Health and Care Infrastructure Research and Innovation Centre – Cardiff, UK.

Pascale F, (2011), Issues of functional flexibility of Emergency Department in mass casualty event. Elements of analysis and design, Proceedings of the IV National Conference of the Italian Society of Architecture and Engineering for Health: Health and federalism: the future of technical areas and renewed commitment to in the ethics” – Naples, Italy.

Giannone D, Pascale F, and Polverino F, (2009), Heavy prefabrication construction in the Monteruscello experience, Twenty years later, Proceedings of the “Technological evolution of the concrete. Tradition, present situation and prospects”. Termoli, Italy. ISBN: 88-6026-094-9.