Dr Wendy Moody

Senior Lecturer


Faculty of Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
Cambridge School of Art
Areas of Expertise:
Fashion design
Research Supervision:

Wendy is a Senior Lecturer in Fashion Design and Course Leader for ARU's BA (Hons) Fashion Design degree.

In between lecturing and research, Wendy has worked in fashion buying, undertaken freelance design work, and has exhibited and sold fashion illustrations worldwide. More recently Wendy is focussed on her research into digital fashion and a collaboration with games.

[email protected]


Having completed her MA in Textiles and Fashion with distinction, Wendy lectured and conducted research at Liverpool John Moores University working in a multi-disciplinary context in collaboration with Engineering and Neuroscience on haptic-based projects. Wendy's multi-disciplinary and collaborative PhD (clinical psychology and fMRI) focused on the wearing experience: psychological preferences in clothing design and the neurological basis of self perception. 

Wendy worked at the University of Manchester, where she managed a Masters in Enterprise, before joining Cambridge School of Art as Course Leader for our BA (Hons) Fashion Design. Since she started at ARU she has also been a Course Leader MA Fashion Design, Deputy Head Art & Design, and Acting Head of School. Wendy has returned to her routes in teaching on the BA Fashion Design course and with a focus on developing her research and practice in digital fashion design and wearer behaviour.

Research interests
  • Digital Fashion Design
  • Buying and Wearing Experiences (digital)
  • Games
  • Research interest 4

Multi-disciplinary contexts run through Wendy's research history, from collaboration with engineering and neuroscience on haptic-based projects through her collaborative PhD (clinical psychology & fMRI) focusing on the wearing experience.

Wendy’s current inter- and multi-disciplinary fashion/textiles practice and academic research has been based upon buyer and wearer behaviour. Wendy examines and questions the relationships between the self-concept, emotions, memories, and body perception/detection. This includes conceptual and creative interpretation and fashion and textile storytelling, and qualitative research to add to academic debate into wearer behaviour.

Drawing upon this and previous research where buying new clothing has shown to be used as a tool for self-development, and with links to sustainability, Wendy is more recently interested in more sustainable and digital approaches to fashion, and simulating design and wearer sensory experiences - without the need to buy or waste. This research has led to her working with CLO3D (digital fashion software) and collaborative approaches exploring existing and emerging technology, e.g. virtual reality, AR, computer games art and haptics.

Areas of research supervision
  • Mary-Jane Montgomerie Housem ‘How the ""Hausa Wrapper"" cloth can be used as a Multifunctional, Fashion, Zero Waste Textile in a Global Interconnected World’, (1st Supervisor)
  • External Assessor (June 2011): MPhil – ‘Ethical Fashion and the Consumer’, Southampton Solent University
  • Natasha Haswell (2010), ‘On-line Consumer Motivations of a Plus-Size On-line Retailer (Simply Be)’, (co-supervisor)
  • Dr Helen McCormick (2009), ‘Multi-Channel Store Atmospherics Analysis’ (co-supervisor)
  • Dr Gayle Booth (2008), ‘Women entrepreneurs: A study of fashion designers in Great Britain’ (took over midway to completion)


Wendy currently teaches on the following modules:

  • 3D Digital Fashion and Innovation
  • Visual Communication and Portfolio
  • Working in the Creative Industries
  • Graduate Project and Portfolio

  • PhD – the wearing experience: psychological preferences in clothing design and the neurological basis of self perception (Liverpool John Moores University, University of Liverpool, University of Bangor).
  • MPhil – Sensing the Fabric (Liverpool John Moores University, University of Liverpool)
  • MA Fashion and Textiles (Manchester Metropolitan University)
  • BA (Hons) Fashion and Textiles (Liverpool John Moores University)
  • PGCE (Liverpool John Moores University)
  • Foundation in Art and Design (Newham Community College)
Memberships, editorial boards
  • Fellow, Higher Education Academy
  • UK Fashion and Textile Association
Research grants, consultancy, knowledge exchange
  • August 2011, consultancy writing: Sloggi (underwear), via fischerAppelt, relations GmbH (PR), Germany – feed into marketing and promotion and product considerations for following season
  • April 2008, consultancy writing: The Fashion Report, Warrington Fashion Week, For Fido Pr
  • February 2005, fashion design illustrations sold for national exhibitions in museums
Selected recent publications

Moody, W, Langdon, P. M., Karam, M., (2018), Enhancing the Fashion and Textile Design Process and Wearer Experiences': Paper presented at a conference (CWUAAT 2018, April 2018), University of Cambridge), and published in a book, within a chapter titled 'Breaking Down Barrier: Usability, Accessibility and Inclusive Design’. Published by Springer International Published - April 2018.

Zhao, Y., Sun, J., Gupta, M., Moody, W., Laverty, W. and Zhang, W., (2016), Developing a mapping from affective words to design parameters for affective design of apparel products, Textile Research Journal, 1-9

Moody, W., Kinderman, P., Sinha, P., (2010), ‘An Exploratory Study: Relationships Between Trying On Clothing, Mood, Emotion, Personality And Clothing Preference’, Journal Of Fashion Marketing And Management, Vol. 14, No. 1

Moody, W., Kinderman, P., Sinha, P., And You, K-S., (2009), ‘Identifying The Causal Relationships Of Appearance Management Through An Analysis Of One’s Own Clothing And Wearing Experiences Over A 10-Day Period’, Journal Of The Korean Society Of Clothing And Textiles, Vol. 33, No. 6

Moody W., In Dawber, M., (2004), ‘Imagemakers: Cutting Edge Fashion Illustration’, (Foreword By Jasper Conran), P164-165, Mitchell Beazley, An Imprint Of Octopus Publishing Group Ltd, London

Zaman, A., Moody, W., Mcglone, F., Roberts, N., (2001), 'An Fmri Study Of Touch', And 'An Fmri Study Of The Relationship Between Extent Of Cortical Representation Of Left And Right Hand, Hand Preference And Hand Performance', Neuroimage, Academic Press, Volume 13, No. 6, Part 2

Recent presentations and conferences

Moody, W., Kinderman, P., Sinha, P., And You, K-S., (2008), ‘An Exploration Into The Causal Relationships Of Appearance Management Through An Analysis Of One’s Own Clothing And Wearing Experience Over A 10-Day Period’, Poster Presented At The Korean Society Of Clothing And Textiles (Ksct) 2008 Fall Conference, Korea, October 24, 2008, P194

Moody, W., Kinderman, P., Sinha, P., And You, K-S., (2008), ‘The Causal Relationships Between Clothing Style, Preference, Personality Factors, Emotions And Mood’, Poster Presented At The Korean Society Of Clothing And Textiles (Ksct) 2008 Fall Conference, Korea, October 24, 2008, P101

Vazquez, D., Moody, W., And Mccormick, H., (2008), ‘Identification And Analysis Of A Fashion Retailers Multi-Channel Visual Identity’, Conference Paper Presented At Emac 2008 Conference, University Of Brighton, Brighton Business School, May 27-30, 2008

Mccormick, H., Moody, W., Vazquez, D., (2008), ‘Measurement And Analysis Of Emotional States Towards A Fashion Retail Multi-Channel Environment’, Paper Presented At The European Institute Of Retailing And Services Studies (Eirass), Zagreb, Croatia, July 14-17, 2008

Moody, W., Kinderman, P., (2004), ‘Design Using Emotion And Personality’ (Paper), Conference Proceedings, ‘Fourth International Conference On Design And Emotion’, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey (Teaching And Learning Paper)

Moody, W., Kinderman, P., (2004), ‘Wearing Diaries’, (Poster And Paper), Conference Proceedings, ‘Fourth International Conference On Design And Emotion’, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

Zaman, A., Garcia-Finana, M., Moody, W., Roberts, N., (2003), ‘An Fmri Study Of Hand Representation In Left And Right Handed Subjects’, Poster At The Human Brain Mapping Conference, New York, Neuroimage, Academic Press, Volume 19, Issue 2, Supplement 1

Moody, W., Baber, C., Wing, A., Morgan, R, Dillon, P., (2001), ‘Factors Underlying Fabric Perception’, Eurohaptics 2001 Conference Proceedings, Educational Technology Research Paper

Dillon, P., Moody, W., Morgan, R., Scully, P, Bartlett, R., (2001), ‘Sensing The Fabric: Development Of A Multi-Modal Device To Investigate The Potential For Virtual Sensory Feedback Aligned To Textile Image’, Paper And Poster Session Presented At The Iffti 3rd Annual Conference, Fashion Directions: Visioning The Future, London College Of Fashion, In-House Publication To Delegates/Guest Speakers, Spring 2001

Dillon, P., Moody, W., Morgan, R., Scully, P, Bartlett, R., (2001), ‘Sensing The Fabric’, Poster Session, Association Of Heads Of Fashion & Textiles National Conference, ‘Learning Through Collaboration’, Blackpool

Dillon, P., Moody, W., Morgan, R., Scully, P, Bartlett, R., (2001), ‘Sensing The Fabric: To Simulate Sensation Through Sensory Evaluation And In Response To Standard Acceptable Properties Of Specific Materials When Viewed As A Digital Image’, Paper And Poster Session Presented At The Haptic Human-Computer Interaction Workshop, Glasgow Interactive Systems Group, Glasgow University (The 1st international Haptic Hci Conference/Workshop), Springer, Lncs Volume, Conference Proceedings, Spring 2001


December 2006. Illustration Work Published On 'Changelings' (Sydney, Australia), Website With Other International Fashion Artists

September 2006, Liverpool Biennial 2006 (Independents), First Exhibition Of International Digital Art For The Independents Biennial Liverpool, 2006 (Online Group Exhibition Of International Digital Art)

July, 2006, ‘Strange Worlds’ – Group Exhibition In Association With Greenpeace, Held At China Heights Gallery, Sydney, Australia, Organised By ‘Changelings’, Sydney

March 2003, Group Staff Exhibition, Kymenlaakso Polytechnic, Finland, Fashion And Textile Illustrations Related To Styling And Moods Associated With The Self-Concept

October 2002, ‘Liverpool Diversity’, Jmu Gallery, Liverpool (Group Staff Exhibition), Illustrations And Images Related To Communication Of The Self

October 2001, Illustration And Textile (Cad Print) Work Shown At Indigo, Paris

February 2001, ‘Texture And Translation’, Domus Academy S.P.A, Milan, Italy, Illustrations And Images Related To Tactile Communication Of The Self In A Virtual Environment (Joint With 2 Other Members Of Staff)