Dr Vahid Parvaresh

Deputy Head of School
Faculty of Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
Humanities and Social Sciences
Areas of Expertise:
Language and linguistics
Research Supervision:

Vahid is Deputy Head of School for Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor of Linguistics and Course Leader for ARU's BA (Hons) English Language and Linguistics.

Vahid is a linguist doing research on pragmatics – i.e. the use of language in context. Vahid is interested in finding out how people use language in daily, routine and emerging situations.


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Vahid’s current research is in the broad area of (Applied) Linguistics. More specifically, he is interested in the field of pragmatics and interactional and social uses of language.

Vahid also has a keen interest in the acquisition and use of pragmatic particles as well as vague expressions and in how people use these expressions to get their messages across.

Furthermore, Vahid is interested in im/politeness-related research, particularly in investigating issues such as rudeness and language aggression.

He also does research on the social dimensions of language and communication, especially on how current globalised practices shape, and are shaped by, local contexts.

Spoken Languages
  • Persian (Farsi)
  • English
Research interests
  • Pragmatics
  • Discourse Analysis
  • (Im)politeness
  • Language Aggression
Areas of research supervision
  • Societal Pragmatics
  • Interlanguage/L2 Pragmatics
  • (Im)politeness and language Aggression
  • Historical Pragmatics
  • Language and Social Media
  • Intercultural Pragmatics
  • Vague/Elastic Language
  • Linguistic Landscape

Current PhD students projects (First supervisor):

  • Al-Hadi, M. Project title: Incivility and the taking of offence in the Omani society.
  • Boukhris, K. Project title: Conflictual interactions in Computer Mediated Communication.
  • Jarvis. A. Project title: Student attitudes towards English and social mobility at an internationalising English-medium university in Asia.
  • Lugman, E. Project title: Intercultural competence, (im)politeness and the use of social media during the intercultural adjustment period of Indonesian postgraduate students in the UK.
  • BA, English Language and Literature, University of Isfahan, Iran
  • MA, Applied Linguistics, University of Tehran, Iran
  • PhD, Applied Linguistics, University of Isfahan, Iran
  • PGCert (Learning and Teaching in Higher Education), Anglia Ruskin University
Memberships, editorial boards
  • Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy
  • Member of International Pragmatics Association
  • Associate Editor, Bibliography of Pragmatics
  • Editorial Board Member, Contrastive Pragmatics
Selected recent publications

Books/edited volumes:

Zhang, G., Parvaresh, V., Forthcoming. Elastic language in persuasion. To be published by Palgrave.

Parvaresh, V., Capone, A. (Eds.)., 2017. The pragmeme of accommodation: The case of interaction around the event of death (Switzerland: Springer).

Guest-edited journal special issues:

Kadar, D., Parvaresh, V., Forthcoming. Language aggression and moral order(s). Special issue of the Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict.

Parvaresh, V., Zhang, G., 2019. ‘Sort of’ across languages of the Asia and Oceania regions. Special issue of the Journal of Asian Pacific Communication.

Selected papers in peer-reviewed journals:

Parvaresh, V., Forthcoming. Moral impoliteness. Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict.

Parvaresh, V., Sheikhan, A., 2019. ‘Sort of’ in Persian: A vague language perspective. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication.

Parvaresh, V., Tayebi, T., 2018. Impoliteness, aggression and the moral order. Journal of Pragmatics, 132, pp. 91-107.

Parvaresh, V., 2018. ‘We are going to do a lot of things for college tuition’: Vague language in the 2016 US presidential debates. Corpus Pragmatics, 2(2), pp. 167-192.

Parvaresh, V., Ahmadian, M. J. 2016. The impact of task structure on the use of vague expressions by EFL learners. The Language Learning Journal, 44, pp. 436-450.

Izadi, D., Parvaresh, V., 2016. The framing of the linguistic landscapes of Persian shop signs in Sydney. Linguistic Landscape, 2, pp. 182–205.

Parvaresh, V., 2015. Vague language that is vaguep in both L1 and L2. International Review of Pragmatics, 7, pp. 129-143.

Parvaresh, V., Tayebi, T.,, 2014. Vaguely speaking in Persian. Discourse Processes, 51, pp. 565-600.

Tayebi, T., Parvaresh, V.. 2014. Conversational disclaimers in Persian. Journal of Pragmatics, 62, pp. 77-93.

Parvaresh, V., Tavangar, M., Eslami Rasekh, A., Izadi, D., 2012. About his friend, how good she is, ‘and this and that’: General extenders in native Persian and non-native English discourse. Journal of Pragmatics, 44, pp. 261-279.

Recent chapters in edited volumes:

Parvaresh, V., 2017. Death, dying and the pragmeme. In Parvaresh, V., Capone, A., (Eds.), 2017. The pragmeme of accommodation: the case of interaction around the event of death (Springer, Chalm), pp. 1-13.

Parvaresh, V., 2017. Panegyrists, vagueness and the pragmeme. In Parvaresh, V., Capone, A., (Eds.), 2017. The pragmeme of accommodation: the case of interaction around the event of death (Cham: Springer), pp. 61-81.

Parvaresh, V., 2016. Metapragmatic pragmemes. In Allan, K., Kecskes, I., Capone, A. (Eds.), 2016. Pragmemes and theories of language use (Springer: Switzerland), pp. 521-535.

Selected recent reviews:

Parvaresh, V., 2017. Grace Q Zhang, Elastic language: How and why we stretch our words. Discourse Studies, 19(1), pp. 115-117.

Parvaresh, V., 2017. Louise Cummings (Ed.), Research in clinical pragmatics (Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology 11). Dordrecht: Springer, 2017. Pp. xxiii+ 649. Journal of Linguistics, 53(4), pp. 897-900.

Parvaresh, V., 2017. Alessandro Capone, The pragmatics of indirect reports: Socio-philosophical considerations. Australian Journal of Linguistics.

Parvaresh, V., 2016. Louise Cummings: Pragmatic disorders. Intercultural Pragmatics, 13(2), pp. 309-313.

Parvaresh, V., 2015. Lucía Fernández Amaya, Maria de la O Hernández López, Reyes Gómez Morón, Manuel Padilla Cruz, Manuel Mejias Borrero and Mariana Relinque Barranca (Eds.), New perspectives on (im) politeness and interpersonal communication. Discourse Studies, 17, pp. 110-112.

Parvaresh, V., 2014. Alexandre Duchêne and Monica Heller (Eds), Language in late capitalism: pride and profit. Applied Linguistics, 5, pp. 617-621.