Cambridge Institute for Music Therapy Research
Indicative thesis title: Investigating the impact of Austin Vocal Psychotherapy training on a music therapist’s voice, sense of self and therapeutic practice.
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Supervisory team: Prof Annie Heiderscheit, Emeritus Prof Helen Odell-Miller, Dr Sanne Storm (external)
Tina’s background prior to her research includes 22 years as a music therapist in health and education settings, and developing music therapy services in her local area. Her clinical focus is the voice and the self, and since 2016 Tina has worked in close collaboration with Dr Diane Austin from New York to develop the UK-based distance training programme in Austin Vocal Psychotherapy (AVPT).
Tina’s research is investigating the impact of AVPT training on a music therapist’s voice, sense of self and therapeutic practice. She hopes this research will inform the profession of the knowledge and skills gained from the training and form a strong foundation for the future of the training programme in the UK.
Warnock, T. (2022) 'Embodied voice work: Beyond singing (Sokolov)', book review, Approaches: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Music Therapy, 14(2). Available at:
Warnock, T. (2020) 'Book Review: Elizabeth Schwartz, Sharon R. Boyle & Rebecca Engen. Functional Voice Skills for Music Therapists', British Journal of Music Therapy, 34(2)., pp. 116-117. Available at:
Warnock, T. (2019) 'Voice and the Autistic Self’. In: Dunn, H. et al (2019) Music Therapy and Autism Across the Lifespan: A Spectrum of Approaches (London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers).
Warnock, T. (2017) 'Book Review: Kay Norton, Singing and Wellbeing: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Proof', British Journal of Music Therapy, 31(2), pp. 105-107. Available at:
Warnock, T. (2012) 'Vocal Connections: how voicework in music therapy helped a young girl with severe learning disabilities and autism to engage in her learning', Approaches: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Music Therapy 4(2). Available at:
Warnock, T. (2011) 'Voice and the Self in Improvised Music Therapy', British Journal of Music Therapy, 25(2), pp. 32-47.
Warnock, T. (2024) 'Vocal Connections: Rediscovering the self after cancer treatment through a vocal psychotherapy group', poster presentation, BAMT Conference, Leicester, May.
Warnock, T. (2023) 'Voice and the Psyche: Sounds of the Self', workshop, Music and Medicine: current practice, future possibilities, University College London, March.
Warnock, T. (2022) 'Vocal Psychotherapy in Progress: how this newly recognized model is helping music therapists across the globe work with trauma', roundtable, 12th European Music Therapy Conference, Edinburgh.