Dr Tim Hayes

Deputy Head of School of Allied Health (Public Health and Healthcare Management courses)
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Social Care
School of Allied Health and Social Care
Areas of Expertise:
Paramedic science , Health and social care , Management and Leadership
Research Supervision:

Tim is an experienced academic, healthcare manager and paramedic. As Deputy Head of School he is responsible for the provision of public health and healthcare management courses and the staff teaching team across both the Chelmsford and Cambridge campuses.

[email protected]


Tim specialises in healthcare leadership and management. His PhD explored the employee turnover of UK paramedics, focusing on their transition from NHS ambulance services to working clinically in the wider NHS. This builds on his research undertaken in his MSc in Leadership and Management in Public Services exploring job satisfaction in paramedics.

Since his PhD, Tim has undertaken research and knowledge exchange projects for NHS England understanding Allied Health Profession recruitment and retention challenges in rural and coastal England and developing paramedic preceptorship.

Tim combines his academic expertise with extensive practical healthcare management experience, having held leadership positions within UK Ambulance services Operations and Clinical directorates at junior, middle and senior management levels.

Prior to joining ARU in 2015 as a Senior Lecturer in Paramedic Science, Tim worked clinically as a paramedic for fifteen years, mainly on ambulances and rapid response cars but also as a critical care helicopter paramedic. Tim now combines his expertise in paramedic science and academia as a Lead Visitor with the Health and Care Professions Council.

Tim has also worked for the College of Paramedics on their Education Advisory committee, where he helped develop their Paramedic Curriculum and Scope of Practice guidance.

Research interests
  • Employee turnover, recruitment, retention, motivation and engagement
  • Organisational culture
  • Professional identity
  • Grounded theory in methodology
  • Healthcare management
  • Paramedic science
  • PhD, Anglia Ruskin University
  • MSc Leadership and Management in Public Services, University of Hertfordshire
  • Postgraduate Certificate Advanced Healthcare Practice, University Campus Suffolk
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education, Anglia Ruskin University
  • Diploma in Immediate Medical Care, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
  • Certificate in Higher Education Emergency Medical Care, University of East Anglia
  • Registered Paramedic with the Health and Care Professions Council
  • BSc (Hons) Law with History, Anglia Ruskin University
Memberships, editorial boards
  • Reviewer, British Paramedic Journal
  • Lead visitor, Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
  • Paramedic Education Network, College of Paramedics
  • Fellow, Higher Education Academy
  • Serving Brother, Order of St John
Selected recent publications

Chandler, R., Hayes, T., Willis, S., McKinstry, C., Grafton, K., and Fowler Davis, S. (2024) 'Exploring solutions for the recruitment and retention issues within the rural and coastal Allied Health Professions workforce: A rapid review', BMC Health Services Research (submitted).

Hayes, T. (2019) UK Contributor: Fuchs, S. and Klein, B.L. (2019) Paediatric Education for Prehospital Professionals. 3rd edition rev. Burlington: Jones & Barlett Learning.

Hayes, T. (2014) Key contributor to: Chrispin, P. and Morris, L. (2014) East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust Clinical Manual. 2nd edition. Somerset: Class Publishing.

Hayes, T. (2011) Chapter on Critical Care Paramedic in Hawkes-Frost, L. and Nicholls, T. (2011) Pain: an ambulance perspective, Somerset: Class Publishing.

Recent presentations and conferences

Hayes, T. (2022) Presentation on ‘Why UK paramedics are leaving ambulance services to work clinically elsewhere in the NHS’, Association of Ambulance Chief Executives Ambulance Leadership Forum. 6th September. Nuneaton

Hayes, T. (2022) Presentation on ‘Why UK paramedics are leaving ambulance services to work clinically elsewhere in the NHS’, College of Paramedics National Conference. 26th May. Online

Hayes, T., 2019. Why are paramedics leaving emergency ambulance services to work clinically in hospitals and GP practices.  Poster presented at: National research conference of the College of Paramedics. 24th September. Cardiff

Hayes, T., 2019. Why are paramedics leaving ambulance work for primary care. Poster presented at: Thirteenth Annual Research Student Conference of Anglia Ruskin University, 11th July. Chelmsford

Hayes, T. (2016) Presentation on ‘Healthcare Law and Ethics', Cambridge University Pre Hospital Care Society, Cambridge

Hayes, T. (2012) Presentation on ‘Transportation of Vascular Emergencies’, Vascular Society of Great Britain Annual Scientific Symposium, Glasgow