Susan's specialist areas are contraception and sexual health, and teaching clinical assessment skills. She is Co-Lead of the Sexual, Reproductive and Family Health Research Group at ARU
Susan qualified in medicine from Queens' University in Belfast in 1990. She specialised in general practice in 1993, became a Diplomate of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health, and developed an interest in the intersection of gender and medicine. She undertook a BA (Hons) in Women's Studies and Sociology at Anglia Ruskin University and was awarded a PhD in Sociology at the University of Cambridge in 2010. Her PhD title was The Effect of Gendered Body Image upon Contraceptive Outcomes.
She continues to work at the intersection of medicine and sociology, with a particular interest in gender.
Susan's research interests lie at the intersection of sociology and health. She is particularly interested in the effects of gender and sexuality upon health behaviours. She has researched attitudes, knowledge and beliefs about the body and towards contraception. She has also led projects which examined the impacts of education and training upon the healthcare workforce.
Susan would be pleased to consider supervising doctoral students with the following research interests/topics:
Susan teaches modules and workshops related to contraception and sexual health at post-registration level. She also contributes to a number of other modules at pre- and post-registration level where she teaches on contraception and sexual health, screening and health promotion. She contributes to the teaching and examining of advanced clinical assessment skills for nurses and other allied health professionals.
Walker, S.H., Grierson, J., Sullivan, A., Alagaratnam, J. 2025. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on people living with HIV. HIV Medicine, 1-10. doi:10.1111/hiv.13754.
Gawronska, J., Meads, C., Smith, L., Cao, C., Wang, N., Walker, S. 2024. Association of oral contraceptive pill use and depression among US women. Journal of Affective Disorders, 344, 2024, pp132-140,
Walker, S., Claydon-Mueller, L., Kabir, R., Piercy, H., Massey, M-T., Costanzo, I. 2023. Systematic review of factors predictive of unfavourable vaginal bleeding in women of reproductive age using the contraceptive etonogestrel implant. Reproductive Female & Child Health, 2023, 1-20.
Walker, S.H. 2022. Effect of the Covid pandemic on progestogen-only and oestrogen-containing contraceptive prescribing in general practice: a retrospective analysis of English prescribing data. The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, 27:4, pp272-277.
Walker, S. H. 2022. Effect of the Covid pandemic on progestogen-only and oestrogen-containing contraceptive prescribing in general practice: a retrospective analysis of English prescribing data. European Journal of Contraceptive and Reproductive Health, 1–6.
Walker, S. H., Hooks, C. and Blake, D. 2021. The views of postnatal women and midwives on midwives providing contraceptive advice and methods: a mixed method concurrent study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 21, pp. 411. ISSN 1471-2393.
Pearson, J. T., Chelstowska, M., Rowland, S. P., Kopp-Kallner, H., Berglund Scherwitzl, E., Walker, S., Gemzell Danielsson, K. and Scherwitzl, R. 2021. Natural Cycles App: Contraceptive Outcomes and Demographic Analysis of UK Users. European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care, 26(2), pp. 105-110. ISSN 1473-0782.
Kubiak, C., Draper, J., Walker, S., Acton, F., Clark, E., Rogers, J., Dearnley, C. Rogers, M. 2020. 'They come with their own ideas of what they want': Healthcare educator, advanced practice student and manager perspectives on learning outcomes. Journal of Education and Work, 33(4), pp. 312-325. ISSN 1469-9435.
Hooks, C. and Walker, S. H. 2020. An exploration of the role of Advanced Clinical Practitioners in the East of England. British Journal of Nursing, 29(15). ISSN 2052-2819.
Walker, S. H., Piercy, H., Shearn, K. and Acton, F. 2020. What consultation resources are available to support delivery of integrated Sexual and Reproductive health services?: a scoping review. BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, 46(2), pp. 88-99. ISSN 2515-1991.
Walker, S. H. Norris, K. 2020. What is the evidence that can inform the implementation of a preceptorship scheme for general practice nurses, and what is the evidence for the benefits of such a scheme?: A literature review and synthesis. Nurse Education Today, 86, 104327. ISSN 1532-2793.
Walker, S. H. 2020. A Mixed-Method Study of the Views of Women, in a General Practice (Primary) Health Care Setting, Regarding Intrauterine Contraception. SAGE Research Methods Cases: Medicine & Health. Available at:
Hunt, R., Bates, C., Walker, S. H., Grierson, J., Redsell, S. A. and Meads, C. 2019. A Systematic Review of UK Educational and Training Materials Aimed at Health and Social Care Staff about Providing Appropriate Services for LGBT+ People. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(24), pp. 4976. ISSN 1660-4601.
Rowlands, S. and Walker, S. 2019. Reproductive control by others: means, perpetrators and effects. BMJ Sex Reprod Health, 45, pp. 61-67. Available at:
Hoggart, L., Walker, S., Newton, V. L. and Parker, M. 2018. Provider-based barriers to provision of intrauterine contraception in general practice. BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, 44(2), pp. 82-89. Available at:
Walker, S., Newton, V. L., Hoggart, L., Parker, M. 2018. I think maybe 10 years seems a bit long; Beliefs and attitudes of women who had never used intrauterine contraception. BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, 44(2), pp. 90-96. Available at:
Walker, S., Andrew, S., Hodson, M. and Roberts, C. M. 2017. Stage 1 development of a patient-reported experience measure (PREM) for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine. Available at:
Walker, S., Newton, V. L., Hoggart, L. and Parker, M. 2016. Predictors of Non-Use of Intrauterine Contraception among women aged 18-49 years in a General Practice setting in the UK. Open Access Journal of Contraception. Available at:
Duschinsky, R. & Walker, S. eds., 2015. Juliet Mitchell and the Lateral Axis; 21st Century Psychoanalysis & Feminism. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, Book Chapters.
Walker, S. & Stewart, M. 2015. Sexuality and Midwifery. In P. Lindsey. & I. Peate. eds. 2015. Introducing the Social Sciences for Midwifery Practice. London & New York: Routledge. pp.158-175.
Walker S., 2014. Dealing with the Challenges of Sexual Exploration for Young People. In: C. Thurston, ed., 2014. Essential Nursing Care for Children and Young People: Theory, Policy and Practice. Abingdon: Routledge. pp.257-275.
Walker, S. 2014. The Etiology of Hysteria in Mitchell’s Madmen & Medusas. In R. Duschinsky & S. Walker eds., 2015. Juliet Mitchell and the Lateral Axis; 21st Century Psychoanalysis & Feminism. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. pp.33-59.
Duschinsky, R. & Walker, S. 2014. Introduction. In R. Duschinsky & S. Walker. eds. 2015. Juliet Mitchell and the Lateral Axis; 21st Century Psychoanalysis & Feminism. New York: Palgrave Macmillan pp.1-29.
Walker, S., 2013. The Impact of CPD upon the Clinical Workforce in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough – Quantitative findings. [Unpublished Report]
Walker, S., Davis, K., Andrew, S., & Page, P. 2013. The Impact of CPD upon the Clinical Workforce in Essex.[Unpublished Report]
Walker, S.H. & Davis, G., 2014. Knowledge and Reported Confidence of Final Year Midwifery Students Regarding Giving Advice on Contraception and Sexual Health. Midwifery, 30, e169-e176.
Gillin, N., Taylor, R., Walker, S. 2017.Exploring the concept of “caring cultures” A critical examination of the conceptual, methodological and validity issues with the “caring cultures” construct. Journal of Clinical Nursing. DOI:
Walker, S., & Davis, G. 2013. Learning at work and university: Midwifery students and sexual health advice. Practitioner Research in Higher Education Journal, 7(1), October.
Walker, S. & Davis, G., 2013. Seeking the views of midwifery students on teaching contraception and sexual health within a Midwifery curriculum. Networks, 16, pp.85-88.
Walker, S. 2013. Clinicians should consider the effect of bodily metaphors when discussing contraceptive options. [Letter] Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care, 39:152 doi:10.1136/jfprhc-2012-100561.
Hodson, M., Andrew, S., Walker, S. and Roberts, M. 2012. Coming and going: COPD patients’ experiences of hospital admission and discharge. Thorax: An International Journal of Respiratory Medicine, 67(Suppl 2) A1-204, pp.A98.
Walker, S. 2012. Mechanistic and ‘Natural’ Body Metaphors and their effects on attitudes to hormonal contraception. Women & Health. [online]
Andrew, S. & Walker, S.H. 2012. [Report] Developing a Patient Reported Experience Measure for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (PREMCOPD).
Walker, SH. 2011. Attitudes towards a Male contraceptive Pill in a group of UK Contraceptive Users in the UK. Journal of Men's Health, 8(4), p.267-273, Dec 2011 (online) DOI information: 10.1016/j.jomh.2011.04.003.
Walker, SH & Thurston, C 2011. Experiences and training in delivering sexual healthcare. British Journal of School Nursing, 6 (6), pp.289-293.
Walker, SH., 2021 The Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Contraceptive Prescribing in English General (Practices. [Poster] 26th WONCA Europe conference (virtual), Amsterdam, Netherlands. 6-10 July 2021
Newton, V.L, Walker, S., Hoggart, L., Parker, M. 2018. Developing resources to support IUC consultations and address barriers to uptake in UK General Practice.[eposter] 15th ESC Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 9-11 May 2018
Walker, S., Newton, V.L, Hoggart, L., Parker, M. 2016. Barriers to the uptake of intrauterine contraception: patient and practitioner perspectives. [eposter] 14th ESC Congress, Basel, Switzerland, 4-7 May 2016. Best Poster Award.
The Conversation (academic media outlet)
Walker, S. 2019. Contraception: the way you take the pill has more to do with the pope than with your health. 22 Jan 2019 [192,101 reads by
Walker, S 2016. We won’t have a male contraceptive until we change our understanding of risk. The Conversation. 8 Nov 2016 [2201 reads by 24.5.19]
BBC Suffolk radio interview on male contraception 23/03/2019
BBC website – quoted in an article on male contraceptive pill, 23/03/2019
BBC Focus magazine – quoted in article on male contraceptive pill- July 2018 edition, July 2018
BBC Essex radio interview on contraceptive app, July 2016, Interview re. PhD findings on male pill. Published at, 08/02/2017
The Guardian, What happened to the contraceptive pill for men? (research cited), 23/07/2016
Independent, Why is there still no pill for men? (research cited), 14/07/2016
BBC Essex radio interview on PhD findings on ‘male pill’, 12/04/2011