Dr Sue Wilson

Deputy Head of School
Faculty of Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
Cambridge School of Creative Industries
Areas of Expertise:
Research Supervision:

Sue is Deputy Head of School for Writing and Performance. She teaches both theoretical and practical modules on ARU's BA (Hons) Drama courses.

Email: [email protected]


Sue joined the Department of Music and Performing Arts (now the Cambridge School of Creative Industries) in September 2000 as Lecturer in Drama, having previously taught at the University of Nottingham.

Her teaching and research interests are in twentieth-century drama and performance, postmodernism, critical theory and, in particular, the plays and prose of Samuel Beckett.

Research interests
  • Samuel Beckett’s plays and prose
  • Contemporary drama
  • Critical theory
Areas of research supervision
  • PhD thesis and production in preparation: Performing Nonviolent Resistance: Towards an Understanding of the Memphis Sanitation Worker's Strike of 1968 by Sharon Reives (commenced January 2016)
  • PhD thesis: The Moral Re-armament Movement and the Westminster Theatre by Pam Jenner (completed October 2015)
  • PhD thesis: Laibach and the NSK: An East-West Nexus in Post-totalitarian Eastern Europe by Simon Bell (completed March 2014)
  • PhD on Samuel Beckett and philosophy, University of Nottingham (1998)
  • MA Critical and Cultural Theory, University of Cardiff (1993)
  • BA (Hons) English Literature, University of Reading (1992)
Selected recent publications

Wilson, S. 2020. ‘Tristan Tzara, Cabaret Voltaire and Dada: A Theatrical Avant-Garde, 1916–1924’ in P. Poplowski, ed. ‘Back to the Twenties: Modernism Then and Now.’ Yearbook in English Studies (special edition), 50, pp.44-60

Wilson, S., 2017. 'Samuel Beckett's Krapp's Last Tape: Remembering Kant, Forgetting Proust.' Modern Drama. 60.1, pp.46-68

Wilson, S., 2014. The construction of Samuel Beckett. In: Esslin, M. The Theatre of the Absurd. Pasodegato: Revista Mexicana de Teatro (59-60: special edition on Samuel Beckett, forthcoming).

Wilson, S. (Ed.), 2007). D.H. Lawrence: Selected Stories. London: Penguin.

Wilson, S., 2004. A Primer in Feminist Criticism and Theory. London: Zoilus Press.

Wilson, S., 2004. Enlightenment and Postmodernism. In: Fitzpatrick, M., Jones, P., Knellwolf, C. and McCalman, I. (Eds.). The Enlightenment World. London: Routledge, pp.648-659.

Wilson, S., 2004. Metaphysical Fabrication and its Catastrophe. Journal of Beckett Studies, 13(1),pp.12-33.

Wilson, S., 2003. Versions of the Vision in Samuel Beckett’s Krapp’s Last Tape. English Language Notes (March, 40:3), pp.76-82.