Sarah Bligh

Associate Lecturer
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Social Care
School of Midwifery and Community Health

Sarah has been a nurse for 33 years and worked in general practice for 19 of those. She is Associate Lecturer in our School of Midwifery and Community Health at ARU.

[email protected]


Early in her career, Sarah was a practice nurse but went on to do a primary care degree with a specialist practitioner in practice nursing qualification. She then completed her non-medical prescribing and is currently training to be an Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP).

Sarah has a keen interest in women's issues and women's health, as well as issues around race and racism. She is keen to ensure that those on the margins are included and have the same status and opportunities as others.

Sarah has worked in sexual health and has some speciality in this area. She has been the lead for respiratory medicine and more recently for mental health in the GP surgeries in which she has worked.

With a diploma in tropical disease nursing, Sarah has also worked voluntarily in Brazil, Mozambique, Kenya and Tanzania. She recently completed a Masters in theology. Her dissertation included the portrayal of women in the gospel of Luke in conversation with feminist scholars.