Dr Richard Hayhoe

Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Social Care
School of Allied Health and Social Care
Chelmsford ,
Areas of Expertise:
Public health
Research Supervision:

Dr Hayhoe is an experienced researcher and lecturer in public health. He has particular interests in the importance of nutrition for healthy aging and translating evidence into action. He currently leads the MPH Global Public Health course in Cambridge and is the public health lead for the MBChB Medicine programme at Chelmsford.

[email protected]


Dr Hayhoe has a broad scientific knowledge and background from the cellular to the population level. This is shown by his academic qualifications which include a BSc in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Southampton, a PhD in Immunopharmacology from the University of London, and a Masters in Public Health from the University of Essex. He has had experience working in laboratory experimental research, as well as designing and carrying out observational and interventional population studies and working directly with local authority public health teams to influence public health services and policy.

Research interests
  • Nutritional epidemiology
  • Nutrition for health aging
  • Micronutrients and musculoskeletal health
  • Malnutrition
  • Public health service evaluation
  • Public Health BSc
  • Global Public Health MPH
  • Public Health and Community Wellbeing MSc
  • Medicine MBChB - Public Health theme
  • PGCert Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, Anglia Ruskin University
  • Master of Public Health, University of Essex
  • PGDip Forensic Medicine and Science, University of Edinburgh
  • PhD Immunopharmacology, Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry
  • BSc Biomedical Sciences, University of Southampton
Memberships, editorial boards
  • Royal Society for Public Health
  • Nutrition Society
Selected recent publications

Mulligan AA, Hayhoe RPG, Luben RN, Welch AA, 2021. Positive Associations of Dietary Intake and Plasma Concentrations of Vitamin E with Skeletal Muscle Mass, Heel Bone Ultrasound Attenuation and Fracture Risk in the EPIC-Norfolk Cohort. Antioxidants (Basel). 10(2):159.

Truijen SPM, Hayhoe RPG, Hooper L, Schoenmakers I, Forbes A, Welch AA, 2021. Predicting Malnutrition Risk with Data from Routinely Measured Clinical Biochemical Diagnostic Tests in Free-Living Older Populations. Nutrients. 13(6):1883.

Ni Lochlainn M, Cox NJ, Wilson T, Hayhoe RPG, Ramsay SE, Granic A, Isanejad M, Roberts HC, Wilson D, Welch C, Hurst C, Atkins JL, Mendonça N, Horner K, Tuttiett ER, Morgan Y, Heslop P, Williams EA, Steves CJ, Greig C, Draper J, Corish CA, Welch A, Witham MD, Sayer AA, Robinson S, 2021. Nutrition and Frailty: Opportunities for Prevention and Treatment. Nutrients. 13(7):2349.

Hayhoe RPG, Chan R, Skinner J, Leung J, Jennings A, Khaw KT, Woo J, Welch AA, 2021. Fracture Incidence and the Relevance of Dietary and Lifestyle Factors Differ in the United Kingdom and Hong Kong: An International Comparison of Longitudinal Cohort Study Data. Calcif Tissue Int. 109(5):563-576.

Hayhoe R, Rechel B, Clark AB, Gummerson C, Smith SJL, Welch AA, 2021. Cross-sectional associations of schoolchildren's fruit and vegetable consumption, and meal choices, with their mental well-being: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Nutr Prev Health. 4(2):447-462.

Hayhoe, R.P.G., Abdelhamid, A., Luben, R.N., Khaw, K.T., and Welch AA, 2020. Dietary acid-base load and its association with risk of osteoporotic fractures and low estimated skeletal muscle mass. Eur J Clin Nutr, 74(Suppl 1):33-42.

Lewis, L.N., Hayhoe, R.P.G., Mulligan, A.A., Luben, R.N., Khaw, K.T., and Welch, A.A., 2020. Lower Dietary and Circulating Vitamin C in Middle- and Older-Aged Men and Women Are Associated with Lower Estimated Skeletal Muscle Mass. J Nutr, doi: 10.1093/jn/nxaa221.

Janjuha, R., Bunn, D., Hayhoe, R., Hooper, L., Abdelhamid, A., Mahmood, S., Hayden-Case, J., Appleyard, W., Morris, S., Welch, A., 2020. Effects of Dietary or Supplementary Micronutrients on Sex Hormones and IGF-1 in Middle and Older Age: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients, 12(5), 1457.

Abdelhamid, A., Jennings, A., Hayhoe, R.P.G., Awuzudike, V.E., and Welch, A.A., 2020. High variability of food and nutrient intake exists across the Mediterranean Dietary Pattern - A systematic review. Food Sci Nutr, 8(9), 4907-4918.

Abdelhamid, A., Hooper, L., Sivakaran, R., Hayhoe, R., the PUFAH team, and Welch, A., 2019. The Relationship Between Omega-3, Omega-6 and Total Polyunsaturated Fat and Musculoskeletal Health and Functional Status in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of RCTs. Calcif Tissue Int, 105(4), 353-372.

Welch, A.A., Hayhoe, R.P.G., and Cameron, D., 2020. The relationships between sarcopenic skeletal muscle loss during ageing and macronutrient metabolism, obesity and onset of diabetes. Proc Nutr Soc, 79(1), 158-169.

Hayhoe, R.P., Lentjes, M.A., Mulligan, A.A., Luben, R.N., Khaw, K.T., and Welch, A.A., 2018. Cross-sectional associations of dietary and circulating magnesium with skeletal muscle mass in the EPIC-Norfolk cohort. Clin Nutr, 38(1), 317-323.

Hayhoe, R.P., Lentjes, M.A., Mulligan, A.A., Luben, R.N., Khaw, K.T., and Welch, A.A., 2017. Carotenoid dietary intakes and plasma concentrations are associated with heel bone ultrasound attenuation and osteoporotic fracture risk in the EPIC-Norfolk cohort. Br J Nutr, 117(10), 1439-1453.

Craig, J.V., Bunn, D.K., Hayhoe, R.P., Appleyard, W.O., Lenaghan, E.A., and Welch, A.A., 2017. The relationship between the Mediterranean dietary pattern and musculoskeletal health in children, adolescents and adults: a systematic review and evidence map. Nutr Res Rev, 75(10), 830-857.

Elhakeem, A., Hardy, R., Bann, D., Caleyachetty, R., Cosco, T.D., Hayhoe, R.P., Muthuri, S.G., Wilson, R., Cooper, R., 2017 Intergenerational social mobility and leisure-time physical activity in adulthood: a systematic review. J Epidemiol Community Health, 71(7), 673-80.