Professor Pauline Kneale

Honorary Visiting Professor, Centre for Innovation in Higher Education (CIHE)
Research Supervision:

Pauline Kneale is currently Emeritus Professor at the University of Plymouth. She was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship in 2002 and made a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in 2013.


Career highlights include directing the White Rose Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning of Enterprise at the University of Leeds 2005–10, and The Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences 2009–11.

In 2010 Pauline was appointed Professor of Pedagogy and Enterprise and Pro Vice Chancellor Teaching and Learning at the University of Plymouth.

In 2011 Pauline established the Pedagogic Research Institute and Observatory (PedRIO), one of the six cross Faculty University Institutes. While Director at PedRIO (2011–18), she developed an excellent track record supporting staff as pedagogic researchers, and creating a conference series which attracts staff from many Universities.

Recent research publications in collaboration with the PedRIO team and external partners have addressed: transition issues to university; the retention of non-traditional students; evaluating the role and impact of undergraduate research conferences; evaluating the impact of academic development interventions; and the position of pedagogic research in REF2014.

Research interests
  • Student skills and engagement
  • Masters level teaching
  • Inclusive Assessment
  • Learner Analytics
  • Innovative teaching and pedagogic research
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), 1981, University of Bristol
  • BSc Hons Geography, 1977, University College London
Selected recent publications

Kneale, P.E. (2018) Where might pedagogic research focus to support students' education in a REF-TEF world. Journal of Geography in Higher Education.

Hill, J., West, H. and Kneale, P.E.  (2017). Making the most of multidisciplinary undergraduate research conferences. Journal of Geography in Higher Education.

Hill, J., West, H. and Kneale, P.E (2017). Preparing for multidisciplinary undergraduate research conferences. Journal of Geography in Higher Education.

Spowart, L., Winter, J. Turner, R., Muneer, R., McKenna, C. and Kneale, P.E.  (2017). Evidencing the impact of teaching-related CPD: beyond the ‘Happy Sheets’. International Journal for Academic Development. 

Cotton, D., Nash, P. and Kneale P.E. (2017).  Supporting the retention of non-traditional students in Higher Education using a resilience framework. European Educational Research Journal, Special Issue, Vol. 16 (1) 62–79.

Cotton, D.R.E., Miller, W. and Kneale, P.E. (2017). The Cinderella of Academia: Is HE pedagogic research undervalued in UK research assessment? Studies in Higher Education (CSHE).

Turner, R., Morrison, D., Cotton, D., Child, S., Stevens, S., Nash, P. and Kneale P.E (2017). Easing the transition of first year undergraduates through an immersive induction module. Teaching in Higher Education.

Winter, J. Turner, R., Spowart, L., Muneer, R. and Kneale, P.E.  (2017). Evaluating academic development in the higher education sector: academic developers’ reflections on using a Toolkit resource. Higher Education Research & Development.

Kneale, P.E., Edwards-Jones, A., Walkington, H. and Hill, J. (2016). Evaluating undergraduate research conferences as vehicles for novice researcher development. International Journal for Researcher Development. 7, 2, 159-177.