Ola is a registered mental health nurse, an experienced healthcare practitioner and university academic with more than 12 years of teaching and researching in the United Kingdom. He has expertise in Nursing and Health Sciences, Earth Sciences and Health Geosciences.
Ola is an experienced healthcare practitioner with over 16 years of experience in mental health nursing and learning disability. He is also a highly motivated and enthusiastic university academic with more than 12 years of teaching and researching in the United Kingdom. He has education, experience and expertise in Nursing and Health Sciences, Earth Sciences and Health Geosciences.
He is a registered mental health nurse with a clinical background in acute impatient settings, Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and community mental health services (CMHS). He is currently a Senior Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing and developing an international research profile.
Ola is a highly motivated and enthusiastic university academic with more than 12 years of teaching and researching in the United Kingdom. He has education, experience and expertise in Nursing and Health Sciences, Earth Sciences and Health Geosciences. He is an active researcher and has published journal articles in leading international, peer-reviewed journals including Elsevier (science direct), Wiley, Cambridge and others. His research interests include mental health nursing, mental health and well-being, learning disability, global mental health, mental health geography, health geography/geosciences, health inequalities and earth sciences.
Ola would be pleased to consider supervising masters and doctoral students with the following research interests/topics related to mental health nursing, mental health and wellbeing, global mental health, mental health geography, health geography, health inequalities, health and social care, etc.
Faleti, D.D. and Akinlotan, O., 2024. Stigmatisation of mental illness in Africa: a systematic review of qualitative and mixed studies. Journal of Mental Health, pp.1-18.
Akinlotan, O. and Drewry, H., 2024. Factors that influence the mental health of bus drivers: a systematic review. Mental Health & Prevention, p.200355.
Akinlotan, O. and Jalo, A., 2024. “I Am Actually Scared of Everyone”: Older Adults’ Experiences of Social Isolation during COVID-19: A Qualitative Systematic Review. COVID, 4(7), pp.896-909.
Akinlotan, O., 2024. Leading and managing a multidisciplinary team in health and social care: a critical and personal reflection. British Journal of Nursing, 33(12), pp.560-564.
Akinlotan, O.O., Moghalu, O.A. and Anyiam, O.A., 2024. Petrography and mineralogy of the Wessex Basin: palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironments of Lower Cretaceous in southern England. Journal of Sedimentary Environments, pp.1-20.
Akinlotan, O.O., Moghalu, O.A., Hatter, S.J., Jolly, B.A. and Anyiam, O.A., 2024. Paleoclimatic Controls on Clay Mineral Distribution in the Early Cretaceous (Barremian): The Wessex Basin, Southeast England. Journal of Earth Science, 35(6), pp.2050-2066.
Akinlotan, O.O., Okunuwadje, S.E. and Hatter, S.J., 2024. Basin inversion controls on diagenetic evolution of Lower Cretaceous non-marine succession: the English Wealden sandstones. Journal of Palaeogeography.
Akinlotan, O.O., Hatter, S. J., 2022. Depositional controls on diagenetic evolution of the Lower Cretaceous Wealden Sandstones (Wessex Basin, southeast England). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 105948.
Akinlotan, O.O., Moghalu, O.A., Hatter, S.J., Okunuwadje, S., Anquilano, L., Onwukwe, U., Haghani, S., Anyiam, O.A. and Jolly, B.A., (2022). Clay mineral formation and transformation in non-marine environments and implications for Early Cretaceous palaeoclimatic evolution: The Weald Basin, Southeast England. Journal of Palaeogeography 11 (3) 387-409.
Akinlotan, O. and Lucas, G. Student experiences of mental health problems at UK universities: a qualitative systematic review (under review: Journal of Further and Higher Education).
Akinlotan O. and Wagstaff C. ‘’It is terrifying feeling responsible for a suicidal student’’: experience of university academics supporting students with mental health problems (under review: Advances in Mental Health).
Moin, A and Akinlotan O. Mental health literacy amongst British university academics (under review: Journal of Further and Higher Education).
Akinlotan O. and O’Connor, A. University academics experience of mental health problems (under review: Journal of Further and Higher Education).
Akinlotan, O, O’connor, A, Peacham, B, Crabb, L. Patients’ perspective of safety on psychiatric wards: a systematic review (under review: Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing)
Akinlotan, O, Millar, G., Tuveri-ellis, I., Asamoah, E., Holt, G, Adams, R. Mental health and well-being of academics at British Universities (under preparation).
Akinlotan, O, O’Connor, A. and Seetharamdoo, R. Palliative care in mental health nursing (under preparation).
Akinlotan, O, Ajibade, B, Faleti, D. Udushirinwa C. Factors that influence suicide behaviours and tendencies amongst university undergraduates in Nigeria (under preparation).
Akinlotan, O, O’Connor, A and Vidanage D. Climate change and mental health disorders: a systematic review (under preparation).
Akinlotan, O. 2024. Students’ experiences of mental health problems at UK universities: a systematic review. Oral presentation at the Faculty of Health, Medicine & Social Care research conference, Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford, UK, 10 May 2024.
Ola welcomes invitation from media organisations and he’s willing to engage the media/public on his teaching and research interests.