Dr Nanette Hoogslag

Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
Cambridge School of Art
Areas of Expertise:
Illustration, drawing and book art , Graphic design and typography
Research Supervision:

Nanette's work and approach come from a deep passion and understanding of illustration and visual media practices.

As internationally operating illustrator, designer, educator and researcher, she has explored illustration, visual communication and publishing in practice, in teaching, practical and theoretical research and explored illustration traditions in the light of current digital transformations.

Within her research, this approach translates in fundamental investigations through making, and critical explorations of the expression of illustration and the contexts in which illustration operates.

She has initiated and curated public projects, given presentations and published papers that stimulate critical awareness of the significance and breath of possibilities that lie within the field of illustration.

Visit Nanette's website

Visit the Journal of Illustration website

[email protected]


Before arriving at ARU, Nanette lectured in a wide range of visual communication subjects at various Dutch art colleges.

Her doctoral research is a fundamental study of the model of editorial illustration that, in both theory and practice, explores how illustration ‘works’ within the contexts of print and, in particular, online media. In doing so, it provides an up-to-date, in-depth and critical knowledge of current and evolving theories, practices and developments of illustration and its communication context.

As a practicing illustrator, Nanette is commissioned to create a wide range of illustrations for clients worldwide, from editorial to commercial assignments as well as complex communication design projects. Her clients include the City Council of Amsterdam, Deutsche Bank, the European Cultural Foundation, Heineken, Ing Bank, KPMG, KLM, London Transport, Moret Ernst & Young, New York Stock Exchange, Dutch Postbank, Royal Mail, Royal Shakespeare Company, Royal College of Art, Siemens, Shell, Macmillan Books, Penguin Books, Vintage Books, ELLE, the Financial Times, New Scientist, NRC, Playboy and The Sunday Times.

Spoken Languages
  • English
  • Dutch
  • German
Research interests
  • Illustration principles
  • Extended illustration practices
  • Editorial publishing in print and new media
  • Visual communication contexts
  • Digital media development within visual communication
  • Design aesthetics in print and new media
  • Digital creative expression tools and practices within publishing and illustration
  • Emergent forms of applied visual practices
  • Data driven visualisation
  • Networked and automated processes within publishing and visualisation

Nanette's research interests are based upon both a fundamental understanding of the role of illustration within present culture and the exploration of how illustration ‘works’ within the contexts of print and online media. In this, it touches upon many visual communication and publishing concerns, particularly those related to digital transformation and extended visual communication practices in the widest sense.

  • Animation
  • Illustration
  • Concept development
  • Graphic Design
  • Digital media practices for visual communication and image making
  • Moving Illustration
  • PhD Visual Communication, Royal College of Art, London, 2015
  • M.A. Illustration Royal College of Art, London, 1988-1990
  • Diploma Graphic Design Gerrit Rietveld Acedemie, Amsterdam, 1983-1988
Memberships, editorial boards
Research grants, consultancy, knowledge exchange

Curriculum consultant:

  • Illustration/Animation Department, AVANS Hogeschool, Breda, 2014-2015
  • Visual Communication Department, HS Zuyd, Maastricht, 2009-2013
Selected recent publications

Guest editor; Journal of Illustration 2019- 6-1 and 6-2, Intellect Books

Article; Illustration and the Presence of Sympathy, Journal of Illustration, (2019) Journal article; Intellect Books

A Model of Illustration, A Companion Guide for Illustration, ed Male, chapter Wiley UK (2019)

Digital forms, Histories of Illustration, ed Doyle, Grove and Whitney, Bloomsbury US (2018)

The Signifier of Incompleteness, The Graphic Design Reader, ed Triggs and Atzmon, Bloomsbury Publishers (2016)

Continuation in Changing Appearances, University of Dijon, Dijon (2016)

The Signifier of Incompleteness, Varoom AOI (2013)

The Modest Medium, Varoom AOI (2012)

Recent presentations and conferences

What 99 articles say about Illustration Research, Illustration Research Conference, Kingston, 2021

Making Creativity Pay, StoryLab, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge; (2017)

'A Theoretical Turn,' International perspectives on how theory impacts illustrators' education output and identity, Illustrating Identities, Nancy (2017)-panel

How can illustration keep making sense? ICON9, Austin, US (2016)

Move Over Darling, The audience as Illustrator, 4th International Illustration Research Symposium, RISD (2015)

ObamaHope, Mediatisation and media-structures course and conference, Dubrovnik (2015)

Illustration, Digitisation and Education, paper on the development and outcomes of Bits & Pages, ICON-8, Portland US(2014)

Post-Digital Critical Responses, Sussex University, Brighton (2014)

Found in Translation, Sussex University, Brighton (2014)

The Post Digital, HKU Visual Communication, Utrecht (2014)

Online Editorial Illustration, Renew, media art history, Riga (2013)

The Modest Medium, 2nd International Illustration Research Symposium, MMU Manchester (2012)