Naim is a Senior Lecturer and Director of Quality Improvement Research. His expertise lies in critical care nursing, with a research focus on clinical simulation, the health workforce, patient safety, and clinical decision-making.
Naim is involved in research projects exploring the use of clinical simulation, clinical decision-making, and the experiences of patients and staff, including issues related to burnout and retention.
Naim is a Registered Nurse with extensive clinical and academic expertise in acute and critical care. Since 2001, he has worked in various critical care settings, including general and cardiothoracic critical care at Royal Papworth Hospital.
Naim has designed and led numerous academic courses in critical care for both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. In addition, he serves as an external examiner for critical care nursing at prestigious institutions such as King’s College London and University College Dublin. He is an active member of the Critical Care Doctoral European Nurses Group (CCDEN), where he engages in collaborative research on critical care.
Naim's research focuses on clinical simulation, patient safety, the health workforce, and the use of mixed-method research designs. He co-leads the Quality and Safety Research Group, which is part of the Health and Care Research Centre.
Naim is also the UK Deputy Chair for the Council of Deans for Health Simulation Reference Group and an Associate Editor of Clinical Simulation in Nursing. Additionally, he is a member of the NIHR Academy Committee for Clinical Doctorates, a supervisor for the NIHR ARC East of England Fellowship, and a mentor in the NIHR Mentoring Programme.
Naim leads a mixed-methods research interest group part of the faculty research training programme.
Naim would be pleased to consider supervising doctoral students with the following research interests/topics - especially related to clinical decision making, simulation and critical care nursing
Naim leads a range of courses and modules in acute and critical care nursing. He leads the following courses/modules:
2023. MSE ICS: Information sharing and technology-based enhancing patient discharge from secondary to primary care settings (£221,000), PI.
2022. Health Education England and Council of Deans for Health funded simulation research evaluation project (£20,000), Co-PI and Lead of Phase 1: exploring the national institutional’ readiness for simulation-based learning in pre-registration nursing programme.
2021-2023. NHS England, Knowledge Exchange Funding, Professional Nurse Advocate (PNA) Training project to support staff resilience and wellbeing (£1,010,000), Project Lead.
2022: ESNEFT funded research evaluation of Professional Nurse Advocate (PNA) and the role relationship on clinical staff retention and wellbeing (£518,000), Co-PI.
2022. ARU Health, Performance and Wellbeing Research: Promoting public well-being through a data-driven, smart, proactive respiratory monitoring and diagnosis ecosystem capable of identifying potential respiratory conditions using Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms (£11,910), Co-PI.
2021. ARU Undergraduate Students Research Internship Award (£1,500), PI. Insight into the experiences of first year student nurses who, through the Covid pandemic studied online and the perceived impact on their readiness to clinical practice.
2015. Students’ satisfaction of high-fidelity simulation and its impact on students clinical reasoning score by Anglia Teaching and Learning (£3,500), PI.
Mansour, M., Abdulmohdi, N., Almalkawi, I., Abusnieneh, H. and Hasan, A. (2025) 'Nursing Faculty Readiness to Teach Online: Comparison between Educators from UK and Saudi Arabia. Collaborative research between five different institutions: multicentre a quantitative cross-sectional survey', BMC Open (accepted).
Abdulmohdi, N., and Huang, Y. (2025) 'Exploring the feelings and experiences of critical care nurses being deployed to cover shifts in the ward', Nursing in Critical Care (accepted).
Edmonds, M. and Abdulmohdi, N. (2025) 'Exploring the experiences of final year nursing students placed in a large critical care unit for their final management clinical placement: a qualitative study', Nursing in Critical Care (accepted).
Goldspink, S., Engward, E., Alexander, M., Abdulmohdi, N., van Veggel, N., Tuckwell, A. and White, M. (2024) 'Developing sustainable knowledge partnerships: Joining the DOTS between inter-organisational research', International Journal Dialogical-Collaborative Practice (in press).
Harrison, N., Edmonds, M, Meads, C. Abdulmohdi, N. et al (2024) 'Simulation in Nursing Education: An Evidence Base for the Future', Council of Deans for Health/HEE report.
Abdulmohdi, N. and Edmonds, M. (2024) 'Nursing management of the cardiac surgical patient'. In: Carver, K. and Wise, A. (Eds) (2024) Cardiac Nursing. 3rd edn. Elsevier (forthcoming).
Edmonds, M. and Abdulmohdi, N. (2024) 'The applied anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system'. In: Carver, K. and Wise, A. (Eds) (2024) Cardiac Nursing. 3rd edn. Elsevier (forthcoming).
Abdulmohdi, N. (2023) 'The relationships between nurses’ resilience, burnout, perceived organisational support and social support during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: a quantitative cross-sectional survey', Nursing Open. Available at:
Flack, L. and Abdulmohdi, N. (2023) 'Delivering professional nurse advocate preparation module: the Professional Nurse Advocate role, benefits and challenges', Nursing Times [online], 119, pp. 11.
Engward, H., Goldspink, S., Abdulmohdi, N. and Alexander, M. (2023) 'Understanding Professional Advocacy: A Mixed Method Protocol to Explore Professional Nurse Advocacy and Professional Midwifery Advocacy in one UK NHS Trust', Research Square. Available at:
Abdulmohdi, N. and McVicar, A. (2023) 'Nursing students’ perceptions of high-fidelity simulation experience to clinical practice and learning decision making skills: a qualitative study', Sage Nursing Open Available at:
Abdulmohdi, N. and McVicar, A. (2022) 'Investigating the clinical decision making of undergraduate nursing students using high fidelity simulation, observation and think aloud techniques: a mixed method research design', Journal of Advanced Nursing. Available at:
Abdulmohdi, N. (2013) 'Is introducing a national early warning score (NEWS) worth the cost?' Nursing Standard, 27(26), p. 30. Available at:
Abdulmohdi, N., Edmonds, M., Meads, C., Prothero, L. and Shaw, S. (2024) 'The challenges, opportunities, and organisational readiness for simulation-based education in pre-registration nurse education', Association of Simulated Practice Learning Conference (ASpiH), Edinburgh, 4-5 November 2024. Abstract available at:
Shaw, S., Edmonds, M., Meads, C., Abdulmohdi, N. and Prothero, L. (2024) 'Investigating nursing students’ experiences in simulated practice learning and academic staff’s role as practice supervisors: a case study', Association of Simulated Practice Learning Conference (ASpiH), Edinburgh, 4-5 November 2024. Abstract available at:
Edmonds, M., Abdulmohdi, N., Meads, C., Prothero, L. and Shaw, S. (2024) 'Experiences of universities with Nursing & Midwifery Council approval for simulated practice learning in pre-registration nurse education: a qualitative study', Association of Simulated Practice Learning Conference (ASpiH), Edinburgh, 4-5 November 2024. Abstract available at:
Prothero, L., Abdulmohdi, N., Edmonds, M., Meads, C. and Shaw, S. (2024) 'Simulation-based education compared to clinical teaching for undergraduate nurses: A systematic review', Association of Simulated Practice Learning Conference (ASpiH), Edinburgh, 4-5 November 2024. Abstract available at:
Brueton, V. and Abdulmohdi, N. (2024) 'Technologies to enhance patient discharge from hospital: A scoping review', RCN International Nursing Research Conference, Newcastle Upon Tyne, 10-12 September.
Abdulmohdi, N., Tuckwell, A., Goldspink, S. and Engward, H. (2024) 'Exploring the integration and impact of nurse and midwifery advocate roles on staff well-being and retention: a cross sectional survey study', RCN Education Forum and National Conference, April.
Abdulmohdi, N. (2023) 'The relationships between resilience, burnout and perceived support among nurses during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: cross-sectional survey', RCN International Nursing Research Conference 2023, University of Manchester, 5-8 September.
Abdulmohdi, N. (2023) 'Factors affected nurses' burnout and resilience during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic', Cambridge University Hospital (CUH) Annual Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Professional Research Conference, Cambridge, 16 June.
Abdulmohdi, N. (2022) 'Perceived benefits of a simulation experience to nursing students’ clinical practice and learning decision making skills', NETNEP 2022: 8th International Nurse Education Conference, Sitges, 19-22 October.
Abdulmohdi, N. (2022) 'Using a theory-based model of clinical decision making to enhancing learning through simulation, NETNEP 2022: 8th International Nurse Education Conference, Sitges, 19-22 October.
Huang, Y. and Abdulmohdi, N. (2019) 'Exploring the feelings and experiences of critical care nurses being deployed to cover shifts in the ward', Intensive Care Society (ICS) State of the Art 2019, Birmingham, 9-11 December. Abstract available at:
Abdulmohdi N. (2017) 'Investigation of nursing students’ clinical decision making using high fidelity simulation', Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH) Conference 2017, Telford, 6-8 November.
Abdulmohdi, N. (2016) 'The impact of a structured simulated experience on students’ satisfaction' Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) Annual Teaching and Learning conference, 23 June.
Abdulmohdi, N. (2016) 'Using Multiple Choice Questions to assess higher order (Level 6) thinking', Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) Annual Teaching and Learning conference, 23 June.
'Investigating the clinical decision making of undergraduate nursing students using high fidelity simulation',, Nov 2022.