Dr Mohamed Yehia

Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Engineering and the Built Environment
Areas of Expertise:
Mechanical Engineering

Mohamed has over forty years of postdoctoral industry and academic teaching and research experience. He worked at the Building Research Establishment and Cairo University. He established the program for Sustainable Energy Engineering in Cairo University and took part in various Fire Safety Engineering projects in the United Kingdom, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Mohamed also plays an active role in non-formal education like the International Award of the Duke of Edinburgh.

Email: [email protected]
Mohamed Yehia @ Google Scholar
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mohamed-yehia-9906783/
Mohamed Yehia @ ResearchGate


Mohamed is a Senior Lecturer at Anglia Ruskin University. His teaching and research interests include Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, Project Management, Design for Manufacture and Assembly, Combustion Engineering, Computational Fluid Mechanics and Fire Safety Engineering.

Spoken Languages
  • English
  • Arabic
Research interests
  • Renewable energy
  • Simulation of two phase turbulent flow
Areas of expertise
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Mathematics

PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College, London, 1992
Diploma of Imperial College, 1992
MSc in Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University on May 1987
BSc in Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University on July 1983

Selected recent publications

El-Sayed, A., Khalil, A. and Yehia, M., 2024. Energy storage systems impact on Egypt's future energy mix with high renewable energy penetration: A long-term analysis. Journal of Energy Storage, [e-journal] 95, pp.112583.

El-Sayed, A., Khalil, A. and Yehia, M., 2023. Modeling alternative scenarios for Egypt 2050 energy mix based on LEAP analysis. Energy, [e-journal] 266, pp.126615.

Medhat, M., Khalil, E.E., Haridy, H. and Yehia, M.A., 2023. Mathematical investigation of syngas fired burner with various configurations in the BERL combustor. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, [e-journal] 237 (1), pp.198–212.

Franco, M.C., Rocha, R.C., Costa, M. and Yehia, M., 2021. Characteristics of NH3/H2/air flames in a combustor fired by a swirl and bluff-body stabilized burner. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, [e-journal] 38 (4), pp.5129–5138.

Valera-Medina, A., Amer-Hatem, F., Azad, A.K., Dedoussi, I.C., De Joannon, M., Fernandes, R.X., Glarborg, P., Hashemi, H., He, X. and Mashruk, S., 2021. Review on ammonia as a potential fuel: from synthesis to economics. Energy & Fuels, [e-journal] 35 (9), pp.6964–7029.

Moataz Medhat, Mohamed Yehia, Adel Khalil, Franco, Rocha, 2021. A Numerical Prediction of Stabilized Turbulent Partially Premixed Flames Using Ammonia/Hydrogen Mixture. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, [e-journal] 87 (3), pp.113–133.

Yehia, M., Abdel-Aziz, F., Hassan, M. and Kayed, H., 2020. LES Analysis of Equivalence Ratio Effect on Turbulent Premixed Characteristics of LPG Flame Front Propagation. The Egyptian International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Technology, [e-journal] 29, pp.14–27.

Yehia, M., Abdel-Aziz, F. and Haridy, H., 2020. Numerical analysis of ammonia/hydrogen flames in a swirl and bluff-body stabilized burner. The Egyptian International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Technology, [e-journal] 29, pp.28–42.

Yehia, M.A. and Abdel-Raheem, M.A., 2020. Modelling of flammable fuels in small and large scale turbulent environments. Fuel, [e-journal] 266, pp.117110.

Kaood, A., Abou-Deif, T., Eltahan, H., Yehia, M.A. and Khalil, E.E., 2019. Numerical investigation of heat transfer and friction characteristics for turbulent flow in various corrugated tubes. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, [e-journal] 233 (4), pp.457–475.

Kayed, H., Mohamed, A., Yehia, M., Nemitallah, M.A. and Habib, M.A., 2019. Numerical Investigation of Auto-Ignition Characteristics in Microstructured Catalytic Honeycomb Reactor for CH4–Air and CH4–H2–Air Mixtures. J.Energy Resour.Technol., [e-journal] 141 (8).

Kaood, A., Abou-Deif, T., Eltahan, H., Yehia, M.A. and Khalil, E.E., 2018. Investigation of thermal-hydraulic performance of turbulent flow in corrugated tubes. J Eng Appl Sci, [e-journal] 65 (4), pp.307–29.

Abdel-Al, M.A., Yehia, M.A., Taha, M.R. and Abou-Arab, T.W., 2013. Effect of fuel and air injection pattern on combustion dynamics in confined and free diffusion flame. International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER), [e-journal] 1 (3), pp.928–938

Patel, S., Ibrahim, S.S. and Yehia, M.A., 2003. Flamelet surface density modelling of turbulent deflagrating flames in vented explosions. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, [e-journal] 16 (6), pp.451–455.

Patel, S., Ibrahim, S.S., Yehia, M.A. and Hargrave, G.K., 2003. Investigation of premixed turbulent combustion in a semi-confined explosion chamber. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, [e-journal] 27 (4), pp.355–361.

Lockwood, F.C., Mahmud, T. and Yehia, M.A., 1998. Simulation of pulverised coal test furnace performance. Fuel, [e-journal] 77 (12), pp.1329–1337.

Kandamby, N.H., Lockwood, F.C. and Yehia, M.A., 1990. FAFNIR-A Computer Code for 3-D Turbulent Reacting Flows. Mechanical Engineering Department, Imperial College, University of London, [e-journal]