Dr Minna Lammi

Professor of Sustainability
Faculty of Business and Law

Minna’s work is focused on the emerging circular economy and consumer acceptance. She is active in making an impact through research to promote knowledge-based politics and change towards a sustainable society.

Email: [email protected]



Minna regularly works with companies and local areas to encourage the change toward a circular economy and sustainable practices. Minna joined ARU in 2021. Before that, she led research projects and a research group working across the University of Helsinki and the University of Cambridge. Minna is also a Business and Management REF Convenor at ARU. She leads Culture in an Increasingly Technologically Driven Society (2019-2025) - a programme funded by the Strategic Research Council, Finland. The programme aims to build an understanding of how digitalisation shapes our society and ensure that the change will be inclusiveness.

Minna has held leadership roles in academia since 2009, as a head of research at the National Consumer Research Centre, Finland (2009-2015), and a leading researcher at the University of Helsinki (2015-2021). Prior to completing her doctorate from the University of Helsinki in 2006, she ran her freelance journalism company, which focused on technology and the economy.

Minna holds the title of docent in political science (Univ. of Helsinki) and communication studies (Vaasa Univ.) She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. 

Spoken Languages
  • English
  • Finnish (native)
  • Swedish
Research interests
  • Sustainable transformations
  • Circular economy
  • Consumer acceptance of sustainable business models
  • Consumption culture
  • Domestication of technology
  • Qualitative research
Areas of Expertise
  • Sustainable transformations
  • Circular economy
  • Consumer acceptance
  • Domestication of technology
  • Social construction of consumption
  • Qualitative research methods
  • Participatory methods
  • Film analyses.
Areas of research supervision
  • Sustainable transformations in businesses and society
  • Circular economy related topics
  • Consumption in society, consumption practices
  • Film analyses, text analyses
  • Understanding the consumer
  • Understanding Consumers and the Customer Journey
  • Doctor of Social Sciences (political science), University of Helsinki.
  • Master of Social Sciences (international politics), University of Helsinki.
Memberships, editorial boards
  • Member of the British Academy of Management
  • Member of international programme committee in KES-SDM conference
  • Member of the Editorial team of the International Journal of Marketing Studies, published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
  • Member of the SPRITE+ Network, Security, Privacy, Identity, Trust in the Digital Economy.
Research grants, consultancy, knowledge exchange
  • Programme Director in Culture in an Increasingly Technologically Driven Society programme 2020-2025. (Strategic Research Council, The Research Council of Finland)
  • The BLUEPRINT to a Circular Economy 2020-2023. (ERDF)
  • Towards customer centric supply space management 2018-2020. (Business Finland)
  • Closing the Loop for High-added-value Materials 2016-2019. (Strategic Research Council, Academy of Finland)
  • Capitalising on Invisible Value –User-driven Business Models in the Emerging Circular Economy’ 2015- 2017. (TEKES)
  • Light electric traffic and V2G solutions’ 2014-2016. (TEKES)
  • Energizing Urban Ecosystems2014-2016. (TEKES)
  • Imagining Economy in Finnish Advertising and Journalism 2011-2013. (Academy of Finland)

Selected knowledge exchange

  • Working with Finland's parliamentary social security committee 2022-2024 about digitalisation and its effects on society.
  • Participating in TWI road mapping for Net Zero with Briteyellow and Cambridge Carbon Capture, 2023.
  • Organising and chairing discussions with SFP Party and Centre Party (Finland) members about wellbeing and equality, 2022.
  • Organising a discussion with members of the European parliament and researchers about soft politics, 2022, and digitalisation and work, 2021.
  • Invited expert to support technology policy in Finland, 2021.
  • Invited expert to evaluate Circular Economy programme for Finland, 2020-2021.
  • Invited expert to identify areas of future economic growth and whether public policy could have an impact on accelerating development, Ministry of Economic Affairsand Employment, Finland, 2020.   
  • Development and delivery of local and national workshops in Finland, supporting local areas to identify opportunities in the circular economy and to advise policymakers on how Finland could become a forerunner in the circular economy, 2018-2019.
Selected recent publications

Lammi, M. and Viteli, J. (editors), 2024. Digitalisaatio, työn murros ja sosiaaliturva -tietokooste. Sosiaaliturvakomitean ja strategisen tutkimuksen tietokumppanuus. (Digitalisation, work and social security). White paper for Finnish parliament. 

Lammi, M., Holgado, M. and Antikainen, M. 2024. Rethinking consumer acceptance of circular services and product-service-systems. Conference proceedings for 10th International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing. Springer.

Leggett, K., Mykkänen, J., Repo, P. and Lammi, M., 2023. Evolving markets in the circular economy: A network analysis of exemplary company cases. Conference proceedings for 9th International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing. Springer.

Leggett, K., Lammi, M. and Walsh, L., 2023. Shoving not nudging: A case of shaming 'waster' stickers. Conference proceedings for 9th International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing. Springer. (Best paper award).

de Jesus, A., Lammi, M., Domenech, T., Vanhuyse, F. and Mendonça, S., 2021. Eco-Innovation Diversity in a Circular Economy: Towards Circular Innovation Studies. Sustainability, 13(19):10974. https://doi.org/10.3390/su131910974

Lammi, M. and Pantzar, M., 2019. The Data Economy: How Technological Change has altered the Role of the Citizen-Consumer. Technology in Society. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techsoc.2019.101157

Lammi, M., Anttonen, M., Bamford, I., Antikainen, M. and Naumanen, M., 2019. Turning Finland into a country of circular economy: What kind of a process of change should we seek? Conference proceedings for 6th International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing. Springer.

Anttonen, M., Lammi, M., Mykkänen, J. and Repo, P., 2018. Circular Economy in the Triple Helix of Innovation Systems. Sustainability. 10, 8, 2646.  https://doi.org/10.3390/su10082646

Antikainen, M., Lammi, M. and Hakanen, T., 2018. Consumer service innovation in a circular economy – the customer value perspective. Journal of Serviceology. 3(1).

Repo, P., Anttonen, M., Mykkänen, J. and Lammi, M., 2018. Lack of Congruence between European Citizen Perspectives and Policies on Circular Economy. European Journal of Sustainable Development. 7, 1, s. 249-264. https://doi.org/10.14207/ejsd.2018.v7n1p249

Recent presentations and conferences

Repo, P., Leggett, K., Mykkänen, J. and Lammi, M., 2023. The emerging ecosystem of circular start-ups. XXXIV ISPIM Innovation Conference. Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Leggett, K. and Lammi, M., 2023. Born with a Nationality Online: The role of country-of-origin in virtual influencers personal brands. EMAC annual conference 2023.

Lammi, M., 2022. Invited talk about strategic research and consumer policy, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Finland.

Lammi, M., 2021. Invited talk about the importance of free research and impact. Strategic Research Council meeting, Academy of Finland.

Lammi, M. and Antikainen, M., 2020. Consumers in Circular Economy – Focus Group Method as a Way to Understand Consumer Acceptance of New Business Model Innovation. Conference proceedings for 5th New Business Models conference. Nijmegen.

Antikainen, M., Lammi, M. and Balatas-Lekkas, A., 2019. How to create a sustainable value proposition in logistics? The ISPIM Innovation Conference. Florence.

Media experience

Minna has published blogs and newspaper articles in Finland and has been interviewed about sustainability and consumption practices in Finnish magazines, newspapers, radio, and TV.