Jo has expertise in teaching and learning and excellent classroom practice. She has a vast teaching experience of all ages giving her vital knowledge on a child’s educational journey through all key stages and beyond. She is currently Deputy Dean for the Faculty of Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences.
Email: [email protected]
Jo has been teaching full time since 2006, spending six years teaching in Primary Schools.
During her teaching career, Jo has had experience of teaching pupils from all Key Stages, from KS1 children right through to students in KS4 and the post-16 sector, which has given her an excellent understanding of children’s complete educational journey. She is passionate about social justice in education and lifelong learning.
Before joining ARU, she spent three years as an Advanced Practitioner, who has been consistently graded ‘outstanding’ in her teaching, learning and assessment. She has devised her own teacher training sessions to help other teachers improve their own practice and supported her own PGCE students.
Jo now leads our PG Cert in learning and teaching, supporting new academic staff to enhance teaching and learning in higher education.
Jo is also a school governor and an external examiner for Greenwich University.
Jo is currently researching the effects of educational policy on teaching and learning specifically in the FE sector. She is exploring student and teacher, engagement and motivation. What is a student’s motivation to learn and what the effects on student motivation? What are the effects of failure on motivation?
She is also researching with the Veterans and Families Institute (VFI) at ARU exploring the impact of parent-child separation.