Hannah Milgate

Vice Chancellor’s PhD Student

Cambridge Institute for Music Therapy Research

Faculty of Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
Cambridge School of Creative Industries
Areas of Expertise:
Music therapy

Indicative research title: Home based music listening to improve sleep for carers of people living with dementia.

[email protected]


Supervisory team: Professor Jorg Fachner (1st), Dr Alex Street (2nd), Dr Dean D'Souza (3rd) and Professor Nigel Osborne (4th)

Hannah's research is a nested project in CIMTR's RadioMe and Homeside projects. It involves using music as an intervention to improve quality of sleep in dementia carers and will include the use of X-System. This will also involve the use of EEG and heart rate data to translate brain activity into corresponding music, with the aim being to create a music playlist synonymous with decreased arousal.

Hannah has an undergraduate and masters degree in psychology, and has also been a musician for most of her life, with her main instruments being clarinet and alto saxophone.

Research interests
  • Mental health
  • Clinical psychology
  • Sleep
  • MSc Psychological research methods - University of Lincoln
  • BSc (Hons) Psychology with clinical psychology - University of Lincoln