Glen Mason

Faculty of Creative and Digital Arts and Sciences
ARU Peterborough
Research Supervision:

Glens industrial and academic background is engineering and computing with research interests in machine learning applications linked to the automotive sector.  Glen is a Chartered Engineer with the IET and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.  Other professional roles include Senior External Examiner and academic consultant.

Email: [email protected]



Before starting a career in education Glen worked in the engineering and construction sector for 12 years in various roles including electronics, electrical power, and manufacturing.  Glen has since worked in the FE and HE sector for 19 years in various posts such as Module Leader, Course Leader, and Head of Faculty.  He has taught across a wide range of topics including Computer Programming, Embedded Systems, Control Systems Engineering and Power Electronics.  Glen is currently a PhD researcher at the Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Laboratory (CAV Lab) at the University of Surrey working on machine learning algorithms to ensure safety of connected vehicles.   Outside teaching Glen is a senior external examiner, consultant, and reviewer (engineering level 4-7) for the Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC).   Glen is also a Chartered Engineer with the IET and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.   In his spare time Glen coaches (and sometimes competes) in Shotokan Karate currently holding the rank of 4th dan

Research interests
  • Functional Safety (Automotive)
  • Safety of the Intended Functionality (SOTIF)
  • Machine Learning
  • Software Design
  • Systems Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA)
  • Reliable Embedded Systems for Safety Critical Systems
  • Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
  • Robust Control Systems
  • Power Systems and Power Electronics
Areas of research supervision
  • Machine Learning
  • Safety Critical Systems
  • Embedded Systems
  • BSc (Hons) Applied Computer Science
  • BSc (Hons) Data and Analytical Science
  • PhD in Automotive Engineering (expected 2024), University of Surrey
  • MSc Reliable Embedded Systems, University of Leicester
  • PGCE, University of Northampton
  • BEng (Hons) Electrical ad Electronic Engineering
Memberships, editorial boards
  • Institution of Engineering and Technology – Chartered Engineer Status
  • Higher Education Academy – Senior Fellow