Fiona Downie

Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Social Care
School of Midwifery and Community Health
Areas of Expertise:
Nursing and midwifery

Fiona is a retired nurse consultant with 25 years' experience in tissue viability.

[email protected]


Fiona recently retired from her clinical post of nurse consultant in tissue viability in an acute cardiothoracic hospital after 25 years’ experience. Her interests are in acute wounds that fail to heal, and the influence of bioburden in wound healing. Fiona is also interested in SSI surveillance and pressure ulcer risk assessment /classification.

Fiona completed an MSc in wound healing and tissue repair from the medical school at Cardiff University in Wales. Her research study, whilst undertaking her MSc, looked at nurses’ and doctors’ knowledge in relation to the practice of wound swabbing. She also completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Education, achieving distinction.

Fiona was awarded a Chief Nurse of England’s Gold award for services to preventing pressure ulcers, and for her contribution to education in tissue viability.

Research interests
  • Swabbing for wound infection
  • Deep tissue injury/vasopressor injuries
  • SSI surveillance and reduction of SSIs

Dual outcome wound management course. This module gives an overview of wound healing related physiology, and management strategies for clinicians working in practice.

Fiona also teaches wound care for other CPD modules, particularly Diabetes and wound healing, and student midwives.

  • PGCE HSHS College, Cambridge Completed Sept 2007 gained a distinction.
  • University of Wales College of Medicine – MSc in Wound Healing & Tissue Repair – Dec 2006
Memberships, editorial boards
  • Member of the editorial board for Wounds UK journal
  • Nursing and Midwifery Council
Research grants, consultancy, knowledge exchange
  • Fiona reviews papers for Wounds UK; British Journal of Nursing; Journal of Wound Care
Selected recent publications

Downie, F., 2020. COVID-19 skin damage challenges: a brief review. Wounds UK, 16(4), pp. 48-51.

Clark, M., Fletcher, J., Downie, F., O’Connor, L., Tyrer, J., Worsley, P., 2020, Delivering care in the strangest of times — necessity becomes the mother of innovation. Wounds UK, 16(2), pp. 16-21

Younis, I., Downie, F., Edwards, J., Rochon, M., Smith, G., Kiernan, M., 2020. Best Practice Statement: Post-operative wound care – reducing the risk of surgical site infection. Wounds UK, online resource.

Fumarola, F., Allaway, R., Callaghan, R., Collier, M., Downie, F., Kiernan, S., Spratt, F., 2020. Overlooked and un- derestimated: medical adhesive-related skin injuries: best practice consensus document on prevention. J Wound Care, 29(Suppl 3c), S1–S24. 

Ousey, K., Holloway, S., Downie, F., Moore, Z., Cornish, L., 2018. Trainee Nursing Associates: A Landmark Innovation? Wounds UK, 14(5), pp. 14-22.

Ousey, K., Stephen-Hayes, J., Tickle, J., Downie, F., Rudman, J., Bishop, A., 2017. Reducing funding for CPD courses: What does it mean for tissue viability? Wounds UK, 13(1), pp. 10-15.

Wounds UK Consensus Document: Recognising, managing and preventing deep tissue injury (DTI). London: Wounds UK, 2017. Member of the Expert Working Group.

White, R., Downie, F., Bree-Aslan, C., Iverson, C., 2014. Pressure ulcers: avoidable or otherwise? Wounds UK, 12(4), pp. 12-21.

Downie, F., Sandoz, H., Gilroy, P., et al, 2014. Avoidable pressure ulcer rates in six acute Trusts. Wounds UK, 10(3), pp. 32-36.

Downie, F., Guy, H., Gilroy, P., et al, 2013. Are 95% of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers avoidable? Wounds UK 9(3), pp. 16-22.

Recent presentations and conferences

Nov 2020 The Wounds UK Annual Conference (virtual). Presented: Made Easy Workshop for MARSI prevention; PPE skin damage. 

July 2020 facilitated and delivered Webinar for Wounds UK on medical adhesive related skin injury (MARSI): an avoidable harm. Practical, patient centre risk assessment and prevention strategies. 

Nov 2019 The Wounds UK Annual Conference, at Harrogate International Centre, Harrogate. Presented: Wounds related to Vasopressors;  DNR for Wounds

Sept 2019 WoundsUK Autumn conference Liverpool. Surgical wound dehiscence.

July 2019 Wounds Summer Conference - Wound Assessment and Categorisation, Birmingham Motorcycle museum. Surgical Wound Dehiscence 

November 2018 The Wounds UK Annual Conference, at Harrogate International Centre, Harrogate.  Acute wounds and complexity – management guidance

April 18 WoundsUK, Infection Day, York Racecourse Conference Centre. Presented: Data Collection - Surgical Site Infection Surveillance; Large Surface Area Wounds - Preventing Wound Infection; Sepsis & Wound Infections

July 2017 Wounds Essentials, WoundsUK, Birmingham. Pressure Ulcers helping patients understand; MLs versus Pus; SSI bundles; Wound dehiscence

March 2017 10th National Wound Care Conference, America Square Conference Centre, London. Continuous surgical site infection surveillance: improving outcomes and cutting costs

Media experience

Video recording for RCN National campaign on PU prevention; Tissue Viability Nurse TV several recordings during 2020 COVID-19 pandemic for staff education.