Evie is a positive psychologist interested in specialising in social cognition and prosocial behaviour. She is particularly interested in facilitating social action and the implications for societal wellbeing.
Evie joined ARU in 2015, as part of the MAPP (Masters in Applied Positive) team. She previously worked at universities in Boston (MIT, Boston University), Paris (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales), and Grenoble (University of Grenoble), before concentrating on more applied work in the last 10 years. In addition to her teaching, she runs a non-profit focused on accessible altruism.
Farnier, J., Shankland, R., Kotsou, I., Inigo, M., Rosset, E., & Leys, C. (2021). Empowering well-being: Validation of a locus of control scale specific to well-being. Journal of Happiness Studies, 22(8), 3513–3542.
Rosset, E., Fouché, M., Peytour, M., & Revil-Signorat, K. (2019). Agir pour autrui comme levier de bien-être individuel : l'exemple du programme Maac. In S. Lantheaume & R. Shankland (dir.), Psychologie positive : 12 interventions. Paris : In Press
Shankland, R., Rosset, E., & Fouché, M. (2018). Développer le bien-être chez les adolescents via les objectifs altruistes : une étude de faisabilité. Sciences & Bonheur, 3, 49-71.
Shankland, R., & Rosset, E. (2016). Review of Brief School-based positive psychological interventions: A taster for teachers and educators. Educational Psychology Review, 29(2), 363–392.
Rosset, E., & Rottman, J. (2014). The big ‘whoops!’ in the study of intentional behavior: An appeal for a new framework in understanding human actions. Journal of Cognition and Culture, 14(1-2), 27–39.
Bègue, L., Bushman, B. J., Giancola, P. R., Subra, B., & Rosset, E. (2010). “there is no such thing as an accident,” especially when people are drunk. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36(10), 1301–1304.
Kelemen, D., & Rosset, E. (2009). The human function compunction: Teleological explanation in adults. Cognition, 111(1), 138–143.
Rosset, E. (2008). It’s no accident: Our bias for intentional explanations. Cognition, 108(3), 771–780.