David Specht


International Policing and Public Protection Research Institute

Faculty of Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences

David works in data analysis for various projects in the International Policing and Public Protection Research Institute (IPPPRI) at ARU, using python and SQL.

[email protected]


David's educational background is in astrophysics at the University of Manchester. In early 2021, he joined the PIER research group (now IPPPRI) under Prof Samantha Lundrigan as a part time analyst, working primarily on studying proven reoffending rates for nominals under the management of MAPPA.

  • Mphys, Physics with Astrophysics (University of Manchester)
  • PhD, Astrophysics (University of Manchester)
Selected recent publications

Lundrigan, S., Mann, N., Specht, D., Kamitz, L.C., 2024. A proven reoffending study of individuals managed under the multi-agency public protection arrangements (MAPPA) in England and Wales. Volumne 15, Frontiers In Psychology.