Corinna Richards

Senior Lecturer Practitioner
Faculty of Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
School of Education
Areas of Expertise:
Education and teaching

Corinna has been a Primary School teacher for over 30 years, including Headship. She has worked in Initial Teacher Education since 2016. She is currently close to submitting her Ed.D thesis on Imposter Phenomenon in Teacher Educators.

[email protected]


The majority of Corinna’s teaching experience has been based in the London Boroughs of Lambeth, Tower Hamlets and Redbridge, where she is still Executive Head Teacher of an Independent Preparatory School. She has also worked as a SENDCo, and qualified as a Play Therapist supporting children’s mental health.

Corinna has also spent many years as a school Governor with responsibilities for overseeing safeguarding. Since 2016 she has also worked in Higher Education, specifically within Initial Teacher Training and Education, including supporting on the Master’s in educational leadership. Her own research has been centred on Teacher Educators’ experience of Imposter Phenomenon.

Research interests
  • Imposter Phenomenon
  • Teacher Education
  • Teacher Educators Identity
  • Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis as a methodology in Education research

Corinna currently teaches on the following modules:

  • Trimester 1 team teaching on Key Paradigms 2: Sociology and Politics
  • Trimester 2: Subject Knowledge for Teaching: Science
  • Masters in Education Leadership, University of Buckingham
  • Diploma in Play Therapy, Canterbury Christ Church University
  • BA (Hons) with QTS, Lancaster University